Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 23.242
Totale 23.242
Nazione #
IT - Italia 23.242
Totale 23.242
Città #
Genova 14.923
Genoa 3.272
Vado Ligure 2.607
Rapallo 2.366
Bordighera 74
Totale 23.242
Nome #
Italian validation of the 12-item multiple sclerosis walking scale 539
CD8+CD28-CD127loCD39+regulatory T-cell expansion: A new possible pathogenic mechanism for HIV infection? 191
Effectiveness, safety, durability and immune recovery in a retrospective, multicentre, observational cohort of ART-experienced, HIV-1-infected patients receiving maraviroc 178
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire in the Italian population 171
Increased CD38 expression on T lymphocytes as a marker of HIV dissemination into the central nervous system 170
Feasibility of protein-sparing modified fast by tube (ProMoFasT) in obesity treatment: a phase II pilot trial on clinical safety and efficacy (appetite control, body composition, muscular strength, metabolic pattern, pulmonary function test). 166
Ultrasound versus magnetic resonance imaging for Morton neuroma: systematic review and meta-analysis 165
Unmanipulated haploidentical transplants compared with other alternative donors and matched sibling grafts 162
Laparoscopic bridging vs. Anatomic open reconstruction for midline abdominal hernia mesh repair (LABOR): single-blinded, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial on long-term functional results. 157
Assessing spatial inequalities in accessing community pharmacies: a mixed geographically weighted approach 157
Modelling the distribution of cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis. 155
Age-related differences in the accuracy of web query-based predictions of influenza-like illness 155
Temporary anchorage device stability: an evaluation of thread shape factor 154
Incidence, risk factors and clinical outcome of leukemia relapses with loss of the mismatched HLA after partially incompatible hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 153
Indirect comparisons of treatment effects in multiple sclerosis. 153
FRI0588-HPR Validation of the Italian Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire: Construct Validity, Responsiveness and Interpretability 152
Adjunct screening with tomosynthesis or ultrasound in women with mammography-negative dense breasts: Interim report of a prospective comparative trial 152
Pharmacokinetics of Lopinavir Determined with an ELISA Test in Youths with Perinatally Acquired HIV. 150
Breast Density Assessment Using a 3T MRI System: Comparison among Different Sequences 150
Depressive Symptoms Correlate with Disability and Disease Course in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: An Italian Multi-Center Study Using the Beck Depression Inventory 145
Modeling the distribution of new MRI cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis longitudinal studies. 144
Impact of HLA Disparity in Haploidentical Bone Marrow Transplantation Followed by High-Dose Cyclophosphamide 144
Assessing long-term prognosis improvement as a consequence of treatment pattern changes in MS. 143
Background parenchymal enhancement assessment: Inter- and intra-rater reliability across breast MRI sequences 143
Use of maraviroc in clinical practice: a multicenter observational study 141
Evaluation of background parenchymal enhancement on breast MRI: A systematic review 141
Internal bone temperature change during guided surgery preparations for dental implants: an in vitro study 140
Toe Walking Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder Subjects: A Systematic Review 140
Current outcome of HLA identical sibling versus unrelated donor transplants in severe aplastic anemia: an EBMT analysis 140
Delirium, Frailty, and Fast-Track Surgery in Oncogeriatrics: Is There a Link? 138
Quantitative assessment of finger motor performance: Normative data 138
Demand-based web surveillance of sexually transmitted infections in Russia. 137
The In-Hospital Length of Stay after Hip Fracture in Octogenarians: Do Delirium and Dementia Shape a New Care Process? 136
Affidabilità degli upper limb tension test nei soggetti sani o con disordini muscolo- scheletrici: una revisione sistematica con meta-analisi 132
Use of colistin in adult patients: a cross-sectional study 131
Hepatitis B reactivation in HBsAg-negative/HBcAb-positive allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients: risk factors and outcome. 130
Genotypic determination of HIV tropism in a cohort of patients perinatally infected with HIV-1 and exposed to antiretroviral therapy. 130
Regression of asymptomatic cardiomyopathy and clinical outcome of renal transplant recipients: a long-term prospective cohort study. 130
Quantitative evaluation of background parenchymal enhancement (BPE) on breast MRI. A feasibility study with a semi-automatic and automatic software compared to observer-based scores 129
Relationship between innate immunity, soluble markers and metabolic-clinical parameters in HIV+ patients ART treated with HIV-RNA < 50 cp/mL 129
Scoring treatment response in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis. 128
Visual Feedback of Bilateral Bite Force to Assess Motor Control of the Mandible in Isometric Condition 126
Early functional treatment in Class II division 1 subjects with mandibular retrognathia using Fränkel II appliance. A prospectivecontrolled study 126
Increased body mass index and bronchial impairment in allergic rhinitis. 125
Time to first relapse as an endpoint in multiple sclerosis clinical trials. 123
A prospective comparative trial of adjunct screening with tomosynthesis or ultrasound in women with mammography-negative dense breasts (ASTOUND-2) 123
Impact of a mixed educational and semi-restrictive antimicrobial stewardship project in a large teaching hospital in Northern Italy 122
Response to immunosuppressive treatment predicts outcome in patients with chronic graft-versus-host disease: a single-center analysis of longitudinal data. 121
Screening With Serum Galactomannan Might Be Associated With Better Outcome Than Symptom-Triggered Galactomannan Testing in Allogeneic HSCT Recipients With Invasive Aspergillosis. 121
Clinical and MRI activity as determinants of sample size for pediatric multiple sclerosis trials. 121
Long-term impact of interferon or Glatiramer acetate in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis 121
Incidence and distribution of deciduous molar ankylosis, a longitudinal study 120
The quality of reports of randomized trials in multiple sclerosis: a review. 120
Miniscrew design and bone characteristics: An experimental study of primary stability 120
Clinical activity after fingolimod cessation: Disease reactivation or rebound? 120
Extending the Interval of Natalizumab Dosing: Is Efficacy Preserved? 120
Dermatological consultations in an observation unit of an emergency department in Italy 119
Performance of serum (1,3)-ß-d-glucan screening for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in neutropenic patients with haematological malignancies 119
Treatment of multiple sclerosis with rituximab: A multicentric Italian-Swiss experience 119
Uncontrolled Web-based administration of surveys on factual health-related knowledge: a randomized study of untimed versus timed quizzing 118
Low back pain among Italian rowers: A cross-sectional survey 118
Trans-synaptic degeneration in the optic pathway. A study in clinically isolated syndrome and early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis with or without optic neuritis 118
A cross-sectional and longitudinal study evaluating brain volumes, RNFL, and cognitive functions in MS patients and healthy controls 118
Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination in HIV: Immunogenicity and Persistence of Seroprotection up to 7 Years Following a Primary Immunization Course 118
Factors affecting the outcome in the immediate loading rehabilitation of the maxilla: a 6-year prospective study 117
Accuracy and reading time for six strategies using digital breast tomosynthesis in women with mammographically negative dense breasts. 117
A phase 2 quasi-experimental trial evaluating the feasibility, acceptability, and potential effectiveness of complex nursing intervention focused on QoL assessment on advanced cancer patients with palliative care needs: study protocol 117
Nasal endoscopy in children with suspected allergic rhinitis. 116
Breast density percentage assessment using a 3 T MRI system: comparison amongst sequences using IDEAL (iterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least square estimation) sequences as reference standard. (B-0834). 116
Subgroups of multiple sclerosis patients with larger treatment benefits: a meta-analysis of randomized trials 115
Clinical and Aesthetic Outcome with Post-Extractive Implants with or without Soft Tissue Augmentation: A 2-Year Randomized Clinical Trial 115
Spectrum of mutations and phenotypic expression in patients with autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia identified in Italy. 114
Lack of information about multiple sclerosis in children can impact parents' sense of competency and satisfaction within the couple. 114
Development and validation of the Italian version of the Mobile Application Rating Scale and its generalisability to apps targeting primary prevention 114
Desirability of outcome ranking (DOOR) for comparing diagnostic tools and early therapeutic choices in patients with suspected candidemia 114
Refining response to treatment as defined by the Modified Rio Score. 113
Spirometric abnormalities in patients with allergic rhinitis: Indicator of an "asthma march"? 113
Prevalence of disability improvement as a potential outcome for multiple sclerosis trials 113
Block allograft technique vs standard guided bone regeneration: a randomized clinical trial. 112
Comparison between symptoms and endoscopy in children with nasal obstruction. 112
Outcome measures in the clinical evaluation of ambulatory Charcot Marie Tooth 1A subjects 112
Degree of microstructural changes within T1-SE versus T1-GE hypointense lesions in multiple sclerosis: relevance for the definition of “black holes” 112
Shock absorption capacity of restorative materials for dental implant prostheses: an in vitro study. 111
Immunogenicity against Far Eastern and Siberian subtypes of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus elicited by the currently available vaccines based on the European subtype: Systematic review and metaanalysis 111
Role of HCV-RNA decay and IP-10 levels after 48 hours of standard HCV therapy as predictors of rapid virological response 111
Identifying neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional multicenter study using highly specific criteria 110
Early diagnosis of progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy: longitudinal lesion evolution 110
Musculoskeletal disorders among robotic surgeons: A questionnaire analysis 109
Impact of allergic rhinitis on bronchi: an 8-year follow-up study. 109
Hymenoptera venom allergy in outdoor workers: Occupational exposure, clinical features and effects of allergen immunotherapy 109
The prognostic role of baseline metabolic tumor burden and systemic inflammation biomarkers in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients treated with Radium-223: A proof of concept study 109
Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in multiple sclerosis: A meta-analysis 108
Predictive values of two frailty screening tools in older patients with solid cancer: a comparison of SAOP2 and G8 108
Diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced spectral mammography: Systematic review and meta-analysis 107
Determinants of therapy switch in multiple sclerosis treatment-naïve patients: A real-life study 107
Enterococcal bloodstream infection after hematopoietic stem cell transplant: experience of a center with a low prevalence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci. 107
Bronchial hyperreactivity in patients with allergic rhinitis: forced expiratory flow between 25 and 75% of vital capacity might be a predictive factor. 106
Methylisothiazolinone contact allergy – are rinse-off cosmetics and household products relevant sources of exposure? 106
Totale 13.240
Categoria #
all - tutte 89.224
article - articoli 85.185
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 3.370
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 327
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 342
Totale 178.448

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.373 0 0 0 0 0 0 791 448 569 829 516 220
2020/20212.419 127 183 259 256 204 222 118 227 189 295 173 166
2021/20222.868 122 109 251 275 115 203 140 630 187 301 160 375
2022/20232.884 276 227 46 262 397 440 51 221 482 65 365 52
2023/20242.183 95 209 54 252 220 365 223 127 114 105 108 311
2024/20253.414 281 421 198 475 800 807 432 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 23.977