Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.718
Totale 2.718
Nazione #
IT - Italia 2.718
Totale 2.718
Città #
Genova 1.944
Genoa 279
Rapallo 247
Vado Ligure 247
Bordighera 1
Totale 2.718
Nome #
Ecosystem dynamics in the Liguro-Provençal Basin: the role of eddies in the biological production 131
Fin whale seasonal trends in the Pelagos Sanctuary, Mediterranean Sea 128
Habitat preferences of two deep-diving cetacean species in the northern Ligurian Sea 122
Sexing free-ranging adult Cuviers beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) using natural marking thresholds and pigmentation patterns 117
Cetacean occurrence and spatial distribution in the central Mediterranean Sea using ferries as platform of observation 115
Cetacean occurrence and spatial distribution: Habitat modelling for offshore waters in the Portuguese EEZ (NE Atlantic) 109
Cetacean response to summer maritime traffic in the Western Mediterranean Sea 103
Modelling deep divers habitat from whale watching data: can it work? 94
Cetacean monitoring in Northeastern Atlantic Ocean – Occurrence and distribution for cetacean species in the Canary Basin 91
A fixed line transect network to monitor cetacean diversity in central-western Mediterranean sea 90
Identification of suitable habitats for cetaceans in the Canary Basin, NE Atlantic Ocean: evidences of hot-spots for beaked whales 89
Role of wind events in the generation of (sub)mesoscale structures and their implications on the biological activity of the North West Mediterranean Sea 84
sex-scarring and photography: Cuvier's beaked whale sexing from scarring patterns 83
Large scale cetacean monitoring from passenger ferries in Italy. Networking summer 2008 surveys. 82
Tunisian and Italian cooperation to monitor cetacean in the central Mediterranean Sea: preliminary results of an ACCOBAMS co-funded project 78
Preliminary report about the marine traffic into the Pelagos Sanctuary as an asset for the designation of the Pelagos Sanctuary as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area 78
An oceanographic model of the Pelagos Area as essential tool for cetacean habitat modelling 76
Synoptic data collection on Cetacean, Marine birds, Sea turtle, Marine traffic, Marine litter: a multidisciplinary collaboration in Mediterranean sea 75
Cetacean, marine birds, sea turtle, marine traffic and floatic marine litter: potential of a synoptic multidisiplinary data collection in Western Mediterranean Sea 75
Assessing the consistency of data collected using ferries as platforms of opportunity for cetacean monitoring programs 74
A new process for developping an effective index to assess variability in cetacean presence 74
May the idea of partitioning the pelagos sanctuary in areas of specific interests solve the problem of how to protect 100,000km2? The sperm whale case 73
Spatio-temporal variability in Cetacean presence and distribution in central-western Mediterranean sea (2007-2010) 73
Anomalies in fin whale presence in the Pelagos Sanctuary: How many or where? new insights from a long term monitoring program 72
Unusual presence of fin whales in coastal waters of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea during 2007 72
Cetacean in the Pelagos Sanctuary: Need for a multi-scale management approach 69
Seasonal variability in cetacean presence in the Pelagos Sanctuary: implication for conservation purposes 66
ANALYSE DU COMPORTEMENT DES TURSIOPS TRUNCATUS EN PRESENCE DE CHALUT - Influence of trawling on behaviour and Surfacing rates of bottlenose dolphin in northern thyrrenian sea 62
Large scale monitoring in the North Western Mediterranean sea- results of two years of research using fixed transect surveys 61
Efficiency of MPAs on marine mammals conservation: case study of large cetaceans in the central Mediterranean 59
Abundance estimation and residency pattern of Cuvier’s beaked whale in the Ligurian sea 55
Cetacean and maritime traffic in deep sea waters, a relation to avoid? 43
Totale 2.722
Categoria #
all - tutte 8.022
article - articoli 3.564
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 4.458
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 16.044

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020486 0 0 0 0 0 63 134 24 23 143 74 25
2020/202186 6 1 15 4 1 11 1 6 17 6 7 11
2021/2022323 0 26 3 33 18 32 7 113 13 23 4 51
2022/2023339 42 33 15 25 50 48 3 39 53 2 26 3
2023/2024164 8 30 6 35 22 19 3 2 7 4 3 25
2024/2025271 9 38 36 12 91 85 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.722