Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.464
Totale 5.464
Nazione #
IT - Italia 5.464
Totale 5.464
Città #
Genova 3.210
Genoa 872
Rapallo 752
Vado Ligure 616
Bordighera 14
Totale 5.464
Nome #
The Limits of Radical Parties in Coalition Foreign Policy: Italy, Hijacking, and the Extremity Hypothesis 137
Italian Political Parties and Military Operations: An Empirical Analysis on Voting Patterns 125
Stick to the plan? Culture, interests, multidimensional threats and Italian defence policy 119
Students' knowledge and perceptions of International Relations and the 'Model United Nations'. An empirical analysis 115
Multidimensional Threats and Military Engagement: The Case of the Italian Intervention in Libya 105
A reality check for students? How participating to the Model United Nations influences skills, IR perceptions, and perspectives on future career 101
Helping Hands: Civil-Military Cooperation and Italy's Military Operation Abroad 100
Cultura Strategica e Politica di Difesa Italiana: una paradossale Securitizzazione della Pace? 95
A critical friend: Monitoring and evaluation systems, development cooperation and local government. The case of Tuscany 94
Through military lenses. Perception of security threats and jointness in the Italian Air Force 94
Al di là dell'Arcobaleno. I movimenti pacifisti italiani tra ideologie e contro-narrazioni strategiche 93
“In Harm's Way: Why and When a Modern Democracy Risks the Lives of Its Uniformed Citizens?” 92
Learning from Others? Emulation and Transformation in the Italian Armed Forces since 2001 92
Can you hear me Major Tom? News, narratives and contemporary military operations: the case of the Italian mission in Afghanistan 91
“Effective strategic narratives? Italian public opinion and military operations in Iraq, Libya, and Lebanon”. Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica - RISP, 1, 2015 90
null 85
Europarties and the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union 84
The Phantom Menace: Transnational Organised Crime 81
Adapt, Improvise, Overcome? The Transformation of Italian Armed Forces in Comparative Perspective 80
Security, Old Issues, New Frames. Securitization and Human Security 78
Peace and War in Political Discourse of Italian Marxist and post-Marxist Parties” , 78
The ‘enemy’ at the gates? Assessing the European military contribution to the Libyan war 76
Le missioni italiane all'estero e i partiti della Seconda Repubblica: valori condivisi o scelte a coerenza alternata? 72
All Together Now: Peace Support Operations as a "Bipartisan" Instrument of Italian Foreign Policy 68
Italy's Military Operations Abroad: Just Don't Call It War! 66
"Italian Foreign Policy during Matteo Renzi’s government: A Domestically-Focused Outsider and the World" 66
L’esperienza del Programma NETSAFRICA come motore di sviluppo locale in Sudafrica 65
null 65
La partecipazione italiana alle missioni internazionali: disciplina e caratteristiche 65
Verso l'elaborazione della prima strategia di sicurezza nazionale italiana: un'analisi comparata 62
The more the better? The new counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan 62
"Peace Support Operations" e cambiamento del fenomeno bellico: I documenti ufficiali della Politica di Difesa Italiana 62
Italy’s participation in PKOs: figures and trends 62
Esiste una Via Italiana alla Cultura di Difesa? 61
Populist parties and foreign policy. The case of Italy’s Five Star Movement 61
Peaceful Legislature? Parliaments and military interventions after the Cold War: insights from Germany and Italy 61
The fog of words: Assessing the problematic relationship between strategic narratives, (master) frames and ideology 61
Redazione di uno studio preliminare per la definizione e la gestione da parte della Regione Toscana degli interventi in situazione di emergenza in paesi terzi 60
"The war that wasn’t’ there. Framing Italy’s ‘Peace Mission’ in Afghanistan" 60
La guerra che non c’era. Opinione pubblica e interventi militari italiani 60
Qualcosa è cambiato. L’evoluzione della politica di difesa italiana tra esigenze di riforma e nuovi scenari strategici 59
“Renew or Reload? Continuity and Change in Italian Defence Policy”, F.Coticchia, A.Locatelli, F.N.Moro, EUI Working Papers Series, EUI RSCAS 1/2016, ISSN 1028-3625. 59
“Stati ‘falliti’ e peace-building: una nuova chiave di lettura”, in P.Foradori e G.Giacomello (eds.) “Sicurezza globale: Le nuove minacce”, Bologna, Il Mulino. 58
"Running in chains. The transformation of Italian defense policy" 58
La piazza araba ama l’occidente 57
Sulla Pace c'è una Guerra di Parole 57
Securing Italy's Energy Supply and Private Oil Companies 57
Qualcosa è cambiato. L’evoluzione della politica di difesa italiana dall’Iraq alla Libia (1991-2011) 57
La politica italiana per la riforma dell’Onu 56
"Le implicazioni per la politica di difesa e lo strumento militare" in S.M. Torelli e A. Varvelli: "L'Italia e la minaccia jihadista". Milano: Epokè 56
"The Military-Civilian Cooperation and its Limits", in S.Lucarelli, F.N.Moro and A. Marrone, "Projecting stability in an unstable world", NATO-IAI, 2017 56
All Quiet on the Western Front? Framing Italy’s ‘peace mission’ in Afghanistan 55
“Learning and adaptation in contemporary conflicts. ‘Foreign Fighters and the case of the ISIL” 55
Human Security 54
Il Ruolo Internazionale delle Forze Armate Italiane 54
Unheard Voices: International Relations Theory and Italian Defence Policy 52
Critical friend: sistemi di monitoraggio e valutazione, cooperazione allo sviluppo ed enti locali. Il caso della Regione Toscana 51
La Power Projection dello Strumento Militare Italiano: da “Desert Storm” all'”Operazione Leonte 51
La dottrina non detta. Politica di difesa italiana e counterinsurgency: il caso dell’operazione IBIS 51
Bilanci in Difesa. In Italia, la correzione di rotta 50
Opinione Pubblica e Politica di Difesa 49
Transforming the Italian Armed Forces, 2001-2012. New challenges and budget contraints 49
“Italy’s military intervention to face new security threats: an analysis of the national debate in three intervention cases (Darfur, Somalia and Haiti) 49
The Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and WMD in the Middle East: Towards a New Regulatory Framework 48
Nuove minacce ed esigenze di protezione per uomini e mezzi: L’approccio italiano alle PSO e l’elaborazione di una futura strategia nazionale di counter insurgency 48
Tra Libro Bianco e F35, qui Renzi gioca in 'Difesa 48
High Stakes, Low Strategies: the European Union and the Fight against Transnational Organized Crime in State-building Missions 47
La rete Seenet e il Programma – I Governi Locali Motori dello Sviluppo. Sintesi di un'esperienza 45
Parlamenti e controllo dell’uso della forza 44
Still on the same path? Italian foreign and defence policy in the Enlarged Mediterranean 43
Italy’s military operation abroad (1945-2020): trends, data, and pattern 43
Responsibility to protect 42
"L'impatto militare dei foreign fighters. Un caso di studio" 42
"I’ll take two. Migration, terrorism, and the Italian military engagement in Niger and Libya" 41
“Italy” 38
From enthusiasm to retreat. Italy and military missions abroad after the Cold War 37
I love this game. The interplay between experience and background in role-playing simulations: insights from MUN participants in Italy and the Netherlands 37
Constructing a Parliamentary Deployment Votes Database: Challenges of Data Collection, Classification, and Indexing 37
La piccola rivoluzione del Libro Bianco della Difesa 36
A controversial warplane. Counter-narratives and the Italian debate on the F35 36
Italian foreign policy: still the days seem the same? 36
Managing incoherence. Social democratic parties and transnational issues in Europe 35
“A ‘sovereignist revolution’? Italy’s foreign policy under the ‘Yellow-Green’ government 34
Afghanistan: le lezioni della guerra perduta e le alternative di pace 32
Aspiring and Reluctant Middle-Powers? Italy’s and Germany’s Defense Reforms after the Cold War 29
Le politiche di difesa, una transazione incompleta 27
An International Peacekeeper. The evolution of Italian Foreign and Defence Policy 27
The government of change? Migration and defence policy under the Giuseppe Conte’s I cabinet 25
Italy’s Military Operations Abroad (1945–2020): Data, Patterns, and Trends 24
Le forze armate italiane e i nuovi conflitti in Europa 18
L’Evoluzione della dottrina della NATO tra crisis management e difesa territoriale 16
Reluctant Remilitarisation. Transforming the Armed Forces in Germany, Italy and Japan After the Cold War 15
New Directions in the Study of Populism in International Relations 14
The Italian armed forces and the new conflicts in Europe 13
Political parties matter: a research agenda on interactions among elites in post-conflict democracies 13
La politica di difesa italiana nel nuovo quadro europeo 13
What makes paradigms last? A study of defense policy change in Germany and Italy (1989–2022) 9
Nonuse and hypocritical use of strategic narratives in Megaprojects: The case of the Florence high-speed railway 8
Does it matter that an ally is democratic during crises? Public diplomacy and attitudes towards international allies in times of crisis 5
Totale 5.670
Categoria #
all - tutte 19.446
article - articoli 10.830
book - libri 2.073
conference - conferenze 247
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.775
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.521
Totale 38.892

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.124 0 0 0 0 98 123 293 74 63 261 196 16
2020/2021452 21 24 47 21 22 97 26 21 17 40 63 53
2021/2022891 20 72 16 114 16 67 11 261 85 89 30 110
2022/2023947 90 44 10 101 148 172 3 82 166 21 77 33
2023/2024644 31 86 26 53 54 74 48 37 34 41 64 96
2024/2025717 191 141 141 81 163 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.670