Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.447
Totale 7.447
Nazione #
IT - Italia 7.447
Totale 7.447
Città #
Genova 5.323
Rapallo 925
Genoa 636
Vado Ligure 562
Bordighera 1
Totale 7.447
Nome #
SMART STRUCTURES - Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Structural Control EACS 2012 155
Damage detection and localization algorithms for continuous static monitoring of structures 137
Damage Detection and Localization for Continuous Static Monitoring of Structures using a Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of Signals 135
Corrosion Detection in Reinforced Concrete Structures using Static and Dynamic Response Measurements 134
Diagnostic tests and numerical simulations for the preservation of two stone stairways in the historic centre of Genoa (Italy) 133
Monitoring with Fiber Optic Sensors of a Cable-Stayed Bridge in the Port of Venice 132
Adaptive building skin structures 130
A long-term static monitoring experiment on R.C. beams: damage identification under environmental effect 130
Application of SHM Techniques in the Restoration of Historical Buildings: the Royal Villa of Monza 129
Damage Detection Algorithms for Continuous Static Monitoring: Review and Comparison 121
Validation of an SHM Procedure for Concrete Bridges based on Static Strain Records 119
A European Association for the Control of Structures joint perspective. Recent studies in civil structural control across Europe 116
The Role of Monitoring in the Management of Uncertainties and Residual Life of Existing Structures 113
Breakwater Deformation Monitoring by Automatic and Remote GPS System 110
Examples of Future Potential Smart Civil Structures 110
Structural Health Monitoring Standards 110
Computational morphogenesis of free-form grid shells 108
Data Management and Damage Identification from Continuous Static Monitoring of Structures 108
Smart Structures with Fiber Optic Technologies 107
Reliability of SHM Procedures and Decision Support in Infrastructure Management 107
Processing of Fiber Optic Dynamic Strain Records for Structural Monitoring 105
Unconventional Structural Forms in Pedestrian Bridge Design 104
A Critical Review of Recent Advances in Monitoring Data Analysis and Interpretation for Civil Structures 99
Recent Structural Health Monitoring Applications in Italy 99
Adaptivity criteria for the design of building envelopes 98
Computer Benchmark for Static and Dynamic Damage Identification in Bridges 96
A Long-Term Static Monitoring Experiment on R.C. Beams using Fiber Optic Sensors 96
Health Monitoring for Corrosion Detection in Reinforced Concrete Bridges 96
Data Analysis and Interpretation from GPS Monitoring of Breakwater 93
Multi-DOF single layer truss structures control by means of a Finite State Control strategy 93
On the Reliability of Smart Monitored Structures 92
Deployable Structures 92
Cost optimization of MDOF adaptive solar skins: design issues 91
Data Analysis and Interpretation for Long-Term Monitoring of Structures 90
Structural Monitoring in the Villa Reale of Monza, Italy 89
Computational morphogenesis in architecture: the cost-optimization of free-form grid shells 88
On the static monitoring of bridges and bridge-like structures 88
The Role of Structural Monitoring in the Management of Risks Associated to Dams 87
Reliability of decisions based on lifetime functions and monitoirng data 86
Fiber Optic Sensing Technologies for Smart Materials and Structures 86
Computational Morphogenesis in Architecture: the cost optimization of free-form Grid Shells 85
Monitoring system for a cable-stayed bridge using static and dynamic fiber optic sensors 84
Monitoring of bridges with static strain and displacement data 84
Safety Assessment and Retrofitting of Structures in Marine Environment 83
Influence of SHM and adaptivity concepts on time-dependent reliability of Structures 83
Structural Health Monitoring: research and practice 81
Structural Health Monitoring of Harbour Piers 80
Health Monitoring of R.C. Structures: a comparison of Static and Dynamic Approaches via Benchmarking 80
A Submarine Tunnel for the Genoa Harbour Crossing: Conceptual Aspects of the Preliminary Design 79
The smeared crack approach in the limit state analysis of bidimensional reinforced concrete structures 79
Health Monitoring of old Structures in the Port of Genoa 78
Non-destructive mehods using fiber-optic deformation sensors for damage identification in pre-stressed concrete structures 78
Design concepts for adaptive multi-functional building envelopes 78
Nonlinear finite element analysis of r.c. shell structures: tuning of smeared cracking models 75
Reliability estimate of damage identification algorithms 72
Analisi del comportamento non lineare del complesso palo-terreno mediante l'uso di modelli ad elementi finiti 70
SHM and adaptivity concepts in the reduction of risks associated to structural failures 70
Fiber Optic Sensors for Structural Control 69
Reliability Issues in Damage Identification via Structural Health Monitoring 68
Requalification of the Offshore Port of Manfredonia: A case history for structural assessment and retrofit 67
Il comportamento a stato limite di strutture complesse in c.a: approccio mediante programmi non lineari ad elementi finiti 67
Application of A Virtual Force Density Method 67
Experiences in Data Analysis and Interpretation from Continuous Static Monitoring of Bridges 65
Structural Health Monitoring and infrastructure automation 65
Recent Structural Health Monitoring Applications in Italy 65
Adaptive Frameworks Topology Optimization 63
SHM of civil structures: expectations and perspectives 62
Experimental Validation of Damage Identification Algorithms in R. C. Structures 61
Experimental validation of damage detection algorithms for static response data 61
Measuring Deformations of Large Structural Systems 61
Uncertainties in Damage Identification and Lifetime Functions of Ageing Concrete Structures 60
Su alcuni modelli per la simulazione del comportamento del palo di fondazione immerso in terreno non omogeneo 59
European Perspective on Monitoring-Based Maintenance 59
Non linear finite element analysis of piles in cohesionless soils 58
Structural Monitoring for Retrofit and Rehabilitation 57
The role of SHM in infrastructure management 57
Monitoraggio con sensori a fibra ottica del ponte strallato sul canale industriale ovest di Marghera 53
Form-Finding Methods for Structural Frameworks 53
Il restauro delle coperture e il recupero conservativo del Belvedere 53
New Monitoring Technologies for the Safety Evaluation of Dams: European Experiences 52
Long-Term Structural Health Monitoring of the Royal Villa of Monza 50
Static Deformation Measurements with Fiber.Optic Sensors: A Long-Term Experience on R.C Beams 50
Il progetto della sicurezza del Tunnel Subportuale di Genova 49
Progetto concettuale di una copertura mobile di grande luce con schema ad origami 49
Monitoraggio strutturale combinato, statico e dinamico, con sensori a fibra ottica a base di misura estesa 49
Il monitoraggio strutturale nella gestione del ciclo di vita delle opere civili: ricerche ed esperienze 47
Monitoring of vibrations for the protection of architectural Heritage 45
Impiego di sensori a fibre ottiche e di accelerometri nel monitoraggio della corrosione 38
Totale 7.451
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.768
article - articoli 1.999
book - libri 608
conference - conferenze 15.344
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 817
Totale 37.536

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.211 0 0 0 0 0 0 281 57 159 391 223 100
2020/2021257 16 13 11 21 6 29 18 16 60 24 22 21
2021/2022924 11 82 22 144 35 49 81 256 12 94 21 117
2022/20231.110 107 76 22 175 156 186 3 82 206 3 82 12
2023/2024327 16 69 3 41 18 36 8 8 22 4 43 59
2024/2025687 50 97 52 55 214 161 58 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.451