Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 10.658
Totale 10.658
Nazione #
IT - Italia 10.658
Totale 10.658
Città #
Genova 8.470
Rapallo 1.065
Genoa 741
Vado Ligure 369
Bordighera 13
Totale 10.658
Nome #
G(s) protein dysfunction in allergen-challenged human isolated passively sensitized bronchi. 167
Increase in airway responsiveness and effect of deep inhalation on airway caliber in allergen-induced asthma: relationship to the late-phase response. 158
Airway reactivity and diving in healthy and atopic subjects 155
Allergen challenge of passively sensitized human bronchi alters M2 and Beta2 receptor function 150
Relationship between quasi-static pulmonary hysteresis and maximal airway narrowing in humans. 145
Severity grading of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the confounding effect of phenotype and thoracic gas compression 143
Acute bronchodilator responsiveness in bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 138
Beta-Adrenergic Agonists 138
Bronchodilator effects of exercise hyperpnea and albuterol in mild-to-moderate asthma 132
Effects of κ- and μ-opioid agonists on cholinergic neurotransmission and contraction in isolated bovine trachealis 132
Noninflammatory mechanisms of airway hyper-responsiveness in bronchial asthma: an overview. 131
Allergy and sports: exercise-induced asthma. 129
Pre-junctional muscarinic autoreceptors in bovine airways. 129
Bronchial responsiveness is not increased by bronchoalveolar and bronchial lavage performed after allergen challenge. 127
Time course and calcium dependence of sustained bronchoconstriction induced by deep inhalation in asthma. 124
A clinical trial of oral clenbuterol (NAB 365) in chronic airways obstruction. 124
Cutaneous antihistaminic action of cetirizine and dose-related EEG concomitants of sedation in man. 122
Allergic inflammation and airway smooth muscle function 122
Inflammatory and mechanical factors of allergen-induced bronchoconstriction in mild asthma and rhinitis 121
Airway eosinophilic inflammation, epithelial damage, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with mild-moderate, stable asthma. 119
Effects of deep inhalation during early and late asthmatic reactions to allergen. 119
Late-phase asthmatic reaction to inhaled allergen is associated with early recruitment of eosinophils in the airways. 118
Airway responsiveness to methacholine and deep inhalations in subjects with rhinitis without asthma. 118
Total and specific IgE in serum, bronchial lavage and bronchoalveolar lavage of asthmatic patients. 117
Airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma: not just a matter of airway inflammation 116
Dissociation between airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness in allergic asthma 116
Lung function testing in COPD: when everything is not so simple 116
Differential role of CD80 and CD86 on alveolar macrophages in the presentation of allergen to T lymphocytes in asthma 114
Effect of seasonal exposure to pollen on specific bronchial sensitivity in allergic patients. 114
Attenuation of induced-bronchoconstriction in healthy subjects: effects of breathing depth 113
Airway inflammation and occurrence of delayed bronchoconstriction in exercise-induced asthma. 113
Changes in lung volumes and airway responsiveness following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation 112
Airway responsiveness to methacholine: effects of deep inhalations and airway inflammation 111
Quantitative analysis of peripheral allergen-specific B lymphocytes in asthma. 111
Effect of nedocromil sodium on the late asthmatic reaction to bronchial antigen challenge. 111
Dependence of bronchoconstrictor and bronchodilator responses on thoracic gas compression volume 109
Pulmonary physiology: future directions for lung function testing in COPD 108
Action other than smooth muscle relaxation may play a role in the protective effects of formoterol on the allergen-induced late asthmatic reaction 107
Bronchial provocation tests with RAST-standardized allergens and dosimetric technique. 107
Gz- and not Gi-proteins are coupled to pre-junctional μ-opioid receptors in bovine airways 107
Outcome measures in the clinical evaluation of ambulatory Charcot Marie Tooth 1A subjects 107
Formoterol by pressurized metered-dose aerosol or dry powder on airway obstruction and lung hyperinflation in partially reversible COPD 107
Allergen-induced increase in airway responsiveness and inflammation in mild asthma. 105
On the functional consequences of bronchial basement membrane thickening 104
Nimesulide does not interfere with airway responsiveness in allergic asthma. 103
Airway inflammation in COPD: friend or foe? 101
Bronchial and bronchoalveolar lavage after allergen challenge in atopic patients. 100
Postjunctional effect of pinacidil on contractility of isolated bovine trachealis 98
Bronchial and bronchoalveolar inflammation in single early and dual responders after allergen inhalation challenge. 98
Nonspecific provocation of target organs in allergic diseases: EAACI-GA(2)LEN consensus report 97
A model of allergen-driven human airway contraction:beta2 pathway dysfunction without cytokine involvement. 96
The effect of bromhexine on phospholipid concentration in bronchial and bronchoalveolar lavage. 96
Effect of nedocromil sodium on adenosine- and methacholine-induced bronchospasm in asthma. 96
Inflammatory changes in proximal and peripheral airways of asthmatic patients. 95
How to interpret reduced forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1)/vital capacity ratio with normal FEV1. 95
Value of immunoglobulin IgE density in predicting nasal and bronchial response to inhaled allergen in rhinitic with multiple sensitizations 94
Supplemental oxygen and heliox: 'new' tools for exercise training in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 94
Effect of multiple doses of nedocromil sodium given after allergen inhalation in asthma. 94
Recruitment of circulating allergen-specific T lymphocytes to the lung on allergen challenge in asthma. 93
Increased numbers of mast cells in bronchial mucosa after the late-phase asthmatic response to allergen. 92
Comparison between intracutaneous and prick tests in detecting sensitizations to common Mediterranean allergens. 92
Depletion of circulating allergen-specific TH2 T lymphocytes after allergen exposure in asthma. 91
Expression of cytokine mRNA in bronchoalveolar lavage cells from atopic asthmatics before late antigen-induced reaction. 90
Methacholine provocation test for diagnosis of allergic respiratory diseases 89
Adenosine-induced bronchoconstriction: premedication with chlorpheniramine and nedocromil sodium. 89
Mechanical correlates of dyspnea in bronchial asthma. 89
Selective differences in expression of the homing receptor of helper lymphpcytes subsets 89
Does a low-density gas mixture or oxygen supplementation improve exercise training in COPD? 89
Pulmonary function and airway responsiveness in young competitive swimmers. 88
Modulation of cholinergic responsiveness through the beta-adrenoceptor signal transmission pathway in bovine trachealis 86
[Determination of total and specific IgE in nasal secretions]. 86
Anti-inflammatory agents and allergen-induced Beta2-receptor dysfunction in isolated human bronchi. 85
Effect of methacholine challenge on cellular composition of sputum induction 84
Late asthmatic reaction to perennial and seasonal allergens. 84
Frequency of allergen-specific T lymphocytes in blood and bronchial response to allergen in asthma. 84
Airway eosinophil inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness after allergen inhalation challenge in asthma 83
Predictive accuracy of late asthmatic reaction to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. 83
Cysteinyl-leukotrienes in the regulation of beta2-adrenoceptor function: an in vitro model of asthma. 83
Increased expression of the CD80 accessory molecule by alveolar macrophages in asthmatic subjects and its functional involvement in allergen presentation to autologous TH2 lymphocytes 83
Extracellular cyclic ADP-ribose potentiates ACh-induced contraction in bovine tracheal smooth muscle. 83
Nasal and bronchial IgE in allergic and intrinsic patients. 83
Is the allergen-inhalation challenge predictive of the severity of seasonal asthmatic exacerbations? 81
Dual asthmatic reactions to inhaled Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus: reproducibility and antagonism by cromolyn sodium. 81
Beclomethasone rapidly ablates allergen induced Beta2-adrenoceptor pathway dysfunction in human isolated bronchi. 79
In allergic asthna experimental exposure to allergens is associated with depletion of blood eosinophils overexpressing LFA-1 79
Bronchoalveolar lavage in allergic asthma. 78
Allergic airway inflammation and beta-adrenoceptor dysfunction. 77
Comparison of esrly and late asthmatic responses between patients with allergic rhinitis and mild asthma. 76
Effect of aerosol methacholine and histamine on airway and lung parenchyma in healthy humans. 76
Asthma, exercise, and the immune system 72
Local immunotherapy with Dermatophagoides extract in asthma. 70
Antiinflammatory-antioxidant treatment with a methane sulfonanilide in allergen-induced asthma. 69
Depletion of peripheral CD4 T lymphocytes in polysensitized asthmatic subjects following bronchial allergen challenge. 69
Outcome measures and rehabilitation treatment in patients affected by Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy: a pilot study. 68
Totale 10.223
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.365
article - articoli 25.365
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 50.730

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.535 0 0 0 0 281 288 592 183 262 485 321 123
2020/2021558 40 46 69 31 21 48 39 48 79 50 51 36
2021/20221.218 23 57 38 172 97 107 90 246 67 149 24 148
2022/20231.276 126 69 9 150 188 307 3 93 229 2 84 16
2023/2024537 27 74 3 65 65 142 24 18 21 16 29 53
2024/2025375 34 129 44 74 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.672