Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.563
Totale 8.563
Nazione #
IT - Italia 8.562
DE - Germania 1
Totale 8.563
Città #
Genova 5.301
Genoa 1.155
Vado Ligure 978
Rapallo 878
Bordighera 250
Bochum 1
Totale 8.563
Nome #
Valutazione dell’efficienza fotosintetica in risposta a stress da zinco nelle Pteridofite 284
Isidia ontogeny and its effect on the CO 2 gas exchanges of the epiphytic lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf 130
Rhizosphere response to nickel in a facultative hyperaccumulator 130
Green streets for pollutants reduction 127
Biodiversity in Metal-Contaminated Sites – Problem and Perspective – A Case Study 124
Experiencing innovative biomaterials for buildings: Potentialities of mosses 124
Ecological studies on the serpentine endemic plant Cerastium utriense Barberis 122
The flower biology of Daphne gnidium L. (Thymelaeaceae) 122
Composizione muscinale per l’inverdimento di aree urbane e sistema comprendente tale composizione muscinale 120
Assessment of Ni accumulation capability by fungi for a possible approach to remove metals from soils and waters 116
Effects of high zinc concentration on poplar leaves: A morphological and biochemical study 115
Zinc tolerance and accumulation in the ferns Polypodium cambricum L. and Pteris vittata L. 111
Seed morphology in Moehringia L. and its taxonomic significance in comparative studies within the Caryophyllaceae 110
Microfungi in highly copper-contaminated soils from an abandoned Fe–Cu sulphide mine: Growth responses, tolerance and bioaccumulation 109
Floral features and reproductive ecology in Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl 107
Phytotoxicity tests with higher plants for environmental risk assessment 107
Effects of cadmium and arsenic on Pteris vittata under hydroponic conditions 103
Air pollution mitigation via urban green interactions with particulate matter 103
Vertical greening systems for pollutants reduction 103
Soil and Plant Communities of a dump site in the Libiola mine (NW Italy) 101
Phytotechnologies: from waste to raw materials 99
Nickel phytoremediation potential of the Mediterranean Alyssoides utriculata (L.) Medik. 99
Level of trace elements in Pteridophytes growing on serpentine and metalliferous soils 98
Macrofungal diversity in Pinus nigra plantations in Northwest Italy (Liguria) 95
Trace element composition of ferns and their allies growing on serpentine outcrops in the Ligurian region 92
Demographic structure and reproductive success of Primula allionii, a plant endemic to Maritime Alps 92
Pollen vector in Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl. 91
Pollination ecology in the narrow endemic winter-flowering Primula allionii (Primulaceae) 91
The impact of Ni on the physiology of a Mediterranean Ni-hyperaccumulating plant 91
Overexpression of AtPCS1 in tobacco increases arsenic and arsenic plus cadmium accumulation and detoxification 91
Biodiversity in metal-polluted soils 90
Quantification of fine dust deposition on different plant species in a vertical greening system 90
Histology and body growth of newborn earthworms Dendrobaena veneta (Rosa, 1886) exposed to nickel 89
Plant colonization on a contaminated serpentine site 88
Storage, localization and physiological effecet of metal in the new Ni hyperaccumulator Alyssoides utriculata (Brassicaceae) 86
Mineral-fungal interactions in a waste-rock dump from the Libiola mine (eastern Liguria, Italy) 85
Potentially toxic element contamination in waste rocks, soils and wild flora at the Roşia Montană mining area (Romania) 85
Fungi and plants in contaminated sulphide mine soil in Libiola (NW-Italy) 84
Corrigendum to “Conclusive remarks. Reliability and comparability of chlorophyll fluorescence data from several field teams” [Environ. Exp. Bot. 73 (2011) 116–119] 84
MosSkin: A moss-based lightweight building system 84
A rhizosphere approach to mitigate soil erosion and pollution 83
Smart filters of particulate matter: plants in urban areas 83
Screening of mosses for potential application in urban ecosystems 83
Conclusive remarks. Reliability and comparability of chlorophyll fluorescence data from several field teams 81
Seed germination under nickel stress in a facultative hyperaccumulator 80
An anatomical study of floral variation in Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl. related to sexual dimorphism 80
Infrastrutture verdi per la mitigazione dell’isola di calore e il miglioramento della qualità di vita 80
Effect of mineralogy and chemistry of metal polluted soils on biodiversity and metal bioaccumulation (Libiola Mine, Italy) 79
Simplified CFD modeling of air pollution reduction by means of greenery in urban canyons 78
Reproductive success in Daphne gnidium (Thymelaeaceae) 78
Biodiversity in metal-polluted soils 76
Plant colonization and fungi on a contaminated serpentine site 76
Pollination strategies in the narrow endemic species Primula allionii Loisel. (Primulaceae). 76
Multiple bioassays to evaluate ecotoxicity of polluted substrates 76
Daphne gnidium L. (Thymelaeaceae): una specie androdioica? 74
Copper accumulation in microfungi from a mine site 74
Mycodiversity assessment of a contaminated area of the abandoned libiola copper sulphide mine (Liguria, NW Italy) 74
Dispersal mechanisms in some reprentatives of the genus Moehringia L. (Caryophyllaceae) 74
Funghi per risanare l'ambiente 74
Reproductive efficiency of Primula allionii: is this endemic plant really threatened? 71
Phytoremediation: un approccio rizosferico 71
Analisi AFLP di Alyssoides utriculata (L.) Medik., specie iperaccumulatrice di nichel AFLP analysis of sub-Mediterranean Nickel-hyperaccumulator Alyssoides utriculata (L.) Medik. 71
Ecological Studies on the Endemic Cerastium utriense (Caryophyllaceae) 69
Analisi AFLP di Alyssoides utriculata (L.) Medik., una specie submediterranea iperaccumulatrice di nichel 66
ECOLOPES, BEYOND GREENING. A multi-species approach for urban design 63
Guarda che fibra! 63
Microfungi in a Cu-rich waste rock dump from an abandoned Fe-Cu sulphide mine (Libiola Mine, Eastern Liguria, Italy) 63
European black pine wood in serpentine soil: macrofungal diversity 62
Il significato sistematico della morfologia dei semi nella subfam. Alsinoideae (Caryophyllaceae) con l’uso del SEM: primi risultati 62
Nickel tolerance in fungi and plants selected from metal-rich sites 60
Sviluppo embrionale di fiori di Thymelaea hirsuta in relazione alla sua evoluzione verso il dioicismo 60
L’affleurement ophiolitique du Groupe de Voltri (Ligurie, Italie): hétérogenéité des sols et diversité floristique 59
La conservazione ex situ delle piante di suoli metalliferi per la rinaturalizzazione e il restauro ambientale 59
Mineral-Biosphere interactions in contaminated soils 59
Piante e funghi colonizzatori di un sito serpentinitico contaminato. 58
Genova Botanical Garden as resource for scientists and citizens 58
Influence of soil mineralogy and chemistry on fungi and plants in a waste-rock dump from the Libiola mine (eastern Liguria, Italy) 57
Floricoltura sostenibile. Manuale e linee guida SUMFLOWER 57
Reproductive biology of Saxifraga florulenta Moretti, a semelparous paleo-endemic of the Alps 56
Rhizosphere response to nickel stress in hyperaccumulator and non-hyperaccumulator species 56
Rhizosphere response to Ni stress in the facultative hyperaccumulator Alyssoides utriculata (L.) Medik. 56
Risultati preliminari sulla capacità di crescita in presenza di rame di ceppi microfungini isolati nella miniera di Libiola (Ge) 55
Metal-tolerant plant Response to soil contamination 55
Filtri intelligenti: Piante in città 55
Tolleranza e accumulo di zinco in Polypodium cambricum L. e confronto con Pteris vittata L. 54
Effect of Nickel stress on seed germination in hyperaccumulator plants and related species 54
Studi interdisciplinari per la conservazione di specie in pericolo: il caso di Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl. nel Tirreno settentrionale. 53
Colonizzazione di un sito contaminato: il caso di Telephora terrestris Ehrh. e Pinus pinaster Aiton. 53
Seed germination under nickel stress in a hyperaccumulator and non-hyperaccumulator species 53
Effetti della sovraespressione di AtPCS1 sull’accumulo di Arsenico e Cadmio in tabacco 52
New seed morphological features in Moehringia L. (Caryophyllaceae) and their taxonomic and ecological significance 51
Rhizosphere microbiota responses to nickel stress 51
Microclimatic and Environmental Improvement in a Mediterranean City through the Regeneration of an Area with Nature-Based Solutions: A Case Study 49
The reproductive biology of Daphne gnidium L. 48
Linee guida per una Floricoltura Sostenibile LIFE+ SUMFLOWER "Sustainable Management of Floricolture in Western Riviera" (LIFE+ 09 ENV/IT/067) 45
Reproductive ecology of Saxifraga florulenta, a monocarpic perennial paleo-endemic of the Alps 45
Schede per una Lista Rossa della flora vascolare e crittogamica Italiana: Saxifraga florulenta Moretti. 44
Totale 8.152
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.730
article - articoli 13.625
book - libri 376
conference - conferenze 12.866
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 205
patent - brevetti 366
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.292
Totale 57.460

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.391 0 0 0 0 0 186 264 97 119 409 252 64
2020/2021545 23 26 45 76 43 65 15 38 59 32 75 48
2021/20221.245 18 113 70 143 39 92 77 277 125 98 32 161
2022/20231.101 115 92 16 105 137 167 25 93 185 15 125 26
2023/20241.158 52 162 43 114 64 122 71 286 51 23 62 108
2024/20251.033 86 179 101 138 355 174 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.819