Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.458
Totale 6.458
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.458
Totale 6.458
Città #
Genova 4.042
Vado Ligure 856
Rapallo 819
Genoa 723
Bordighera 18
Totale 6.458
Nome #
Dynamic mechanical behavior of syntactic iron foams with glass microspheres 138
A theoretical approach to the optimization of flexural stiffness of symmetric laminates 135
Characterization of polymeric structural foams under compressive impact loading by means of energy-absorption diagram 135
Design of an under-bonnet heat exchanger for the improvement of energy efficiency 134
Comparison of the energy absorption capability of crash boxes assembled by spot-weld and continuous joining techniques 123
A mechanical model of cellular solids for energy absorption 119
Fatigue strength of plastics components made in additive manufacturing: first experimental results 118
Rapid evaluation of notch stress intensity factors using the peak stress method: Comparison of commercial finite element codes for a range of mesh patterns 116
Dynamic Brazilian Test for Mechanical Characterization of Ceramic Ballistic Protection 115
An improved model to describe the repeated loading-unloading in compression of cellular materials 111
Comparison of shear strength tests on AV119 epoxy-joined ceramics 110
High Strain Rate Tensile and Compressive Testing and Performance of Mesoporous Invar (FeNi36) Matrix Syntactic Foams Produced by Feedstock Extrusion 109
Development of a gripper for garment handling designed for additive manufacturing 109
Casting defects and fatigue strength of a die cast aluminium alloy: a comparison between standard specimens and production components 105
Tribological characterization of modified polymeric blends 105
A brazilian disk test for the evaluation of the shear strength of epoxy-joined ceramics 103
Maximisation of the crushing performance of a tubular device by shape optimisation 103
The use of low pressure plasma surface modification for bonded joints to assembly a robotic gripper designed to be additive manufactured 103
Experimental investigation of the energy absorption capability of bonded crash boxes 102
Analysis of the influence of passenger vehicles front-end design on pedestrian lower extremity injuries by means of the LLMS model 102
The mechanical behaviour of polyurethane foam: Multiaxial and dynamic behaviour 101
Bi-material joining for car body structures: Experimental and numerical analysis 100
Development of a device to increase the protection of vulnerable road users in the case of impact against heavy vehicles 100
A study on reversibility of BEVA®371 in the lining of paintings 100
Aluminum foam-polymer hybrid structures (APM aluminum foam) in compression testing 99
Experimental and numerical characterization of a mechanical expansion process for thin-walled tubes 98
Incidences of various passenger vehicle front-end designs on pedestrian lower limb injuries 98
Static and fatigue strength of a die-cast aluminium alloy under different feeding conditions 96
Structural Optimization of a Composite Underbody for Racing Cars 95
Shear strength tests of joined advanced ceramics 95
Multiaxial characterization of the mechanical behaviour of aluminium foam 95
The Mechanical Behaviour of Aluminium Foam Structures in Different Loading Conditions 95
Mechanical properties and impact behavior of a microcellular structural foam 94
Syntactic iron foams - On deformation mechanisms and strain-rate dependence of compressive properties 94
Comparison of shear strength tests on AV119 epoxy-joined carbon/carbon composites 94
Torsion tests on AV119 epoxy - Joined SiC 92
Numerical analysis of hybrid joining in car body applications 92
Experiment based modeling of the mechanical expansion of tubes for the construction of heat exchangers 91
Static lateral compression of aluminium tubes: Strain gauge measurements and discussion of theoretical models 90
Prediction of fold eccentricity in the axial axisymmetric plastic progressive collapse of circular tubes 89
Design optimization by response surface methodology: Application to crashworthiness design of vehicle structures 88
Optimisation of a vehicle energy absorbing steel component with experimental validation 88
Experimental evaluation of the strain field history during plastic progressive folding of aluminium circular tubes 86
High strain-rate compression test on metallic foam using a multiple pulse SHPB Apparatus 85
AlSi7 metallic foams- Aspects of material modelling for crash analysis 85
Lateral compression of thin-walled tubes: Strain measurement by image analysis 83
The mechanical behaviour of aluminium foam structures in different loading conditions 82
Sheet metal plate design: A structured approach to product optimization in the presence of technological constraints 82
Mechanical models of cellular solids: Parameters identification from experimental tests 80
Mechanical characterization of particulate aluminum foams-strain-rate, density and matrix alloy versus adhesive effects 79
Numerical and experimental investigation of a lightweight bonnet for pedestrian safety 78
Improvements to the protection of vulnerable road users: Retrofittable, energy-absorbing front end for heavy goods vehicles 77
Taking a Downward Turn on the Weight Spiral – Lightweight Materials in Transport Applications 76
A new glass to join foam glass components 76
Sensitivity and stochastic analysis in a crash simulation environment 75
Feasibility study on hybrid weld-bonded joints using additive manufacturing and conductive thermoplastic filament 69
Investigation of the mechanical behaviour of AISI 316L stainless steel syntactic foams at different strain-rates 68
Appraisal of surface preparation in adhesive bonding of additive manufactured substrates 64
Thermo-mechanical modelling of Dynamic Tensile Extrusion test 63
Development of a wearable device for the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases 62
Investigation on the crushing of circular tubes: Theoretical models and experimental validation 61
Analysis of the mechanical expansion process of thin-walled tubes for air heat-exchanger production 56
A study on Additive Manufacturing build parameters as bonded joint design factors 52
Strain-rate effects on the energy absorption capability of crash boxes with different geometry 51
Review of tailoring methods for joints with additively manufactured adherends and adhesives 51
Feasibility study on hybrid weld-bonded joints using additive manufacturing and conductive thermoplastic filament 47
An inverse method for the identification of strain-rate sensitivity parameters of sheet steels 46
Rapid evaluation of notch stress intensity factors using the peak stress method with 3D tetrahedral finite element models: Comparison of commercial codes 46
Modeling the strength of laminated parts made by fused filament fabrication additive manufacturing 40
Mechanical models of the behaviour of plastic materials: Influence of time and temperature 39
Feasibility study on hybrid weld-bonded joints using additive manufacturing and conductive thermoplastic filament 29
Investigating enhanced interfacial adhesion in multi-material filament 3D printing: a comparative study of t and Mickey Mouse geometries 26
A Generic Model to Assess the Efficiency Analysis of Cellular Foams 21
Anisotropic mechanical and sensing properties of carbon black-polylactic acid nanocomposites produced by fused filament fabrication 14
A study on additive manufacturing build parameters as bonded joint design factors 13
Crushing behaviour of aluminium square and rectangular tubes 10
Dynamic response analysis of thermoplastic polyurethane 9
Optibody project: Optimizing vehicle structures for electric light trucks and vans 9
Totale 6.658
Categoria #
all - tutte 23.643
article - articoli 19.157
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 4.196
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 573
Totale 47.569

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.190 0 0 0 0 0 0 295 174 184 278 214 45
2020/2021577 41 51 95 46 23 59 35 51 43 58 49 26
2021/2022934 28 50 65 71 32 122 25 194 93 101 47 106
2022/2023992 85 74 10 88 121 186 7 74 180 15 140 12
2023/2024527 19 66 13 76 69 67 36 32 23 24 50 52
2024/2025924 28 143 136 123 279 208 7 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.658