Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 17.269
Totale 17.269
Nazione #
IT - Italia 17.269
Totale 17.269
Città #
Genova 13.189
Rapallo 1.546
Genoa 1.282
Vado Ligure 1.230
Bordighera 22
Totale 17.269
Nome #
Graded Possibilistic Clustering of Non-stationary Data Streams 232
Tracking Time Evolving Data Streams for Short-Term Traffic Forecasting 163
Comparison of methods for community detection in networks 152
"Efficient training of Neural Gas vector quantizers with analog circuit implementation 149
Clustering of nonstationary data streams: A survey of fuzzy partitional methods 148
Comparing Fuzzy Clusterings in High Dimensionality 147
A 2D laser rangefinder scans dataset of standard EUR pallets 147
Layered ensemble model for short-term traffic flow forecasting with outlier detection 142
Representation and generalization properties of class-entropy networks 140
Hubs and Communities Identification in Dynamical Financial Networks 140
Emotional intelligence in robots: Recognizing human emotions from daily-life gestures 140
K-Winner Machines for pattern classification 139
Visual stability analysis for model selection in graded possibilistic clustering 139
Implementing probabilistic neural networks 139
CBP networks as a generalized neural model 137
Graded possibilistic approach to variable selection in Linear Fuzzy Clustering 136
An Algorithm to Model Paradigm Shifting in Fuzzy Clustering 135
Several Formulations for Graded Possibilistic Approach to Fuzzy Clustering 135
A parallel approach to plastic neural gas 135
A new approach to hierarchical clustering for the analysis of genomic data 135
An image-recognition system implemented on hierarchical parallel architectures 134
Tuning graded possibilistic clustering by visual stability analysis 134
Analysis of Oligonucleotide Microarray Images using a Fuzzy Sets Approach in HLA Typing 130
A Novel Approach for Biclustering Gene Expression Data Using Modular Singular Value Decomposition 129
A neural networks based visual tracking system 129
Online Spectral Clustering and the Neural Mechanisms of Concept Formation 129
A vector quantization circuit for trainable neural networks 128
A quality-driven ensemble approach to automatic model selection in clustering 126
A survey of kernel and spectral methods for clustering 125
Community detection in protein-protein interaction networks using spectral and graph approaches 125
Detecting overlapping protein communities in disease networks 125
Possibilistic Clustering in Feature Space 125
Genetic Algorithm-Based Neural Error Correcting Output Classifier 124
Vector quantization for license plate location and image coding 123
Adaptive Initialization of Cluster Centers using Ant Colony Optimization: Application to Medical Images 122
Fuzzy concepts in vector quantization training 121
Membership Embedding Space Approach and Spectral Clustering 121
Efficient technique for implementing an image-compression neural algorithm on concurrent-multiprocessor architectures 120
Objective assessment of MPEG-2 video quality 120
Flexible video compression systems using an analog vector quantization chip 119
A fuzzy clustering approach to non-stationary data streams learning 119
Measuring clustering model complexity 119
Linear Fuzzy Clustering With Selection of Variables Using Graded Possibilistic Approach 118
Transputer-based implementation of distributed associative memories 118
Circular backpropagation networks embed vector quantization 117
Hardware implementation of the Neural Gas 117
Augmenting vector quantization with interval arithmetics for image-coding applications 117
Circuital implementation of support vector machines 116
VLSI circuit for programmable sorting 116
Visual location of license plates by vector quantization 116
Compact, digital pseudorandom number generator 116
Clustering High-Dimensional Data 116
Shared farthest neighbor approach to clustering of high dimensionality, low cardinality data 115
Unsupervised Analysis of Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) During an Emotional Go/NoGo Task 115
Soft transition from probabilistic to possibilistic fuzzy clustering 113
Analog Vector Quantization chip for flexible video compression systems 113
An ensemble approach to variable selection for classification of DNA microarray data 112
A multiprocessor-oriented visual tracking system 112
Biclustering by resampling 112
Neural hardware for image processing 112
Mixed analog-digital circuit for linear-time programmable sorting 112
Incorporating a-priori knowledge into neural networks 112
Shared-memory architecture to implement a high-connectivity processing node 111
Possibilistic Approach to Biclustering: An Application to Oligonucleotide Microarray Data Analysis 111
Validation of a large medical database 111
Neighbor-based similarities 111
Interpolation approaches to Vector Quantization for image compression 111
Predicting microRNA Prostate Cancer Target Genes 110
The k-winner machine model 109
VLSI architectures for programmable sorting of analog quantities with multiple-chip support 109
Epigenetics, microRNAs and Cancer: an Update 109
Fuzzy Clustering for Exploratory Analysis of EEG Event-Related Potentials 109
Random Voronoi ensembles for gene selection 107
An encoder for vector quantization neural networks 107
A Fuzzy Clustering Segmentation Approach for Feature-Based Medical Image Registration 107
Neural approaches to the diagnosis and characterization of the Lyme disease 106
Worst case analysis of weight inaccuracy effects in multilayer perceptrons 106
Simulated annealing for supervised gene selection 105
Adaptive representation properties of the circular back-propgation model 104
VLSI circuits with fractal layout for spatial image decorrelation 104
Circular back-propagation networks for classification 104
Fall Detection Using an Ensemble of Learning Machines 104
Objective quality assessment of MPEG-2 video streams by using CBP neural networks 104
Clustering in the membership embedding space 104
MULTIBEST: multiple vector interpolation for vector-quantization based image compression 103
An experimental validation of some indexes of fuzzy clustering similarity 103
An assistive mobile system supporting blind and visual impaired people when are outdoor 102
Object oriented ARM7 coprocessor 102
Random voronoi ensembles for gene selection in dna microarray data 101
Biclustering of Microarray Data based on Modular Singular Value Decomposition 101
Adaptive internal representation in circular back-propagation networks 99
Generalization-based approach to plastic vector quantization 98
Effect of different font sizes and of spaces between words on eye movement performance: An eye tracker study in dyslexic and non-dyslexic children 98
Hardware architectures for Vector Quantization in very low bit-rate image coding 97
The Graded Possibilistic Clustering Model 97
HLA Typing Using a Fuzzy Approach 94
Parallel architectures for vector quantization 94
Semantic clustering for identifying overlapping biological communities 94
Circuit implementation of the k-winner machine 93
An Object-oriented Machine for Control Applications 93
Totale 11.904
Categoria #
all - tutte 50.761
article - articoli 19.020
book - libri 241
conference - conferenze 25.963
curatela - curatele 1.158
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.379
Totale 101.522

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.914 0 0 0 0 0 0 634 300 419 780 524 257
2020/20211.260 74 127 119 104 65 136 58 93 141 157 105 81
2021/20222.463 61 131 119 322 68 141 174 500 118 224 97 508
2022/20231.894 192 84 15 157 385 341 34 140 369 19 142 16
2023/2024865 39 138 20 90 61 110 49 44 74 24 94 122
2024/20251.365 96 310 102 114 441 289 13 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.467