100018 - Dipartimento di Lingue e culture moderne
Andare a + infinito: una perifrasi in movimento, fra mutamento e variazione
In corso di stampa STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca
Constructing judgments: The interaction between adjectives and clausal complements in Italian
2011-01-01 STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca
Infinitive con verbi di movimento. Una prima ricognizione fra sincronia e diacronia
2017-01-01 STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca
2017-01-01 Marotta, Giovanna; STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca
Italian Perception Verbs. A Corpus-based Study
2007-01-01 STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca
Le alternanze vocaliche nelle reduplicazioni con apofonia. Una prospettiva comparativa
2013-01-01 STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca
Les changements d’état. Paradigmes lexicaux et choix discursifs
2014-01-01 Mazzariello, F; STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca
Linguistic synaesthesia
2021-01-01 STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca; Huang, Chu-Ren; Xiong, Jiajuan
Metaphors and perception in the lexicon. A diachronic perspective
2019-01-01 Strik Lievers, Francesca; DE FELICE, Irene
Smelling over time. The lexicon of olfaction from Latin to Italian
2021-01-01 STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca
Synaesthesia and other figures. What the senses tell us about figurative language
2018-01-01 STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca
Synesthesia and language
2023-01-01 Strik-Lievers, Francesca
Theoretical, cultural, discursive, and diachronic variation in metaphor research: Overview of the book
2021-01-01 Rizzato, Ilaria; STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca; Zurru, Elisabetta
Types of metaphors and their structure. Annotation guidelines between theory and practice
2022-01-01 STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca
When discourse is a painting: color metaphors from Latin to Italian
2021-01-01 Fedriani, Chiara; STRIK LIEVERS, Francesca