Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.824
Totale 4.824
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.824
Totale 4.824
Città #
Genova 3.051
Genoa 746
Vado Ligure 512
Rapallo 505
Bordighera 10
Totale 4.824
Nome #
A distributed information system prototype to detect and monitor the Hazardous Material Transport on the road in the territory of Nice-Imperia-Ventimiglia 155
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) applications on dangerous good transport on road in Italy 137
Risk averse routing of hazardous materials with scheduled delays 137
Economic and Risk Implications in the Distribution of Petrol Products to Service Stations under Retailer Managed and Vendor Managed Inventories 131
Two new approaches for the bi-objective shortest path with a fuzzy objective applied to HAZMAT transportation 125
A decentralised control model for the risk-based management of dangerous good transport flows on road 124
A Risk-Based System of Systems Approach to Control the Transport Flows of Dangerous Goods by Road 123
Distributed control of dangerous goods flows 121
Rapid, robust, distributed evaluation and control of train scheduling on a single line track 120
Distributed Robust Control of the Power Flows in a Team of Cooperating Microgrids 119
Optimal traffic flow assignment for planned deliveries in dangerous good transportation 116
A Model of an Interregional Logistic System for the Statement and Solution of Decision Problems at the Operational Level 116
A decision support system for the evaluation of future scenarios in next-generation hydrogen fuel station networks 112
Distributed Product Flow Control in a Network of Inventories with Stochastic Production and Demand 112
A smart railcar prototype for Dangerous Good transportation 111
Optimal Deliveries in a Vendor Managed Inventory Service 108
Network planning of fuelling service stations in a near-term competitive scenario of the hydrogen economy 105
Multi-objective shortest path problem with deterministic and fuzzy cost functions applied to hazmat transportation on a road network 104
Bi-objective shortest path problem with one fuzzy cost function applied to dangerous goods transportation on a road network 103
A multi-criteria methodology to evaluate the optimal location of a multifunctional railway portal on the railway network 98
Optimal control of hazardous materials traffic flow: The case of transport through a critical infrastructure 95
Cost / benefit analysis in hydrogen logistics 94
Train scheduling and rescheduling model based on customer satisfaction. Application to Genoa railway network 94
Risk analysis for hazardous material transport by road: Case study on Tangier-Tetouan region, Morocco 90
A Spatial Decision Support System prototype for assessing road HAZMAT accident impacts on the population in a dense urban area: a case study of the city of Nice, French Riviera 89
Metodo per la gestione della distribuzione di prodotti o merci 88
Detection and monitoring of hazardous material transportation on road between France and Italy: Objectives, methodology and first results 87
An Integrated System for the Hazardous Materials Transport in a Sub-Regional Scale Area 86
Real-time risk definition in the transport of dangerous goods by road 83
Technical and functional standards to provide a high quality service for dangerous good transport on road 82
Advanced Technologies and Methodologies for Risk Management in the Global Transport of Dangerous Goods 81
Vulnerability and resilience of the territory concerning risk of dangerous goods transportation (dgt): proposal of a spatial model 80
Towards dynamic exposure-based schedule for hazardous material trains 77
Modèle technologique et méthodologique de référence pour le contrôle et le suivi du trafic de matières dangereuses sur route sur l'axe Nice-Imperia-Savona Modello tecnologico e metodologico di riferimento per il controllo ed il monitoraggio del traffico di merci pericolose su strada sull'asse Nizza-Imperia-Savona 76
Definizione, progettazione e realizzazione prototipale di un sistema informativo distribuito per l’identificazione, il monitoraggio e la gestione dei flussi veicolari di merci pericolose 76
Sustainable distribution of petrol products to Servica Stations Based on Demand Forecast, Inventory and Transportation Costs 75
A decision support system for the optimal location of electric vehicle charging points 73
Hydrogen Infrastructure for Energy Applications: Production, Storage, Distribution and Safety 71
Method for managing the distribution of products and goods 69
Definizione dell’architettura di sistema 64
Model predictive control of a vehicle platoon 52
Stochastic Linear Quadratic Optimal Control of Speed and Position of Multiple Trains on a Single-Track Line 51
Trasporto di merci pericolose su strada. Valutazione del rischio e caso di studio codice 49
Storing and transporting hazardous material, logistics strategies for Moroccan companies 49
Model predictive control for cooperative insertion or exit of a vehicle in a platoon 49
Coastal risk modelling for oil spill in the mediterranean sea 49
Stochastic constrained linear quadratic control in a network of smart microgrids 46
Non-linear MPC for Longitudinal and Lateral Control of Vehicle’s Platoon with Insert and Exit Manoeuvres 46
Model predictive control of smart greenhouses as the path towards near zero energy consumption 45
A BCI driving system to understand brain signals related to steering 41
Mixed Vendor/Retailer management of zero-cost multi-inventory systems 40
High-speed train scheduling and rescheduling models 40
Real-time robust trajectory control for vehicle platoons: A linear matrix inequality-based approach 39
Playing Against Nature: Risk Averse Behaviour of Physarum Polycephalum 38
Min-Max Approach for High-Speed Train Scheduling and Rescheduling Models 38
Oil spill trajectory: A comparison between 2D and 3D models 37
Model predictive control versus traditional relay control in a high energy efficiency greenhouse 35
Ict Based System to Monitor Hazmat Road Transportation and a Rapid Mapping Technique for Accident Scenarios 30
Environmental Impacts of Oil Spills and Response Technologies 29
Identification of brain electrical activity related to head yaw rotations 26
Emergency resource allocation problem: Hazardous material accident scenarios in the ports of Northern Italy 24
Internet of Things Approaches for Monitoring and Control of Smart Greenhouses in Industry 4.0 14
OPTIMAL CONTROL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAFFIC FLOW The Case of Transport through a Critical Infrastructure 13
Binary Controller Based on the Electrical Activity Related to Head Yaw Rotation 12
Towards real-time monitoring of fear in driving sessions 9
Optimal Travel Planning of Short Stays in Mass Tourist Destinations 9
Totale 4.917
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.741
article - articoli 6.494
book - libri 1.022
conference - conferenze 8.513
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 486
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.226
Totale 37.482

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020688 0 0 0 0 0 0 142 77 98 196 119 56
2020/2021414 36 32 13 88 25 26 12 39 35 51 23 34
2021/2022686 27 29 48 74 23 66 44 145 46 70 29 85
2022/2023653 72 70 16 48 88 112 2 49 123 4 49 20
2023/2024454 15 60 20 69 34 54 21 17 24 46 27 67
2024/2025690 57 88 33 60 166 182 104 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.917