Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 20.632
Totale 20.632
Nazione #
IT - Italia 20.632
Totale 20.632
Città #
Genova 15.454
Rapallo 2.041
Genoa 1.676
Vado Ligure 1.445
Bordighera 16
Totale 20.632
Nome #
Note Illustrative al Foglio n. 212 "Spigno Monferrato" sc. 1:50000 della Carta Geologica Regionale della Liguria 289
B, Sr and Pb isotope geochemistry of high-pressure Alpine metaperidotites monitors fluid-mediated element recycling during serpentinite dehydration in subduction melange (Cima di Gagnone, Swiss Central Alps). 154
Carbonation of subduction-zone serpentinite (high-pressure ophicarbonate; Ligurian Western Alps) and implications for the deep carbon cycling 148
Alpine olivine- and titanian clinohumite- bearing assemblages in the Erro-Tobbio peridotite (Voltri Massif, NW Italy) 146
Fossil intermediate-depth earthquakes in subducting slabs linked to differential stress release 145
O-H isotope ratios of high-pressure ultramafic rocks: Implications for fluid sources and mobility in the subducted hydrous mantle. 144
The fate of B, Cl and Li in the subducted oceanic mantle and in the antigorite-breakdown fluids. 142
Petrologic and geochemical role of serpentinite in subduction zones and plate interface domains 141
U-Pb dating of magmatic zircon and metamorphic baddeleyite in the Ligurian eclogites (Voltri Massif, Western Alps) 139
Petrology and trace element budgets of high-pressure peridotites indicate subduction dehydration of serpentinized mantle (Cima di Gagnone, Central Alps, Switzerland) 138
Alpine olivine- and titanian clinohumite- bearing assemblages in the Erro - Tobbio peridotite (Voltri Massif, NW Italy). 136
Subduction zone metamorphic pathway for deep carbon cycling: II. Evidence from HP/UHP metabasaltic rocks and ophicarbonates 134
3D Numerical simulations of oblique subduction 133
Serpentinite subduction: Implications for fluid processes and trace-element recycling 133
Fluid escape from subduction zones controlled by channel-forming reactive porosity 131
Intraoceanic subduction of “heterogeneous” oceanic lithosphere in narrow basins: 2D numerical modeling. 129
Different PT paths recorded in a tectonic mélange (Voltri Massif, NW Italy): implications for the exhumation of HP rocks 128
Salt-rich aqueous fluids formed during eclogitization of metabasites in the Alpine continental crust (Austroalpine Mt. Emilius unit, Italian Western Alps). 126
Subduction zone fluxes of halogens and noble gases in seafloor and forearc serpentinites 126
OH-bearing planar defects in olivine produced by the breakdown of Ti-rich humite minerals from Dabie Shan (China) 125
Raman elastic geobarometry for anisotropic mineral inclusions 124
The exhumation of high pressure ophiolites (Voltri Massif, Western Alps): Insights from structural and petrologic data on metagabbro bodies 122
Fluid/mineral interaction in UHP garnet peridotite 121
Incompatible element-rich fluids released by antigorite breakdown in deeply subducted mantle. 121
Alpine olivine- and titanian clinohumite-bearing assemblages in the Erro-Tobbio peridotite (Voltri Massif, NW Italy) 121
Linking serpentinite geochemistry with tectonic evolution at the subduction plate-interface: The Voltri Massif case study (Ligurian Western Alps, Italy) 121
Comments on the paper ‘Subduction of a fossil slow–ultraslow spreading ocean: a petrology-constrained geodynamic model based on the Voltri Massif, Ligurian Alps, NW Italy’ by G. B. Piccardo 119
Boron Isotope Evidence for Shallow Fluid Transfer Across Subduction Zones by Serpentinized Mantle 119
Coupling/decoupling at oblique subduction zones: the sediment effect 119
Polyphase inclusions in Garnet-Orthopyroxenite (Dabie-Shan, China) as monitors for metasomatism and fluid-related trace element transfer in subduction zone peridotite. 117
Fluid-related inclusions in Alpine high-pressure peridotite reveal trace element recycling during subduction-zone dehydration of serpentinized mantle (Cima di Gagnone, Swiss Alps) 117
The fate of B, Cl and Li in the subducted oceanic mantle and in the antigorite-breakdown fluids 116
Deformation partitioning and heterogeneous metamorphic re-equilibration in subduction tectonic melange: the case study of the Voltri Massif (Western Alps) 116
39Ar/ 40Ar dating of high-pressure rocks from the Ligurian Alps: Evidence for a continuous subduction–exhumation cycle 116
The oxidation state of mantle wedge majoritic garnet websterites metasomatised by C-bearing subduction fluids 115
Halogens and noble gases in serpentinites and secondary peridotites: Implications for seawater subduction and the origin of mantle neon 114
CO2 fluid and silicate glass as monitors of alkali basalt/peridotite interaction in the mantle wedge beneath Gobernador Gregores, Southern Patagonia 113
Melt migration and intrusion during exhumation of the Alboram lithosphere: the Tallante mantle xenolith record (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain) 113
Deep fluids in subduction zones 112
Mg-metasomatism of oceanic gabbros and its control on Ti-clinohumite formation during eclogitization 111
Nitrogen recycling in subducted mantle rocks and implications for the global nitrogen cycle. 111
The importance of serpentinite mylonites for subduction and exhumation of oceanic crust 110
The Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps): a tectonic serpentinitic melange? Insight from structural and petrologic evidences 110
High abundances of noble gas and chlorine delivered to the mantle by serpentinite subduction 110
Fluid-mobile elements in serpentinites: Constraints on serpentinisation environments and element cycling in subduction zones. 110
Serpentinite channel and the role of serpentinite buoyancy for exhumation of HP rocks (Voltri Massif, Western Alps) 109
Retrograde fluid inclusions in eclogitic metagabbros from the Ligurian Western Alps. 109
Fluids at extreme P-T metamorphic conditions: the message from high-grade rocks 107
Oxygen and nitrogen isotopes as tracers of fluid activities in serpentinites and metasediments during subduction 107
Majoritic garnets monitor deep subduction fluid flow and mantle dynamics 104
Subduction vs intraplate lithospheric mantle: Agents and processes. 104
Carta Geologico - Strutturale del settore centro meridionale del Gruppo di Voltri (Alpi Liguri). 103
B, Pb, Sr isotopic imprint of crustal and mantle rocks from the slab-mantle interface: The Cima di Gagnone example (Central Alps) 103
The Variscan garnet peridotites from the Eastern Alps (Ulten Zone). records of subduction metasomatism in the mantle wedge 103
Evolution of the Ligurian Tethys: inference from petrology and geochemistry of the Ligurian Ophiolites 103
Redistribution of high-pressure fluids during retrograde metamorphism of eclogite-facies rocks (Voltri Massif, Italian Western Alps) 102
Multistage metasomatism in ultrahigh pressure mafic rocks from the North Dabie Complex (China) 102
Boron isotope evidence for shallow fluid transfer across subduction zones by serpentinized mantle 102
Comment on “Subduction polarity reversal at the junction between the Western Alps and the Northern Apennines, Italy”, by G. Vignaroli, C. Faccenna, L. Jolivet, C. Piromallo, F. Rossetti. 102
Subduzione alpina ed esumazione di litosfera oceanica: L’esempio dell’Unità Erro-Tobbio delle Alpi Liguri. 101
Alpine high pressure evolution of the Erro-Tobbio peridotite body, Ligurian Western Alps, Italy: inferences from gabbroic and basaltic dykes. 101
High salinity fluid inclusions formed from recycled seawater in deeply subducted alpine serpentinite 101
Exhumation of alpine high pressure rocks: insights from petrology of eclogite clasts in the Tertiary Piedmontese Basin (Ligurian Alps, Italy) 101
Dehydration of subducting serpentinite: Implications for halogen mobility in subduction zones and the deep halogen cycle 100
Majoritic garnets monitor deep subduction fluid flow and mantle dynamics 98
Subduction-related melts in the Alboran Mantle: The Tallante Xenoliths (B. Cordillera, SE Spain). 98
The deep subduction fluids in high and ultrahigh pressure rocks and their interaction with the overlying mantle wedge 98
B, Cl, Li Variability in the Subducted Oceanic Mantle and in Antigorite-Breakdown Fluids: Implications for Fluid Processes and Light Element Recycling 98
Pre-alpine extension recorded by deep gabbroic intrusions: evidence from the Fedoz metagabbro (Val Malenco, Italy). 97
Retrograde fluid inclusions in eclogitic metagabbros from the Ligurian Western Alps 97
Boron and chlorine cycling in the subducted hydrous oceanic mantle 96
Retrograde P-T-t path for the Voltri Massif eclogites (Ligurian Alps, Italy): some tectonic implications. 96
Chlorine isotopic composition in seafloor serpentinites and high-pressure metaperidotites. Insights into oceanic serpentinization and subduction processes 95
Dolomite-bearing orogenic garnet peridotites witness fluid-mediated carbon recycling in a mantle wedge (Ulten Zone, Eastern Alps, Italy). 95
Mantle wedge peridotites: Fossil reservoirs of deep subduction zone processes Inferences from high and ultrahigh-ressure rocks from Bardane (Western Norway) and Ulten (Italian Alps). 94
Serpentine dehydration recorded by garnet peridotites and chlorite harzburgites from Cima di Gagnone. 94
Coupling and tectonic erosion of plates at oblique subduction zones: hints from numerical modeling 94
Pressure Temperature Fluid Pressure Conditions of Metamorphism 93
Multistage metasomatism in ultrahigh pressure mafic rocks from the North Dabie Complex (China). 93
Exhumation of alpine high-pressure rocks: insights from petrology of eclogite clasts in the Tertiary Piedmontese basin (Ligurian Alps, Italy) 93
A continuous subduction-exhumation cycle in the Ligurian Alps: new constraints from 39Ar/40Ar dating of alpine high-pressure rocks 92
Development of tectonic mélanges during subduction and exhumation processes: case-study from the ligurian alps (italy) 91
The HP-rocks of the Ligurian Alps: a case-study for the subduction channel theory 90
The Geisspfad Complex and its relationships with the Monte Leone Nappe (lower Pennine, Western Alps) 90
2D numerical models of intercontinental-intraoceanic subduction settings. 90
The water and fluid-mobile element cycles during serpentinite subduction. A review 90
Mafic eclogites from the Valosio crystalline massif (Ligurian Alps, Italy). 89
The structure and petrology of the Erro-Tobbio peridotite, Voltri Massif, Ligurian Alps. Guidebook for a two-day-excursion with emphasis on processes in the upper mantle. 89
Le meta-ofioliti del Gruppo di Voltri. Alcuni esempi di applicazione di differenti metodologie di indagine petrologica per la ricostruzione della storia metamorfica delle falde di alta pressione. 89
Eclogite and blueschist blocks recording different P-T paths in a tectonic mélange (Voltri Massif - NW Italy): implications for the exhumation of HP rocks in accretionary prisms 89
Metamorphic assemblages in layered amphibolites and micaschsist from the Dessent Formation (Mountaineer Range - Antarctica). 88
Uplift and exhumation rate of high-pressure metaophiolite units from NW-Alps (Italy): radiometric constraints from the Voltri Group and the Tertiary Piemontese Basin 88
The subduction-exhumation cycle in the Ligurian Alps: new radiometric constraints from the Voltri Massif and the Tertiary Piemontese Basin 88
Oblique Alpine subduction at the Ligurian transect: evidence from 3D numerical models 88
Petrology and geochemistry of serpentinites associated with the ultra-high Pressure Lago di Cignana Unit (ItalianWestern Alps) 88
Chlorine cycling in the subducted oceanic lithosphere. 87
2D numerical models of subduction and exhumation processes: case study from the Voltri Massif (Western Alps). 87
The alpine evolution of the Erro-Tobbio peridotites (Voltri Massif - Ligurian Alps): some field and petrographic constraints. 86
Cross-study of different isotopic systems in high-pressure ultramafic rocks reveals mass transfer at subduction zones (Cima di Gagnone, Central Alps) 86
2D Numerical simulations of intraoceanic subduction: the case study of the Ligurian Alps 86
Totale 11.049
Categoria #
all - tutte 59.176
article - articoli 45.403
book - libri 827
conference - conferenze 11.006
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 247
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.693
Totale 118.352

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.473 0 0 0 0 0 0 820 214 425 1.072 623 319
2020/20211.056 77 108 63 77 69 88 39 96 141 129 91 78
2021/20222.824 47 262 118 451 91 187 240 574 94 264 142 354
2022/20232.511 307 79 15 242 403 486 14 293 466 11 141 54
2023/20241.111 66 172 41 99 82 173 84 54 56 16 74 194
2024/20251.587 87 327 146 155 523 343 6 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.869