Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.688
Totale 3.688
Nazione #
IT - Italia 3.688
Totale 3.688
Città #
Genova 2.473
Rapallo 457
Vado Ligure 457
Genoa 298
Bordighera 3
Totale 3.688
Nome #
Multiplicities of classical varieties 159
A Gorenstein criterion for strongly F-regular and log terminal singularities 138
On the dual graph of a Cohen-Macaulay algebra 135
Computing the Betti table of a monomial ideal: A reduction algorithm 128
Relations between the minors of a generic matrix 121
Arithmetical rank of certain Segre embeddings 121
Cohomological and projective dimensions 120
Componentwise regularity (I) 119
Cohen-Macaulayness of generically complete intersection monomial ideals 118
Maximal minors and linear powers 115
Partitions of single exterior type 114
On the h-vectors of Cohen-Macaulay Flag Complexes 112
Regularity of prime ideals 112
Symbolic powers and matroids 110
Connectivity of pseudomanifold graphs from an algebraic point of view 109
Linear syzygies, hyperbolic Coxeter groups and regularity 107
Koszulness, Krull dimension and other properties of graph-related algebras 106
Generic and special constructions of pure O-sequences 106
The possible extremal Betti numbers of a homogeneous ideal 101
Hankel determinantal rings have rational singularities 100
Linear syzygies, flag complexes and regularity 99
The F-pure threshold of a determinant ideal 99
When does depth stabilize early on? 95
Test, multiplier and invariant ideals 94
Regulating Hartshorne's connectedness theorem 90
Connectivity of hyperplane sections of domains 90
Cohomological and Combinatorial Methods in the Study of Symbolic Powers and Equations defining Varieties 86
Unmixed graphs that are domains 86
On the diameter of an ideal 84
Regularity of line configurations 81
On a conjecture of Kalai 75
Simplicial complexes of small cxdimension 64
Gröbner deformation, connectedness and cohomological dimension 58
Square-free Gröbner degenerations 39
Canonical Cohen-Macaulay property and Lyubeznik numbers under Groebner deformations 39
null 35
Singularities and radical initial ideals 31
Groebner deformations 27
Recent Developments in Commutative Algebra 24
Determinants, Gröbner Bases and Cohomology 23
Gröbner deformations and F-singularities 17
F-singularities of Determinantal Rings 15
Universal Gröbner Bases 13
Algebras Defined by Minors 12
Cohomology and Regularity in Characteristic Zero 12
Determinantal Ideals and the Straightening Law 11
Regularity, singularity and h-vector of graded algebras 11
Grassmannians, Flag Varieties, Schur Functors and Cohomology 10
Castelnuovo–Mumford Regularity 10
More on Gröbner Deformations 10
Gröbner Bases, Initial Ideals and Initial Algebras 9
Asymptotic Regularity for Symbolic Powers of Determinantal Ideals 8
Gröbner Bases of Determinantal Ideals 8
Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity and Powers 7
Totale 3.823
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.318
article - articoli 10.783
book - libri 127
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 227
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.181
Totale 24.636

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020606 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 79 85 159 96 32
2020/2021315 30 22 20 22 8 37 14 36 21 39 32 34
2021/2022461 22 17 58 42 19 30 19 109 29 41 16 59
2022/2023532 45 52 3 56 59 79 6 31 92 9 94 6
2023/2024216 15 24 9 40 17 14 16 11 10 2 27 31
2024/2025490 55 67 22 58 173 113 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.823