100017 - Dipartimento di Italianistica, romanistica, antichistica, arti e spettacolo
Affordances: Una chiave per il word sense disambiguation
2013-01-01 DE FELICE, Irene
At the edge of graspability: Substances and aggregates
2015-01-01 DE FELICE, Irene
Building a pragmatically annotated diachronic corpus: The DIADIta project
2024-01-01 DE FELICE, Irene; STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca
CLaSSES: A new digital resource for Latin epigraphy
2015-01-01 DE FELICE, Irene; Donati, Margherita; Marotta, Giovanna
CLaSSES: Orthographic variation in non-literary Latin
2020-01-01 Marotta, Giovanna; Rovai, Francesco; De Felice, Irene; Tamponi, Lucia
Dati normativi sulle rappresentazioni semantiche di artefatti
2015-01-01 DE FELICE, Irene
From hands to handles: How objects’ orientation affects grasp descriptions
2014-01-01 DE FELICE, Irene
From synsets to videos: Enriching ItalWordNet multimodally
2014-01-01 Bartolini, Roberto; Quochi, Valeria; DE FELICE, Irene; Russo, Irene; Monachini, Monica
Italian in the trenches: Linguistic annotation and analysis of texts of the Great War
2018-01-01 DE FELICE, Irene; Dell'Orletta, Felice; Venturi, Giulia; Lenci, Alessandro; Montemagni, Simonetta
La sinestesia nella poesia latina
2014-01-01 DE FELICE, Irene
Learning grasping possibilities for artifacts: How much physical knowledge in language?
2015-01-01 Russo, Irene; DE FELICE, Irene
L’interazione tra forme, funzioni e finalità pragmatiche nel corpus diacronico DIADIta
2024-01-01 De Felice, I.; Strik-Lievers, F.
Me terror an furor movit? La concettualizzazione incarnata della paura e della rabbia nella lingua latina
2021-01-01 Fedriani, Chiara; De Felice, Irene
Metaphors and perception in the lexicon. A diachronic perspective
2019-01-01 Strik Lievers, Francesca; DE FELICE, Irene
Patterns of prosodic distribution of Latin long vowels
2019-01-01 Marotta, G.; De Felice, I.
Per alta silentia: Sinestesie tra i versi
2016-01-01 DE FELICE, Irene
Semantic analysis and frequency effects of conceptual metaphors of emotions in Latin. From a corpus-based approach to a dictionary of Latin metaphors
2021-01-01 Fedriani, Chiara; Buccheri, Alessandro; DE FELICE, Irene; Short William, Micheal
Strutture sillabiche nel lessico latino
2018-01-01 DE FELICE, Irene
Syntactic change and sociolinguistic variation: Expressing purposes in Late Latin
2017-01-01 DE FELICE, Irene
The digital Lexicon Translaticium Latinum: Theoretical and methodological issues
2020-01-01 Fedriani, C.; DE FELICE, Irene; Short, W. M.