Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.873
Totale 6.873
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.873
Totale 6.873
Città #
Genova 3.868
Vado Ligure 1.062
Genoa 1.060
Rapallo 864
Bordighera 19
Totale 6.873
Nome #
Gastric and masticatory performances in full-arch immediate loading rehabilitated patients 152
Five-year cohort prospective study on single implants in the esthetic area restored using one-abutment/one-time prosthetic approach 141
Adhesive strength of the luting technique for passively fitting screw-retained implant-supported prostheses: an in vitro evaluation. 140
Hygienic and dietetic guidelines for implant-supported full-arch immediate loading prostheses 138
Accuracy of different dental implant impression techniques comparing different materials 137
Precision and Accuracy of a Digital Impression Scanner in Full-Arch Implant Rehabilitation 136
Mechanical characterisation of multi vs. uni-directional carbon fiber frameworks for dental implant applications 132
Biological and mechanical characterization of carbon fiber frameworks for dental implant applications 131
Cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization protocols employed for customized implant abutments: An international survey of 100 universities worldwide 129
Peri-implant Tissue Health and Bone Resorption in Patients with Immediately Loaded, Implant-Supported, Full-Arch Prostheses 126
Analysis of different impression techniques and materials on multiple implants through 3-dimensional laser scanner 122
Radiological and Histomorphometric Outcomes of Homologous Bone Graft in Postextractive Implant Sites: A 6-Year Retrospective Analysis 121
Brånemark Novum Immediate Loading Rehabilitation of Edentulous Mandibles: Case Series with a 16-Year Follow-up 118
Factors affecting the outcome in the immediate loading rehabilitation of the maxilla: a 6-year prospective study 117
Effect of Framework in an Implant-Supported Full-Arch Fixed Prosthesis: 3D Finite Element Analysis 116
Internal and external hexagon connections in immediately loaded implants full-arch rehabilitations 116
Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on swelling and pain after implant surgery: a double-blind, randomized study 114
Carbon fibre versus metal framework in full-arch immediate loading rehabilitations of the maxilla – a cohort clinical study 110
Systematic review of some prosthetic risk factors for periimplantitis. 109
Survival Rate and Bone Resorption in Immediate Loading of Atrophic Maxillary Arches Using Normal and Long Implants: A Pilot Observational Study 108
A prospective case series on surgical treatment of circumferential and semi-circumferential defects due to peri-implantitis 106
A Luting Technique for Passive Fit of Implant-Supported Fixed Dentures. 104
Third molars and dental crowding: Different opinions of orthodontists and oral surgeons among Italian practitioners 103
Accuracy of multi-unit implant impression: traditional techniques versus a digital procedure 103
What is the Impact of Epstein-Barr Virus in Peri-implant Infection? 102
Immediate versus delayed loading of dental implants supporting fixed full-arch maxillary prostheses: A 10-year follow-up report 101
Prediction of Titanium Implant Success by Analysis of microRNA Expression in Peri-Implant Tissue. A 5-Year Follow-Up Study 99
Clinical outcomes of using a prosthetic protocol to rehabilitate tissue-level implants with a convergent collar in the esthetic zone: A 3-year prospective study 99
Angled implant brush for hygienic maintenance of full-arch fixed-implant rehabilitations: a pilot study 98
Comparison of biofilm removal using glycine air polishing versus sodium bicarbonate air polishing or hand instrumentation on full-arch fixed implant rehabilitations: a split-mouth study 96
Soft Tissue Contour Impression with Analogic or Digital Work Flow: A Case Report 95
International brainstorming meeting on etiologic and risk factors of peri-implantitis, Montegrotto (Padua, Italy), August 2014 94
Post surgery diet in the Columbus Bridge Protocol 92
One abutment-one time approach to maximize peri-implant tissue expression in the aesthetic area 88
Peri-implantitis: A systematic review of recently published papers. 87
Immediate Versus Delayed Loading of Dental Implants in Edentulous Patients' Maxillae: A 6-year Prospective Study 85
Marginal soft tissue stability around conical abutments inserted with the one abutment-one time protocol after 5 years of prosthetic loading 84
Analysis of the Subgingival Microbiota in Implant-Supported Full-Arch Rehabilitations 80
Titanium abutment surface modifications and peri-implant tissue behavior: a systematic review and meta-analysis 79
The influence of bone-graft bio-functionalization with plasma of argon on bacterial contamination 78
Piezoelectric implant surgery and immediate loading in the aesthetic zone 77
Caratterizzazione biologica e meccanica di framework in fibra di carbonio per protesi su impianti 68
Evaluation of internal and external hexagon connections in immediately loaded full-arch rehabilitations: A within-person randomised split-mouth controlled trial 68
Influence of abutment material and modifications on peri-implant soft-tissue attachment: A systematic review and meta-analysis of histological animal studies 66
Protesi dentale fissa perfezionata e suo metodo di fabbricazione 65
Framework Materials for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Rehabilitations: A Systematic Review of Clinical Studies 64
Framework protesico in fibra di carbonio per la riabilitazione full-arch fissa su impianti a carico immediato. 63
Salivary Micro-RNA and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Systematic Review 62
Macrophagic Inflammatory Response Next to Dental Implants with Different Macro- and Micro-Structure: An In Vitro Study 62
Morphological and Chemical Characterization of Titanium and Zirconia Dental Implants with Different Macro- and Micro-Structure 60
Correlation between Epstein-Barr virus and periodontopathogen in periimplantitis affected and healthy patient 58
Evaluation of internal and external hexagon connections in immediately loaded full‐arch rehabilitations: A within‐person randomized split‐mouth controlled trial with a 3‐year follow‐up 58
Clinical and radiological outcomes of implants with two different connection configurations: A randomised controlled trial 54
Oral Health–Related Quality of Life and Full-Arch Immediate Loading Rehabilitation: An Evaluation of Preoperative, Intermediate, and Posttreatment Assessments of Patients Using a Modification of the OHIP Questionnaire 54
Surface bio-functionalization using plasma of Argon could alter microbiological and topographic surface analysis of dental implants? 52
Trueness of Intraoral Scanners Considering Operator Experience and Three Different Implant Scenarios: A Preliminary Report 51
A Pilot Retrospective Study on the Effect of Bone Grafting after Wisdom Teeth Extraction 49
Photo and Plasma Activation of Dental Implant Titanium Surfaces. A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Pre-Clinical Studies 49
Guided implant surgery and sinus lift in severely resorbed maxillae: A retrospective clinical study with up to 10 years of follow-up 48
Tissue-level versus bone-level single implants in the anterior area rehabilitated with feather-edge crowns on conical implant abutments: An up to 5-year retrospective study 47
Le attrezzature dello studio odontoiatrico in Scienze dei materiali dentali e Laboratorio 46
Influence of modified titanium abutment surface on peri-implant soft tissue behaviour: A systematic review of histological findings 46
Peri-Implant Tissue Behaviour Next to Different Titanium Surfaces: 16-Year Post-Trial Follow-Up 46
Consensus Report by the Italian Academy of Osseointegration on the Use of Graft Materials in Postextraction Sites 46
Retrograde peri-implantitis associated with residual cysts 43
Fattori chirurgici-protesici nell’inserimento implantare postestrattivo immediato in area estetica:caso clinico 42
What Are the Effects of Different Abutment Morphologies on Peri-implant Hard and Soft Tissue Behavior? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 42
The Use of Antibiotics in Implant Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with Trial Sequential Analysis on Early Implant Failure 42
The prevalence and quantitative analysis of the Epstein–Barr virus in healthy implants and implants affected by periimplantitis: A preliminary report. 40
Trueness of Intraoral Scanners in Implant-Supported Rehabilitations: An In Vitro Analysis on the Effect of Operators’ Experience and Implant Number 37
Efficacy of air-polishing devices without removal of implant-supported full-arch prostheses 37
Comparison of the Clinical Outcomes of Titanium and Zirconia Implant Abutments: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews 36
Präzision und Genauigkeit eines digitalen Abformscanners: Implantatprothetische Rehabilitation im unbezahnten Kiefer 36
Cell-based therapies for the surgical treatment of periodontal intrabony defects: a systematic review 36
Consensus Report by the Italian Academy of Osseointegration on the Use of Antibiotics and Antiseptic Agents in Implant Surgery 33
Soft tissue dimensional changes after alveolar ridge preservation using different sealing materials: a systematic review and network meta-analysis 33
One‐stage versus two‐stage technique using two splinted extra‐short implants: A multicentric split‐mouth study with a one‐year follow‐up 33
Flussi di lavoro analogici-convenzionali e digitali per riabilitazioni a carico immediato full-arch: uno studio clinico randomizzato 32
Soft tissue integration of different abutment surfaces: an experimental study with histological analysis 32
MicroRNAs in Peri-implant Crevicular Fluid Can Predict Peri-implant Bone Resorption: Clinical Trial with a 5-Year Follow-up 32
Sealing materials for post-extraction site: a systematic review and network meta-analysis 32
Evaluation of periodontal indices among non-smokers, tobacco, and e-cigarette smokers: a systematic review and network meta-analysis 32
Comparison of Bone-Level and Tissue-Level Implants: A Pilot Study with a Histologic Analysis and a 4-Year Follow-up 31
An Analysis of Different Techniques Used to Seal Post-Extractive Sites—A Preliminary Report 30
Implant rehabilitation of the esthetic area: A five‐year retrospective study comparing conventional and fully guided surgery 30
MicroRNA in Implant Dentistry: From Basic Science to Clinical Application 30
Culturomic and quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction analyses for early contamination of abutments with different surfaces: A randomized clinical trial 30
Radiographic and Histomorphometric Evaluation of Biomaterials Used for Lateral Sinus Augmentation: A Systematic Review on the Effect of Residual Bone Height and Vertical Graft Size on New Bone Formation and Graft Shrinkage 30
Comparison of Milled Full-Arch Implant-Supported Frameworks Realised with a Full Digital Workflow or from Conventional Impression: A Clinical Study 29
Clinical Outcome of Fully Digital Workflow for Single-Implant-Supported Crowns: A Retrospective Clinical Study 28
Dimensional and histomorphometric evaluation of biomaterials used for alveolar ridge preservation: a systematic review and network meta-analysis 27
Socket Preservation in Dentistry: a Comprehensive Review on Efficacy, Tissue Volume Maintenance, and Economic Considerations with Focus on Membrane Types and Bone Regeneration Dynamics 26
Can Abutment with Novel Super-Latex CrN/NbN Coatings Influence Peri-Implant Tissue Health and Implant Survival Rate Compared to Machined Abutment? 6-Month Results from a Multi-Center Split-Mouth Randomized Control Trial 25
Shock Absorption Capacity of High-Performance Polymers for Dental Implant-Supported Restorations: In Vitro Study 24
Implant Dentistry: New Materials and Technologies 2020 24
Biomarkers from Peri-Implant Crevicular Fluid (PICF) as Predictors of Peri-Implant Bone Loss: A Systematic Review 20
Effects of abutment materials on peri-implant soft tissue health and stability: A network meta-analysis 20
Effects of minimally invasive non-surgical therapy on C-reactive protein, lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2, and clinical outcomes in periodontitis patients: A 1-year randomized, controlled clinical trial 20
Evaluation of Prosthetic Marginal Fit and Implant Survival Rates for Conventional and Digital Workflows in Full-Arch Immediate Loading Rehabilitations: A Retrospective Clinical Study 20
Five Steps for the Maintenance and Interception of Complications in Zygomatic Implants 19
Totale 6.858
Categoria #
all - tutte 30.627
article - articoli 29.070
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 1.193
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 173
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 191
Totale 61.254

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.189 0 0 0 0 0 194 241 140 180 235 149 50
2020/2021832 53 54 93 43 53 66 46 85 58 106 80 95
2021/20221.036 66 36 33 132 43 98 48 217 88 109 47 119
2022/20231.085 121 102 11 84 89 145 10 67 157 19 267 13
2023/2024838 25 66 22 119 54 145 47 45 28 60 63 164
2024/20251.177 126 193 144 133 336 245 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.245