Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.125
Totale 4.125
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.125
Totale 4.125
Città #
Genova 2.543
Genoa 674
Vado Ligure 460
Rapallo 431
Bordighera 17
Totale 4.125
Nome #
Consistent learning by composite proximal thresholding 151
An extension of Mercer theorem to matrix-valued measurable kernels 144
A consistent algorithm to solve Lasso, elastic-net and Tikhonov regularization. 142
PADDLE: Proximal Algorithm for Dual Dictionaries LEarning 139
Regularized learning schemes in feature Banach spaces 138
Elastic-net regularization: iterative algorithms and asymptotic behavior of solutions 137
Consistency of Learning Algorithms Using Attouch–Wets Convergence 134
Learning multiple visual tasks while discovering their structure 127
Convergence analysis of a proximal Gauss-Newton method 122
A stochastic inertial forward–backward splitting algorithm for multivariate monotone inclusions 121
Accelerated and Inexact Forward-Backward Algorithms 116
A First-Order Stochastic Primal-Dual Algorithm with Correction Step 114
Stochastic Forward---Backward Splitting for Monotone Inclusions 112
Proximal methods for the latent group lasso penalty 110
Solving Structured Sparsity Regularization with Proximal Methods 108
Modified Fejér sequences and applications 106
Approximability of sliding modes and regularization 103
Sparse multiple kernel learning: Support identification via mirror stratifiability 102
Stochastic gradient methods for stochastic model predictive control 101
A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Group Sparse Regularization with Overlapping Groups 100
Well-posedness of nonconvex integral functionals 96
A Regularization Approach to Nonlinear Variable Selection 91
Dynamic Simulations of Kidney Exchanges 89
On the regularization of sliding modes 88
Is There Sparsity Beyond Additive Models? 88
Iterative Regularization via Dual Diagonal Descent 87
Convergence of Stochastic Proximal Gradient Algorithm 87
Nonparametric Sparsity and Regularization 86
Inexact and accelerated proximal point algorithms 81
On a variational problem of Ulam 76
Learning with incremental iterative regularization 73
Well-posedness of nonconvex integral functionals 70
On learnability, complexity and stability 70
Parallel random block-coordinate forward–backward algorithm: a unified convergence analysis 58
Thresholding gradient methods in Hilbert spaces: support identification and linear convergence 57
Zeroth order optimization with orthogonal random directions 55
Generic well posedness in linear programming 55
Iterative regularization for low complexity regularizers 54
null 54
Proximal Gradient Methods for Machine Learning and Imaging 49
AW -Convergence and Well-Posedness of Non Convex Functions 48
Convergence of the forward-backward algorithm: beyond the worst-case with the help of geometry 46
Convergence rates for the heavy-ball continuous dynamics for non-convex optimization, under Polyak–Łojasiewicz condition 39
Regularization Properties of Dual Subgradient Flow 37
Convergence of an asynchronous block-coordinate forward-backward algorithm for convex composite optimization 34
null 26
On learning the optimal regularization parameter in inverse problems 25
Fast iterative regularization by reusing data 23
Implicit regularization with strongly convex bias: Stability and acceleration 18
Ada-BKB: Scalable Gaussian Process Optimization on Continuous Domains by Adaptive Discretization 17
Snacks: a fast large-scale kernel SVM solver 16
Incentive compatibility in kidney exchange problems 15
Iterative regularization for convex regularizers 14
Accelerated iterative regularization via dual diagonal descent 1
Totale 4.250
Categoria #
all - tutte 14.490
article - articoli 9.451
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 2.885
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.154
Totale 28.980

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020593 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 76 92 147 119 23
2020/2021348 24 26 49 28 15 29 12 25 33 28 44 35
2021/2022510 18 31 44 45 22 41 27 102 37 43 41 59
2022/2023552 50 30 1 43 56 81 59 35 75 15 91 16
2023/2024480 18 36 42 39 32 87 33 61 30 27 10 65
2024/2025587 54 77 44 95 104 129 84 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.250