Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.077
Totale 2.077
Nazione #
IT - Italia 2.077
Totale 2.077
Città #
Genova 937
Genoa 454
Vado Ligure 363
Rapallo 307
Bordighera 16
Totale 2.077
Nome #
R-Vine mixture model for modeling multivariate count data 72
R Package OBsMD for Follow-Up Designs in an Objective Bayesian Framework 71
Are environmental pollution and biodiversity levels associated to the spread and mortality of COVID-19? A four-month global analysis 67
Dissimilarity measure for ranking data via mixture of copulae 62
Conditional copula a financial application 61
Modelling the dependence in multivariate longitudinal data by pair copula decomposition 56
Copula-Based Measures of Association 55
The use of conditional copula for studying the influence of economic sectors 51
A procedure simulating Likert scale item responses 51
OBsMD: Objective bayesian model discrimination in follow-up designs 50
Comparing clusterings by copula information based distance 49
Copula-based Non-Metric Unfolding on Augmented Data Matrix 47
Defining subjects distance in hierarchical cluster analysis by copula approach 47
Clustering via copula-based dissimilarity measures 47
Clustering ranked data using copulas 46
Clustering ranking data via copulas 44
Dissimilarity measure for ranking data via mixture of copulae 44
Copula-based non-metric unfolding onaugmented data matrix 43
Copula-based non-metric unfolding 42
Partial dependence with copula and financial applications Dipendenza parziale con funzioni copula e applicazioni finanziarie 42
A new estimator of Zumbo’s Ordinal Alpha: a copula approach 41
Defining the subjects distance in hierarchical cluster analysis by copula approach 39
Clustering ranking data via copulas 39
Credit risk measurement and ethical issue: some evidences from the Italian banks 38
Credit Risk Measurement and Ethical Issues: some Evidences from the Italian Banks 35
Non-metric unfolding on augmented data matrix: A copula-based approach 34
Non-metric unfolding on augmented data matrix: a copula-based approach 33
Dynamics of HDI Index: Temporal Dependence Based on D‑vine Copulas Model for Three‑Way Data 33
Clustering ranking data via copulas 33
Scale reliability evaluation for a-priori clustered data 32
Appunti di metodi statistici per la finanza e le assicurazioni 32
Model-based clustering with R-vine copulas 30
Dissimilarity measure for ranking data via copula 30
Utilizzo dell'ICC come indicatore dell'esistenza di una struttura gerarchica 29
Bayesan approach for nonresponse 29
The Polychoric Ordinal Alpha, measuring the reliability of a set of polytomous ordinal items 28
Causal relationship between PIL and construction flows: evidence from Italy 28
Use of relevant principal components to define a simplified multivarate test procedure of optimal clustering 27
Scale reliability evaluation for a-priori clustered data 27
Robustness methods for modelling count data with general dependence structures 26
Using mixture of vine copulas for clustering 25
Modelling the dependence in multivariate longitudinal data by pair copula decomposition 25
Modelli gerarchici: aspetti metodologici e ambiti di applicazione 25
Effetti sul PIL dell'andamento degli investimenti in costruzioni: relazione tra occupazione totale e nel settore costruzioni 25
Mixture of copulae based approach for defining the subjects distance in cluster analysis 25
Mixture D-vine model based approach to clustering three-way data 24
Non-metric unfolding on augmented data matrix: A copula-based approach 24
Studying the influence of economic sectors on stocks through a partial dependence analysis 23
Model-based clustering of high dimensional data using copulas 22
OBsMD: an R package for objective Bayesian model discrimination in follow-up design 22
Robustness of statistical methods for modeling paired count data using bivariate discrete distributions with general dependence structures 22
Scale reliability evaluation for a-priori clustered data 21
Model-based clustering with R-vine copulas 21
Exploratory factor analysis of ordinal variables: a copula approach = Analisi fattoriale esplorativa di variabili ordinali: un approccio via copula 21
Model based clustering for three-way data structures through a mixture of vine copulas 21
Metodi e applicazioni per l'inferenza da popolazione finita:imprese e campionamento stratificato a selezione ordinata 21
Making feasible the comparison via simulation of the most popular scaling techniques 21
Modelling the dependence in multivariate longitudinal data: an application in health and social services 20
Model based clustering of three-way data via pair-copula mixture models 20
The effects of money supply on construction flows: evidence from Italy 19
Use of ICC for defining the optimal clustering solution under normality assumption 19
Model based clustering via pair copula and applications 19
Reliability measurement for polytomous ordinal items: the empirical polychoric ordinal Alpha 19
Non-metric unfolding on augmented data matrix: a copula-based approach 19
Modeling the structure of multivariate non-normal longitudinal data by pair copula decomposition 17
Strumenti statistici e informatici per l'analisi dei dati del questionario GGP (Generation & Gender Programme) 16
Use of ICC for defining the optimal clustering solution under normality assumption 16
Robustness methods for modelling count data with general dependence structures 16
Totale 2.278
Categoria #
all - tutte 10.819
article - articoli 2.208
book - libri 299
conference - conferenze 7.340
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 682
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 290
Totale 21.638

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 85 20
2020/2021333 11 12 4 19 3 13 126 41 53 16 6 29
2021/2022666 31 69 7 16 72 64 6 153 30 125 15 78
2022/2023431 68 43 3 31 32 46 8 38 86 23 23 30
2023/2024343 24 35 18 40 12 13 33 22 14 10 54 68
2024/2025395 29 89 41 31 181 24 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.278