Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.706
Totale 4.706
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.706
Totale 4.706
Città #
Genova 3.070
Vado Ligure 571
Genoa 567
Rapallo 464
Bordighera 34
Totale 4.706
Nome #
Analysis of the Belluno industrial district by means of a questionnaire 132
Enterprise clusters triggered by radical innovation: A modelistic approach 129
Critical events in the tourism industry: factors affecting the future intention to take a cruise 125
Different Uses of Ozone: Environmental and Corporate Sustainability. Literature Review and Case Study 124
Destination Strategies to Enhance Secondary and Niche Tourism Products: Literature Review and Case Study 117
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of ozone therapy supported by agent based process simulation and data mining 115
Negative Events in the Cruise Tourism Industry: The Role of Corporate Responsibility and Reputation in Information Diffusion 109
GRANDI IMPRESE E STARTUP - Insieme con l’Open Innovation 104
Information Technology in Healthcare: HHC-MOTES, a Novel Set of Metrics to Analyse IT Sustainability in Different Areas 103
The Influence of New Media on Customers Buying Behaviour in the Wine Sector: Empirical Models and Simulation of Information Diffusion among Potential Customers 100
Collaboration strategies in turbulent periods: Effects of perception of relational risk on enterprise alliances 98
Sub-Optimal Behavior in Family Business Management: The Role of Individual Distorted Perception 96
Influence of exogenous phenomena on strategic behavior and organizational culture: An empirical analysis 93
The use of ozone as a driver for economic and environmental sustainable development 91
Dynamics of Non-Equity Collaborations Among Small and Medium Enterprises 91
R&D as Enterprise Strategy: Knowledge Management, Drivers and Highlights: Nordic Countries Compared to Italy 91
How users' participation affects reputation management systems: The case of P2P networks 89
Virtual Reality and Immersive Simulation Technology Outside Video Gaming: Enterprise Applications and Potential Implications 88
Concentration and aggregation of small and medium enterprises analyzed through a novel paradigm 88
The propensity to innovate in a company: From theoretical models to case studies to simulation 88
A Managerial Perspective of Technological Cloud Paradigms: its Effects on Enterprise Business, Costs and Strategies 84
Regional and Cultural Drivers for Research and Development: a comparative analysis of Scandinavian Countries and Italy 83
Negative events and corporate communication strategies in the cruise industry 81
Strategie di approvvigionamento e simulazione di processo 80
A Novel Study of Project Financing in Sport: Technical Acquisition of Infrastructure Using Financial Investment Simulation 80
Pharmacoeconomics as a Management and Financial Strategy in Healthcare and Simulation as a Decision Making Tool for it: The Case of Ozone Therapy 79
Modeling cognitive distortions of behavioural finance 79
Word-of-mouth marketing and entreprise strategies: a bottom-up diffusion model 78
Cognitive biased action selection strategies for simulations of financial systems 78
Strategie d’ impresa e network collaborativi: un modello di simulazione 75
The evaluation of effects of blogs on the cruiser’s decision-making process. An empirical analysis 75
Evaluating the role of individual perception in it outsourcing diffusion: An agent based model 75
Collaboration and human factor as drivers for reputation system effectiveness 73
IT Tools and Performance Indicators: A Qualitative Overview of Managerial, Organizational, Financial Strategies within Healthcare Sector 73
L'effetto dei blog e del passaparola virtuale sul processo decisionale dei crocieristi: un'analisi con simulazione ad agenti 71
Innovazione "Cloud Based" e Strategie delle Imprese: analisi manageriale di costi, benefici e fattori frenanti - 69
Learning action selection strategies in complex social systems 69
Applicazioni delle tecnologie immersive nell’industria e Realtà Aumentata come innovazione di processo nella Logistica: stato dell’arte ed implicazioni manageriali 67
Diffusione dell’innovazione ed evoluzione dei sistemi locali complessi: un’analisi attraverso la simulazione ad agenti 63
Analisi strategica del modello cloud, inteso come possibile innovazione di servizio e di processo per le imprese 62
Gestione della Conoscenza e Creazione di Valore per l'Impresa. Sistemi Informativi Aziendali al Servizio della Governance 61
Social Systems and Enterprise Analysis 57
Impact of process innovation on enterprise networks for competences exchange: E3, a multi agent based model 57
Coronavirus: Economic Prospects, Healthcare Policies and a Statistical Model for Italy 57
Augmented Reality in Logistics: qualitative analysis for a managerial perspective 57
Ricerca e Sviluppo come base di processi innovativi nelle piccole e medie imprese: un’indagine comparativa tra i paesi nordici ed Italia 54
Management Incentives in Unlisted Companies: an Empirical Investigation 54
Novel Cognitive Paradigms to Model Financial Markets and Knowledge Transmission 53
Impact of process innovation on enterprise networks for competences exchange: E3, a multi agent based model 52
Teaching management and finance through simulation: Choosing the proper paradigm 51
Innovazione e capitale di rischio 50
Strategie collaborative delle imprese e strutture cooperative: analisi di scenario e dinamica dei network 49
Factors Influencing the Consumers’ Expenditure on Wine According to their Own Expectations in a Tourism Perspective: A Statistical Analysis 49
Logistics and Agri‐Food: Digitization to Increase Competitive Advantage and Sustainability. Literature Review and the Case of Italy 49
Management dei servizi e del trasporto. Il caso del continente africano 47
Handbook of Research on Multi-Agent Systems: Semantics and Dynamics of Organizational Models 45
Data Collection for a Performance Analysis on Working Capital Management 44
La cultura di marketing nelle principali istituzioni che supportano le start-up innovative tech-based 43
Users collaboration as a driver for reputation system effectiveness: A simulation study 42
The Change in Private Equity Operations and Divestment During the Recent Crisis: an Empirical Analysis of the Italian Market 39
Governo dell’Impresa e Complessità Emergente: Metodologie Innovative a Supporto delle Decisioni 36
Modelling & Data Fusion to support Acquisition in Defence 34
Evaluation of human factor in reputation management systems, by means of agent-based simulation: Application to P2P networks 32
Innovazione di Prodotto, Processo e Strategia: il Caso 3M 32
Strategie d'Impresa e Network Collaborativi: un Modello di Simulazione 31
Cooperative Strategies of Accommodation Facilities: a Driving Force to Enhance Secondary Tourism Resources? 28
Working Capital Management and Financial Sustainability Performance Analysis in SMEs 27
R&D as Enterprise Strategy: Knowledge Management, Drivers and Highlights: Nordic Countries Compared to Italy 23
The Strategic Opportunity of Integrated Reporting for Non-Profit Organisations 19
Marketing for start-up. Introduction 14
SUS²A: A framework for assessing Investment Readiness Level in Start-ups. Literature review and model description 11
null 6
Totale 4.919
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.021
article - articoli 8.572
book - libri 1.176
conference - conferenze 4.275
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.998
Totale 34.042

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020876 0 0 0 0 0 0 229 92 121 244 168 22
2020/2021557 90 27 115 54 21 54 16 40 24 55 32 29
2021/2022753 17 35 50 78 23 65 37 180 71 53 40 104
2022/2023633 83 55 7 38 83 114 5 53 115 6 51 23
2023/2024401 14 43 18 48 32 43 21 43 31 26 51 31
2024/2025613 28 94 27 79 233 148 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.919