Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 25.658
Totale 25.658
Nazione #
IT - Italia 25.658
Totale 25.658
Città #
Genova 16.449
Genoa 3.464
Rapallo 3.250
Vado Ligure 2.455
Bordighera 40
Totale 25.658
Nome #
Agent Directed HLA Simulation for Complex Supply Chain Modeling 163
Design Support System of Fishing Vessel Through Simulation Approach 163
Augmented and virtual reality applications in industrial systems: A qualitative review towards the industry 4.0 era 162
A multi-stage algorithm for a capacitated vehicle routing problem with time constraints 143
An integrated model for evaluating self sustainability of bio-energy settlements: Technological, economical and social aspects 137
AI-Based Optimization for Fleet Management in Maritime Logistics 136
A simplified human cognitive approach for supporting crowd modeling in tunnel fires emergency simulation 133
Distributed Simulation in Industry 129
Managing a Motorway Tunnel Evacuation through 2-D/3-D Simulation Models 127
Applied Simulation to Support Steel Industry Re-Engineering, Planning and Operations: Methodologies and Case Studies 125
Digitalization of manufacturing execution systems: The core technology for realizing future smart factories 125
Design and Simulation of a Short Life-Cycle Product Supply Chain: a System Dynamics Approach 125
Port Training using simulation methodology 124
Improving healthcare using cognitive computing based software: An application in emergency situation 122
Operative Requirements and Advances for the New Generation Simulators in Multimodal Container Terminals 121
Genetic Algorithms and Web Based Simulation for Facility Design 121
An innovative model for supporting FMEA/FMECA analysis on complex coal fired power plants 120
Use of System Dynamics for Modelling the Logistic Facilities of an Offshore Supply Base Operated by a Multinational Company 119
A guideline for choosing the best modeling approach for maritime logistic simulation 119
Renewable energy sources integrated with electric power supply in manufacturing companies: A management model 118
Management redesign of a multi-product line through discrete event simulation and response surface methodology 118
A simulation based approach for supporting biomass based production systems: methodology and case study 116
Monte Carlo Simulation Models Evolving in Replicated Runs: A Methodology to Choose the Optimal Experimental Sample Size 115
A Flexible Modeling Approach for Supporting Rapid Business Simulations 114
Combined Simulation for improving Operations in LNG Logistics: a Case Study 114
Anticipation Models for On-Line Control in Steel Industry: Methodologies and Case Study 114
Simulative comparison between ship and airship for the transport of waste natural gas from oil wells 113
Advanced Modeling Methodology based on System Dynamics in Healthcare 110
Reflective Simulation For On-line Workload Planning and Control 109
Challenges in Remote Sensing 109
Use of Artificial Neural Networks as Support for Energy Saving Procedures in Telecommunications 109
Neural Networks and Regressive KPI Metamodels for Business Corporate Management: Methodology and Case Study 108
A generalized simulation framework to manage logistics systems: A case study in waste management and environmental protection 108
A System Dynamics Model For The Simulation Of A Non Multi Echelon Supply Chain: Analysis and Optimization Utilizing The Berkeley Madonna Software 107
A pull management model for a production cell under variable demand conditions 107
A different use for Systems Dynamics formalism in harbor modeling: a case study 105
Two methodologies to support gas turbine power plant availabilty estimation: design of experiment and Montecarlo simulation 105
An Agent Based Tool to Support Tactical Dialogues in Industrial Enterprise Networks 104
Numerical Exergetic Analysis of Different Biomass and Fossil Fuels Gasification 103
Innovative steam generation system for the secondary loop of “ALFRED” lead-cooled fast reactor demonstrator 103
New steam generation system for lead-cooled fast reactors, based on steam re-circulation through ejector 103
A passive decay heat removal system for the lead cooled fast reactor demonstrator "Alfred" 103
Anticipation models for on-line control in steel industry: Methodologies and case study 102
Using system dynamics for short life cycle supply chains evaluation 102
Using Nested Simulation for Evaluating Next Period Workload Anticipation Capability of a Control System 100
Simulation as Support for Contract Negotiation 100
An Anticipatory Control Systems Based on On-Line Real-Time Simulation for Supporting Rescheduling of Complex Industrial Plants with High Automation System 100
Simulation-Based VV&A Methodology for HLA Federations: an Example from the Aerospace Industry 100
A Simulation Study for Supporting Maritime Coal Supply Chain Design 99
An Innovative Contribution to Health Technology AssessmentModern Advances in Intelligent Systems and Tools 99
An innovative stochastic approach to forecast the demand of new products 99
Improve Supply Chain Management using Neural Networks and Regressive KPI relationship Metamodels 97
A System Dynamics study of an Emergency Department impact on the management of hospital’s surgery activity 96
An integrated model for supporting better fishering vessel design by modeling fish schools dynamics ready for HLA 96
A Generalized Discrete Event Model to Support Railway Freights Logistics: Methodology and Case Study 96
Structural and operational design of an innovative airship drone for natural gas transport over long distances 96
VV&A Techniques in M&S Applications 96
International, National and Regional Sea Transportation Evolution: a Simulation Based Approach to Improve Performances of Ligurian Ports 95
YACHTS-Yet Another Cooperative High Level Archicture Training Software 95
Anticipation Models for On-Line Control in Steel Industry: Methodologies and Case Study 95
Anticipating the chaotic behaviour of industrial systems based on stochastic, event-driven simulations 95
A Smart Box for Blood Bags Transport: Simulation Model of the Cooling Autonomy Control System 95
A Metamodel For Evaluating New Key Performance Indexes On Top Products Selling In Retail Fashion: Methodology And Case Study 94
Agent Based Vs Nested Simulation For Supporting On-Line Teller Scheduling In Groceries Supermarket Distribution: A Case Study 94
A methodology for supporting lean healthcare 94
Mechanical Design of an Innovative Method for CNG Transporting over Long Distances: Logistics, Executive and Operative Aspects 94
Manufacturing management training process through process-oriented simulation tool. 93
Computer Science Challenges 93
Recent Advances in Applied & Biomedical Informatics and Computational Engineering in Systems Applications 93
Simulation model of a nodes for smart grid applications, equipped with photovoltaic panel, energy storage and electric vehicle 93
Gestione Integrata di Sistemi Produttivi Interagenti: Metodi Quantitativi Avanzati per la Quick Response 92
Advanced Training System for Distributed Manufacturing 92
Training Simulation based on HLA Technology for Logistics Purpose 92
A dynamic Milk Run in WEEE Reverse Logistics 92
Guidelines and perspectives to enhance Italian port competitiveness 91
System Science and Simulation in Engineering 91
Discrete event simulation applied to a reengineering problem in a railway context 91
Simulink Study of a Smart Node for Domestic Applications, Equipped with PV Panel, Energy Storage and Home Automation 91
System Dynamics simulation as a decision support system for evaluating the impact of a new supermarket opening on urban traffic flows 91
Improving Drilling Operations Management Using Combined Simulation 91
VV&A of Complex Modeling and Simulation Systems: Methodologies and Case Studies 90
Modelling & Identification as A Decision Support System for Retail Chains 90
A System Dynamics Decision Cockpit For A Container Terminal: The Case Of Voltri Terminal Europe 90
An integrate lean simulation model for supporting hydroelectric and biomass energy production systems: methodology and case study 90
Effectiveness and limits of response surface methodology in application to discrete and stochastic simulation of manufacturing plants 90
An Innovative Analytical Network Process Model for Evaluation and Management of Maintenance Projects in Engineering Plant Field, From Proceedings Modelling, Identification and Control 90
Discrete and stochastic simulation and response surface methodology: An approach to a varying experimental error 90
Applied Neural Networks for Improving Production Capabilities 89
An Innovative Model for Supporting System Integration and Process Reengineering of a Railway Engine Manufacturing Company Workflow 89
Modeling And Simulation For Supporting Maritime Port Logistics And Operations: Retrospectives And Perspectives 89
Experimental error measurement in monte carlo simulation 89
Objectives and perspectives for improving resiliency in Supply Chains 89
A Simulation Based Methodology for Supporting CNG Ship Design 88
Providing Science Efficiently in Physics and Computer Science in Kyrgyzstan Remote Schools by using Simulation and Virtual Reality 88
Design of experiment and montecarlo simulation as support for gas turbine power plant availabilty estimation 88
Lean Manufacturing In Italian Companies: a Survey On Correlations Between Practices and Plant Performance 87
Totale 10.455
Categoria #
all - tutte 78.458
article - articoli 16.836
book - libri 971
conference - conferenze 51.639
curatela - curatele 359
other - altro 1.223
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 7.430
Totale 156.916

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 229 409 1.256 771 314
2020/2021983 65 88 69 51 49 118 30 67 164 69 107 106
2021/20223.183 49 262 238 385 123 162 191 801 155 312 120 385
2022/20233.898 353 207 28 423 550 747 7 343 730 53 370 87
2023/20241.916 139 262 70 224 211 227 109 81 99 44 114 336
2024/20253.470 132 480 154 346 912 612 486 348 0 0 0 0
Totale 25.924