Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.717
Totale 3.717
Nazione #
IT - Italia 3.717
Totale 3.717
Città #
Genova 2.439
Rapallo 453
Genoa 444
Vado Ligure 356
Bordighera 25
Totale 3.717
Nome #
Giving meaning to alternative methods to animal testing 135
Modulation of CYP1A1 by PKC Inhibitors and TPA Pre-Treatments in MH1C1 Rat Hepatoma Cells Exposed to 3 -Methylcholanthrene 133
From Cells to QSAR: Alternative predictive models in toxicology 131
Evaluation of the Cytotoxic Effects of Humid Lightweight Coal Ash derived from the Disposal of Waste on Normal Human Keratinocyte and Endothelial Cell Lines in 2-D and 3-D Culture 127
Peroxidated olive oil nanoemulsion for cancer targeted therapy 127
Pre-adipocytes commitment to neurogenesis 1: preliminary localisation of cholinergic molecules 124
Evaluation of Potential Risks to Human Health and Ecosystems During Exposure to Discarded Laboratory Chemical Mixtures by In Vitro Multimodel Approach 124
Mechanisms for reduced pulmonary diffusing capacity in haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation recipients. 114
Dietary supplementation of coenzyme Q10 plus multivitamins to hamper the ROS mediated cisplatin ototoxicity in humans: a pilot study 114
Markers of oxidative stress in mammary tumor bearing cats. Romanian Journal of Comparative Oncology 106
Alternative approach to animal testing and cell cultures, according to European laws 106
2D- compared 3D- human cell models: cytotoxic effects of humid lightweight coal ash derived from the disposal of waste 105
A comparative study of leukaemia inhibitory factor and interleukin-1? intracellular content in a human keratinocyte cell line after exposure to cosmetic fragrances and sodium dodecyl sulphate 102
Multidisciplinary approach to assess the biological potential of bioactive green extracts from exhaust organic matrices, obtained by microwave irradiation 101
Lipoperoxides as potential antitumour drugs: evaluation of their apoptotic and anti-angiogenetic 99
Assessment of an in vitro model of human cells to evaluate the potential toxic and irritating of chemical compound. 98
Effects of association of lipoperoxide nanoemulsion and cisplatinum for a cancer targeted therapy in DLD-1 human colon adenocarcinoma cells 98
Effects of in vitro exposure to lipoperoxides in human colon adenocarcinoma and normal endotheliocyte cells are dependent by ROS-modulation of angiogenesis and proliferation markers. 93
Esposizione di pre-adipociti umani a PCB: risultati preliminary 91
Development of in vitro testing strategies for toxicity evaluation of mixtures derived from discarded laboratory chemicals 91
Cytostatic effects of increased lipoperoxide levels on malignant cells is dependent by ros-mediated modulation of angiogenesis and proliferation markers 91
Neurogenic-committed human pre-adipocytes: a novel in vitro model to evaluate the toxicity of xenobiotics/pollutants 91
2D- compared 3D- human cell models: cytotoxic effects of humid lightweight coal ash derived from the disposal of waste 90
Assessment of neurotoxicity assay based on neural-like cells from human adipose derived stem cells 90
Evaluation of oxidative stress levels in the conjunctival epithelium of patients with or without dry eye, and dry eye patients treated with preservative-free hyaluronic acid 0.15 % and vitamin B12 eye drops. 87
Commitment of Italian academic LARF-DIMES for teaching and training in alternative approach to animal testing 87
Assessment of the skin irritation potential of a kit for root canal permanent cementation, using normal human keratinocyte cell line as an alternative to animal testing 85
Evaluation of candidate biomarkers for the assessment of PCBs contamination 82
Allestimento di modelli in vitro con cellule di origine umana per la valutazione del potenziale tossico e irritante di composti chimici 79
Effects of exposure to lipoperoxides in human adenocarcinoma and normal endotheliocyte cell lines. 77
Metodi Alternativi e innovativi, a cura di Susanna Penco, Aracne editrice s.r.l., Roma 76
Effetti di Aloe arborescens su proliferazione e equilibrio ossidativo in cellule di carcinoma umano del colon. 68
Extramitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in myelin sheath: reactive oxygen species production and axonal degeneration in demyelinating diseases. 65
Associazione di Alcool perillico e Vitamina A su m-RNA e proteine di Farnesiltransferasi,RhoA e RhoB di cellule di epatoma di ratto HTC. 62
Extramitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in myelin sheath: reactive oxygen species production and axonal degeneration in demyelinating diseases. 59
Effects of Aloe arborescens whole-leaf juice on proliferation rate and oxidative status in human colon carcinoma and normal endothelial cells. 57
Espressione di farnesiltransferasi, rhoA e rho B in linee cellualri di epatoma di ratto 57
Espressione di farnesiltransferasi, rhoa e rhob in epatociti di ratti trattati con vitamina A e alcool perillico. 55
L'erisimo tra passato, presente e futuro: un nuovo approccio di studio 48
Stress ossidativo e Oncologia Comparata: analisi preliminare di marcatoiri specifici in animali domestici 43
Totale 3.789
Categoria #
all - tutte 11.666
article - articoli 5.742
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 5.715
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 209
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 23.332

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020550 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 30 63 177 118 31
2020/2021257 15 13 17 15 4 16 64 33 16 28 9 27
2021/2022477 14 48 25 66 11 34 31 114 26 44 8 56
2022/2023543 48 73 5 67 91 72 0 36 90 1 57 3
2023/2024341 16 41 6 41 23 55 18 39 15 20 35 32
2024/2025396 33 66 18 71 104 100 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.789