100018 - Dipartimento di Lingue e culture moderne
2024-01-01 Benati, Chiara
A medical dictionary for personal usage: the Latin-Low German glossary on fol. 179r-204r of Copenhagen, Royal Library, GKS 1663 4to
2016-01-01 Benati, Chiara
Additions and Interpolations in the Low German Version of Hans von Gersdorff's Feldtbuch der Wundarzney
2015-01-01 Benati, Chiara
Against the Dangers of Travel: Journey Blessings and Amulets in the Medieval and Early Modern Germanic Tradition
2018-01-01 Benati, Chiara
An Old Norse Manuscript to Die and Kill for: Víktor Arnar Ingólfsson’s Flateyjargáta
2016-01-01 Benati, Chiara
Behüde mich vor vngerechtem gude. Were Goods Won in Game “Unjustified”? Medieval Gambling
2019-01-01 Benati, Chiara
Bilingual Glosses in Hieronymus Brunschwig’s Buch der Cirurgia: a Handbook as a Source for Historical Surgical Terminology
2008-01-01 Benati, Chiara
Charms and Blessings in the Middle Low German Medical Tradition
2017-01-01 Benati, C.
Classical and Vernacular Terminology in the 1525 English Version of Hieronymus Brusnchwig’s Buch der Cirurgia
2014-01-01 Benati, Chiara
Conflict solving through magic in the Germanic language area: the case of charms against thieves
2018-01-01 Benati, C.
Coping with a foreign language for specific purposes in the early sixteenth century: the Low German translation of Hieronymus Brunschwig’s Buch der Cirurgia
2018-01-01 Benati, C.
Cultural References in Lost Anthroponomastics: Revealing or Misleading Hints?
2014-01-01 Benati, Chiara
Dat Kinder bock: a Low German Pediatric Medical Book in Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliothek, GKS 1663 4to
2017-01-01 Benati, Chiara
Die Rezeption des Laurins im 21. Jahrhundert: Zwei Fallstudien aus der literarischen und filmischen Produktion für Jugendliche
2024-01-01 Benati, Chiara
Dietrich in the Faroes: Echoes of the German Dietrichepik in the Faroese Oral Tradition
2010-01-01 Benati, Chiara
2024-01-01 Benati, Chiara; Leonardi, Simona
Faroese: a National Language under Siege?
2008-01-01 Benati, Chiara
From Glosses to Dictionaries? An Introduction
2019-01-01 Benati, Chiara; Handl, CLAUDIA THERESIA
Funzioni lessicali e fraseologia storica: opportunità e peculiarità
2008-01-01 Benati, Chiara
Imaginary Creatures Causing Real Diseases: Projective Etiology in Medieval and Early Modern Medicine
2020-01-01 Benati, Chiara