Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.381
Totale 9.381
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.381
Totale 9.381
Città #
Genova 6.504
Genoa 975
Rapallo 954
Vado Ligure 921
Bordighera 27
Totale 9.381
Nome #
On-line Space Sculpturing for 3D Shape Manipulation 175
Scale-Space Techniques for Fiducial Points Extraction from 3D Faces 155
A multi-resolution topological representation for non-manifold meshes 148
Multi-VMap: a Multi-Scale Model for Vector Maps 139
Data structures for simplicial multi-complexes 137
A continuous scale-space method for the automated placement of spot heights on maps 135
A multimodal dataset for the analysis of movement qualities in karate martial art 133
An on-line algorithm for constrained Delaunay triangulation 131
Compressing Multiresolution Triangle Meshes 131
A survey of data structures for level-of-detail models 130
A Virtually Continuous Representation of the Deep Structure of Scale-Space 130
Animation-Aware Quadrangulation 128
Clustering techniques for out-of-core multi-resolution modeling 127
A representation for abstract simplicial complexes: an analysis and a comparison 127
Tracing Field-Coherent Quad Layouts 126
Mosaicing of 3D Sonar Data Sets - Techniques and Applications 125
A comparison of methods for gradient field estimation on simplicial meshes 124
Automatic construction of quad-based subdivision surfaces using Fitmaps 123
On the topological representation of line drawings 120
A complete system for on-line modelling of acoustic images 119
Selective refinement queries for volume visualization of unstructured tetrahedral meshes 118
Implicit hierarchical quad-dominant meshes 118
Statics Aware Grid Shells 118
Dynamic view-dependent multiresolution on a client-server architecture 117
An algorithm for decomposing multi-dimensional non-manifold objects into nearly manifold components 116
Patchwork Terrains: Multi-resolution Representation from Arbitrary Overlapping Grids with Dynamic Update 116
Adaptive LOD editing of quad meshes 115
The Half-Edge Tree: A Compact Data Structure for Level-of-Detail Tetrahedral Meshes 114
Representing vertex-based multiresolution simplicial complexes 112
Optimal isosurface extraction 110
Limbs synchronisation as a measure of movement quality in Karate 109
Level-of-Detail for Data Analysis and Exploration: a historical overview and some new perspectives 108
Variable resolution triangulations 107
Multi-Scale Geographic Maps 107
A multi-resolution topological representation for non-manifold meshes 107
Non-manifold decomposition in arbitrary dimensions 106
Multiresolution Representation of Shapes Based on Cell Complexes 106
Practical quad mesh simplification 106
RGB Subdivision 104
Simple Quad Domains for Field Aligned Mesh Parametrization 104
Multi-resolution Terrain Modeling 104
Data structures for 3D multi-tessellations: an overview 103
Morphology-driven simplification and multiresolution modeling of terrains 103
Speeding up isosurface extraction using interval trees 103
Multiresolution representation and visualization of volume data 102
Evaluating Movement Quality Through Intrapersonal Synchronization 101
Volume Visualization of Large Tetrahedral Meshes on Low Cost Platforms 100
Applications of Computational Geometry to Geographical Information Systems 99
Hierarchical triangulation for multiresolution surface description 99
Skeleton-driven Adaptive Hexahedral Meshing of Tubular Shapes 98
Computing the Riemannian center of mass on meshes 97
Data-driven interactive quadrangulation 97
Decomposing non-manifold object in arbitrary dmension 96
3-SHIRT: Three-Dimensional Shape Indexing and Retrieval Techniques 96
3D environment modeling for underwater applications 95
Fast neighborhood search on polygonal meshes 94
Quad-Mesh Generation and Processing: a survey 94
An Algorithm for Decomposing Multi-dimensional Non-manifold Objects 94
Stability of Statics Aware Voronoi Grid-Shells 94
Interpolatory Adaptive Subdivision for Mesh LOD Editing 91
Multi-resolution out-of-core modelling of terrain and geological data 90
Encoding Level-Of-Detail Tetrahedral Meshes through the Half-Edge Tree 88
Representation of non-manifold objects through decomposition into nearly manifold parts 86
Non-Manifold Multi-Tessellation: from Meshes to Iconic Representations of 3D Objects 85
Patchwork Terrains 82
A Library for Multiresolution Modeling of Field Data in GIS 82
Fields on Symmetric Surfaces 82
Ping to ping registration of 3D sonar data sets 81
Improving 3D shape retrieval with SVM 81
Selectively refinable subdivision meshes 80
Dynamic adaptive subdivision meshes 79
Skeleton based cage generation guided by harmonic fields 79
Adaptive Quad Mesh Simplification 78
Efficient on-line mosaicing from 3D acoustical images 77
Out-of-core Multi-resolution Modeling 74
Extraction of the quad layout of a triangle mesh guided by its curve skeleton 73
Compressing triangulated irregular networks 69
Shape reconstruction with uncertainty 67
Frame Fields: Anisotropic and Non-orthogonal Cross Fields 66
geoTangle: Interactive Design of Geodesic Tangle Patterns on Surfaces 62
Quad Meshing 58
VARIANT: A System for Terrain Modeling at Variable Resolution 58
b/Surf: Interactive Bézier Splines on Surface Meshes 58
Physically-based simulation of elastic-plastic fusion of 3D bioprinted spheroids 50
Efficient Multi-scale Curvature and Crease Estimation 50
Non-manifold decompositions in arbitrary dimensions 50
LoopyCuts: Practical Feature-Preserving Block Decomposition for Strongly Hex-Dominant Meshing 50
Gradient Field Estimation on Triangle Meshes 48
Vector graphics on surfaces using straightedge and compass constructions 48
Practical Computation of the Cut Locus on Discrete Surfaces 42
Splines on manifolds: A survey 41
Real-Time Deformation with Coupled Cages and Skeletons 40
BoolSurf: Boolean Operations on Surfaces 39
Spatial queries on a hierarchical terrain model 37
Nearly Smooth Differential Operators on Surface Meshes 34
Visualization to compare karate motion captures 33
A hardware description language based on a hierarchical graph model 27
Overview+ Detail Visual Comparison of Karate Motion Captures 23
3D mosaicing for environment reconstruction 22
Evaluating Movement Quality Through Intrapersonal Synchronization 20
Totale 9.230
Categoria #
all - tutte 30.626
article - articoli 13.970
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 10.286
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 6.370
Totale 61.252

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.378 0 0 0 0 0 0 322 147 188 378 248 95
2020/2021565 36 55 42 47 25 57 41 55 43 79 45 40
2021/20221.124 35 86 104 104 29 67 76 314 53 94 48 114
2022/20231.179 100 62 12 113 165 185 33 73 182 38 175 41
2023/2024769 31 67 39 129 57 99 51 72 57 15 61 91
2024/2025979 39 204 45 79 353 255 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.527