Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.247
Totale 4.247
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.247
Totale 4.247
Città #
Genova 3.121
Rapallo 410
Vado Ligure 357
Genoa 354
Bordighera 5
Totale 4.247
Nome #
1,3-Dithiane polymeric reagents for supported organic syntheses 174
Synthesis, glycosylation and NMR characterization of linear peracetylatedd-galactose glycopolymers 164
Monomers, polymers, copolymers, resins and coated silicas containing benzylamine residues planned as artificial substrates of benzylamine oxidase 145
1,3-Dithiane-5-methanol as a key synthon for polymeric 1,3-dithiane reagents valuable in supported organic syntheses and combinatorial chemistry 140
Synthesis of pluriaminated pyridines 137
1,3-Dithiane Polymers for the Supported Synthesis of Ketones 137
Unexpected behavior of the methoxymethoxy group in the metalation/formylation reactions of 3-methoxymethoxyanisole 135
Benzylamine-related compounds stimulate rat vas deferens neurotransmission and potentiate memory in the mouse acting as potassium channel blockers 126
Synthesis and NMR investigation of styrene glycopolymers containing D-galactose units functionalized with 4-(4-hydroxybutoxy)benzylamine residues 125
Alkylamino derivatives of 4-aminomethylpyridine as inhibitors of copper-containing amine oxidases 123
Monomers containing substrate or inhibitor residues for copper amine oxidases and their hydrophilic beaded resins designed for enzyme interaction studies 121
Polymeric reagents with propane-1,3-dithiol functions and their precursors for supported organic syntheses 119
3,5-Dichloro-4-pyridinecarbonitrile: a multisite substrate for carbon nucleophiles 118
Synthesis and evaluation of resins bearing substrate-like inhibitor functions for capturing copper amine oxidases 117
Synthesis of model molecules and NMR analysis of polymeric reagents based on propane-1,3-dithiol and 1,3-dithiane systems 116
Nanostructured styrenic copolymers containing glucopyranosyl residues and their functionalization 116
Synthesis of crosslinked nanostructured saccharidic vinyl copolymers and their functionalization 114
Soluble and insoluble polymeric 1,3-dithiane reagents for the synthesis of aldehydes from alkyl halides 109
Synthesis of a D-galactose derivative and its functionalization at the anomeric center with benzylamine residues as a model system for biologically active glycopolymers 104
The mechanism of inhibition of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase by 3,5-diethoxy-4-aminomethylpyridine (B24) 97
Reductive cleavage of 1,3-dithiane systems anchored on polymers useful for supported organic synthesis 89
Synthesis of dendrimeric polyesters and their functionalization with amino acids 89
Unexpected influence of a remote 5-substituent on the lithiation of the 1,3-dithiane ring 85
Sintesi di derivati 2,6-dialcossibenzilamminici contenenti un linker a idrofilia variabile per l’aggancio su sistemi macromolecolari micro e nano strutturati per studi di interazione enzimatica 81
Synthesis and radical copolymerization of carbohydrate-based vinyl macromonomers 79
Resine funzionalizzate con sistemi 1,3-ditianici per sintesi in fase solida di composti carbonilici 78
Acilazione nucleofila di composti carbonilici ed ossirani tramite derivati 1,3-ditianici supportati su polimero 76
Polystyrene Resins Containing 1,3-Propanedithiol Functions for Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis 75
Synthesis of linear glycopolymers containing D-galactose units and their glycosylation with benzylamine derivatives. 73
Sintesi e polimerizzazione di monomeri saccaridici vinilici 72
Functional Polymers for Selective Flocculation of Minerals in "Desk Reference of Functional Polymers - Syntheses and Applications" 71
Synthesis of functionalized vinyl copolymers to use as polymeric crosslinkers in the preparation of gelatin-based scaffolds 70
Sistemi macromolecolari nanostrutturati a base saccaridica 67
Sintesi di composti difunzionali tramite sistemi 1,3-ditianici supportati su polimero 66
Sintesi di Derivati Monosaccaridici quali Modelli per Studi di Funzionalizzazione di Glicopolimeri Nanostrutturati 64
Sintesi di derivati 3-alchilamminici della 4-amminometilpiridina quali inibitori reversibili delle amminossidasi contenenti rame 64
Polymers and resins containing propane-1,3-dithiol functions as reagents for supported organic syntheses 63
Reagenti polimerici contenenti unità 1,3-propanditioliche: uso nella riduzione di chetoni ad alcani 63
Sintesi di un monomero stirenico derivato dal D-galattosio precursore di glicopolimeri nanostrutturati 61
Synthesis and characterization of dendrimeric polyesters containing peripheral lysine and histidine groups 58
Synthesis of polycation dendrimers for gene delivery 57
Polymer-supported Synthesis of α- and ß-Hydroxyketones through the Formation of 1,3-Dithiane Intermediates 57
Sintesi di monomeri vinilici contenenti residui 4-piridincarbonitrilici e loro trasformazione in sistemi polimerici idrofili quali modelli macromolecolari di inibitori delle amminossidasi contenenti rame 48
Synthesis and NMR investigation of model molecules for glycosylation reactions of glycopolymers 48
Expanding Phenotype of Poirier–Bienvenu Syndrome: New Evidence from an Italian Multicentrical Cohort of Patients 47
Studio NMR di reagenti polimerici solubili per acilazioni nucleofile tramite sistemi 1,3-ditianici 40
Totale 4.278
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.068
article - articoli 6.679
book - libri 229
conference - conferenze 5.160
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 24.136

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020856 0 0 0 0 0 114 232 46 80 196 124 64
2020/2021186 20 18 9 16 8 12 10 19 31 15 14 14
2021/2022559 12 44 42 64 19 20 20 140 28 62 24 84
2022/2023500 48 48 3 40 82 90 1 46 97 4 38 3
2023/2024232 18 42 3 35 13 24 7 14 9 4 40 23
2024/2025396 63 53 18 67 132 63 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.278