Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 17.251
Totale 17.251
Nazione #
IT - Italia 17.251
Totale 17.251
Città #
Genova 11.267
Genoa 2.558
Rapallo 1.783
Vado Ligure 1.593
Bordighera 50
Totale 17.251
Nome #
Common Framework for Naval Surface Ship Manoeuvring Performance and Requirements - NATO STANAG 4721 946
Influence of Weber number on Surface Piercing Propellers model tests scaling 198
The Kriso Container Ship (Kcs) Test Case: An Open Source Overview 169
Cavitation Tunnel Acoustic Characterisation and Application to Model Propeller Radiated Noise Measurements at Different Functioning Conditions 167
A Practical Method for the Prediction of Planing Craft Motions in Regular and Irregular Waves 161
Numerical Evaluation of Rudder Performance Behind a Propeller in Bollard Pull Condition 161
Design of ducted propeller nozzles through a RANSE-based optimization approach 159
EFD and CFD characterization of a CLT propeller 152
Design and Validation of Dynamic Positioning for Marine Systems: a Case Study 150
Comparison of experimental and numerical sloshing loads in partially filled tanks 148
Model scale investigation of the effect of different speed reduction strategies on cavitating propeller radiated noise 147
Analysis of twin screw ships' asymmetric propeller behaviour by means of free running model tests 144
A study on the numerical prediction of propellers cavitating tip vortex 144
An Experimental and Numerical Study on Cavitation of Hull Appendages 141
Direct scantling assessment of propeller blades 140
Model scale cavitation noise spectra prediction: Combining physical knowledge with data science 140
An extensive analysis of numerical ship self-propulsion prediction via a coupled BEM/RANS approach 139
Design and Analysis of Counter-Rotating Propellers – Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results 136
A study on the influence of hull wake on model scale cavitation and noise tests for a fast twin screw vessel with inclined shaft 136
Experimental and numerical investigations for modelling propeller cavitation noise 135
Design and Analysis of Counter-Rotating Propellers. Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results 132
Investigation of twin screw naval ships manoeuvrability behavior 130
Guidance for Naval Ship Mission Oriented Manoeuvring Requirements”, ANEP – 70 (1) Vol I 129
Analysis of Asymmetrical Shaft Power Increase During Tight Manoeuvres 128
Analysis of the asymmetric behavior of propeller–rudder system of twin screw ships by CFD 127
Parametric analysis of ship noise spectra 126
CPP propeller cavitation and noise optimization at different pitches with panel code and validation by cavitation tunnel measurements 124
Aspects of the measurement of the acoustic transfer function in a cavitation tunnel 124
CFD-based analyses for a slow speed manoeuvrability model 122
Cavitation tunnel tests for “The Princess Royal” model propeller behind a 2-dimensional wake screen 122
Comparison of experimental and numerical sloshing loads in partially filled tanks. 121
Two medium size cavitation tunnel hydro-acoustic benchmark experiment comparisons as part of a round robin test campaign 121
Numerical and Experimental Optimization of a CP propeller at different pitch settings 120
Efficient and multi-objective cavitating propeller optimization: An application to a high-speed craft 120
Evaluation of slamming loads using smoothed particle hydrodynamics and Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes methods 118
Method for estimating parameters of practical ship manoeuvring models based on the combination of RANSE computations and System Identification 118
Application of System Identification for the Improvement of Manoeuvrability Prediction for Twin-Screw Ships 117
Ship wake scaling and effect on propeller performances 117
6 DOF simulation of maneuvering and propulsive performance of a waterjet propelled mega yacht 116
Experimental investigation of pressure pulses and radiated noise for two alternative designs of the propeller of a high-speed craft 116
Z-Drive Escort Tug manoeuvrability model and simulation 116
Aspects of twin screw ships semi-empirical maneuvering models 114
Assessment of different methods for the prediction of marine propellers induced pressures 114
An efficient and robust approach to predict ship self-propulsion coefficients 114
Comparison of experimental and numerical loads on an impacting bow section 113
Propeller Cavitation 3d Reconstruction through Stereo-Vision Algorithms 113
Escort Tug Hydrodynamic Forces Estimation in a Design Framework: From Model Test to Manoeuvrability Simulation 113
SPH Analysis of a Planing Surface 112
EFD and CFD design and analysis of a propeller in decelerating duct 110
A Momentum Theory Approach to the Seakeeping of Planing Crafts 107
Evaluation of Slamming Loads on Ship Bow Section Adopting SPH and RANSE Method 107
Fatigue strength assessment of propellers by means of weakly coupled CFD and FEM analyses 106
Numerical modelling of propulsion, control and ship motions in 6 degrees of freedom 106
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of a CLT Propeller Cavitation Behavior 104
Comparison of Different Approaches for the Design and Analysis of Ducted Propellers 103
Design, analysis and experimental characterization of a propeller in decelerating duct 103
Detection of anomalous operation of driveline components in a cavitation tunnel for marine propellers 103
Investigation of asymmetrical shaft power increase during ship maneuvers by means of simulation techniques 102
An improved wake description by higher order velocity statistical moments for single screw vessel 101
Cavitation Noise Spectra Prediction with Hybrid Models 101
CFD Analysis of a Zero Speed Active Fin 100
Simulation of the dynamic behaviour of a CODLAG propulsion plant 100
Propeller modeling approaches for off–design operative conditions 100
Improvements in fatigue strength assessment of marine propellers 99
Ship propeller side effects: pressure pulses and radiated noise 99
Additive Manufacturing Application to a Ship Propeller Model for Experimental Activity in the Cavitation Tunnel 98
Development of an experimental device for a pod fitted with contra-rotating propellers 97
Influence of Propeller Characteristics on Propeller Structural Design 96
A Simulation Approach for Planing Boats Propulsion and Manoeuvrability 96
Experimental Investigation of Asymmetrical Propeller Behaviour of Twin Screw Ships During Manoeuvres 95
Investigation on the Interaction between Ship Propulsion Control System and Manoeuvrability by Time Domain Simulation 95
Ship self-propulsion performance prediction by using OpenFOAM and different simplified propeller models 95
A Coupled DBE/FE Analysis for the Prediction of Propeller Induced Pressure and Vibration on the Ship Hull 94
Simulations of a sloshing experiment by FEM CFD and FEM FSI approaches 94
An All-Round Design-to-Simulation Approach of a New Z-Drive Escort Tug Class 94
A new multidisciplinary research team 93
Numerical and Experimental characterization of a CP propeller unsteady cavitation at different pitch settings 92
Design Project of a Trimaran Multipurpuose Frigate – Study of the Hydrodynamic Aspects 90
Numerical analysis of escort tug manoeuvrability characteristics 90
Manoeuvrability of ships – Identification of Hydrodynamic Coefficients from Experimental Manoeuvres 89
Metodologie per la Progettazione di Eliche Silenziose 89
Comparison of experimental and numerical impact loads on ship-like sections 89
Alternative Methods for the Identification of Hydrodynamic Coefficients from Standard Manoeuvres 88
Propulsion Plant Simulation for Fast Military Vessels 88
Performance of a Family of Surface Piercing Propellers 87
Hybrid Model for Cavitation Noise Spectra Prediction 87
Model Tests and full scale operation with surface piercing propellers 86
Cavitation Tunnel Tests on Ducted Propellers 86
Application of different design and Analysis tools for a Propeller in Axial Cylinder 86
Comparison of SPH and RANSE methods for the evaluation of impact problems in the marine field 85
Application of Identification Techniques for the Improvement of Manoeuvrability Predictions 85
Automatic Parametric Hull Form Optimization of Fast Naval Vessels 85
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Asymmetrical Behaviour of Rudder / Propeller for Twin Screw Ships 85
Evaluation of methods to measure acoustic transfer functions in cavitation tunnels 85
Experimental characterization of two CP propellers at different pitch settings, considering cavitating behaviour and related noise phenomena 84
Evaluation of Slamming Loads on a Wedge-Shaped Section at Different Heel Angles adopting SPH and RANSE Methods 83
Conceptual design of a Fuel Cell electric generator for a Ro/Ro Passenger ferry vessel 83
Propulsion and steering effects on dynamics of high speed craft 83
Application of computer vision techniques to measure cavitation bubble volume and cavitating tip vortex diameter 83
Totale 12.089
Categoria #
all - tutte 53.494
article - articoli 21.703
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 26.239
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 2.760
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.792
Totale 106.988

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.946 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 239 347 739 469 152
2020/20211.341 114 123 100 98 97 193 81 71 140 99 137 88
2021/20222.050 41 136 138 196 85 189 141 461 136 195 75 257
2022/20232.215 175 147 30 217 257 331 49 185 383 80 301 60
2023/20241.333 61 170 45 179 105 154 92 108 81 52 119 167
2024/20252.533 155 303 128 230 540 382 433 362 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.775