Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 12.513
Totale 12.513
Nazione #
IT - Italia 12.513
Totale 12.513
Città #
Genova 8.815
Rapallo 1.488
Genoa 1.152
Vado Ligure 1.034
Bordighera 24
Totale 12.513
Nome #
V-PARVUS 2010. An extendable package of programs for explorative data analysis, classification and regression analysis. Dip Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche, University of Genova. Free available at 410
PARVUS: an Extendable Package of Programs for Data Exploration, Classification and Correlation 274
Artificial nose, NIR and UV-visible spectroscopy for the characterisation of the PDO chianti classico olive oil 163
Alternative common bases and signal compression for wavelets application in chemometrics 162
Analysis and Classification of bacteria by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and a Chemometric Approach 147
Methods of Varimax Rotation in Factor Analysis with Applications in Clinical and Food Chemistry 143
GA-ACE: Alternating conditional expectations regression with selection of significant predictors by genetic algorithms 143
Extraction of representative subsets by potential functions method and genetic algorithms 141
Chemometric study and validation strategies in the structure-activity relationships of new cardiotonic agents 141
NIR and UV-vis spectroscopy, artificial nose and tongue: Comparison of four fingerprinting techniques for the characterisation of Italian red wines 140
Application of Chemometrics to Food Chemistry 134
Chemometric Brains for Artificial Tongues 133
Study of the aging and oxidation processes of vinegar samples from different origins during storage by near-infrared spectroscopy 132
Development of the chemical model of a typical food product: olive oil from an Italian region (Basilicata) 130
CAIMAN brothers: A family of powerful classification and class modeling techniques 127
Selection of useful predictors in multivariate calibration 125
A class modelling technique based on potential functions 124
Comparison between classical and innovative class-modelling techniques for the characterisation of a PDO olive oil 121
The potential of coupling information using three analytical techniques for identifying the geographical origin of Liguria extra virgin olive oil 120
Affinity prediction on A1 adenosine receptor agonists: the chemometric approach 119
Stepwise orthogonalization of predictors in classification and regression techniques: an “old” technique revisited 118
Combining information from headspace mass spectrometry and visible spectroscopy in the classification of the Ligurian olive oils 118
Minimum Spanning Tree: Ordering Edges To Identify Clustering Structure 116
Complete validation for classification and class modeling procedures with selection of variables and/or with additional computed variables 115
Clustering with dendrograms on interpretation variables 114
Chemometrics for Sampling and Analysis: Theory and Environmental Applications 113
The information content of visible spectra of extra virgin olive oil in the characterization of its origin 112
Classification of olive oils from their fatty acid composition 111
Chemometrics in Food Chemistry 111
A new algorithm for seriation and its use in similarity dendrograms 111
Transfer of calibration function in near-infrared spectroscopy 110
Characterization and determination of the geographical origin of wines. Part III: multivariate discrimination and classification methods 109
Validation procedures in near-infrared spectrometry 109
A routine to change an MS-DOS program during run-time 109
Development of a voltammetric electronic tongue for discrimination of edible oils 109
Multivariate calibration 109
Computer-assisted modelling and optimisation of reversed-phase high-temperature liquid chromatographic (RP-HTLC) separations 109
Zups: the evolution of a new class of molecular descriptors 108
A Program for Varimax Rotation Analysis 107
V-PARVUS 2003: The evolution of the oldest package of programs with chemometrics techniques developed for personal computers. 107
A chemometrical approach for classification of vinegars by headspace mass spectrometry 106
Data Analysis and Chemometrics 106
Characterisation of PDO olive oil Chianti Classico by non-selective (UV-Visible, NIR, MIR spectroscopy) and selective (fatty acid composition) analytical techniques 106
Data analysis in food chemistry 105
Optimisation of a new headspace mass spectrometry instrument. Discrimination of different geographical origin olive oils 105
The refinement of PLS models by iterative weighting of predictor variables and objects 104
A chemometric approach to predict A1 agonist effect of adenosine analogues 103
Multivariate calibration: applications to pharmaceutical analysis 103
Development of the chemical model of a typical food product: olive oil from an Italian region (Basilicata) 101
Building decision rules by chemometric analysis: application to olive oil 101
Modelling aroma of three Italian red wines by headspace-mass spectrometry and potential functions 100
Confidence intervals of the prediction ability and performance scores of classifications methods 98
Class modeling techniques in the control of the geographical origin of wines 97
Hirsuthism: A Multivariate Approach of Feature Selection and Classification 96
Automatic selection of predictors in PLS by means of statistical test on the correlation coefficient of the marginal least squares regressions 96
Use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Feature Selection Techniques for Predicting the Caffeine Content and Roasting Color in Roasted Coffees 95
Composizione chimica dell'olio di oliva vergine e sue variazioni indotte dal processo di rettificazione 94
A new index for clustering tendency 93
Multivariate range modeling, a new technique for multivariate class modeling. The uncertainty of the estimates of sensitivity and specificity 90
Some remarks on multivariate calibration and classification 90
Correlation Structure of Spectra in NIR Spectroscopy 90
Chemometrics 88
Alternative common bases for wavelets application in chemometrics 88
Acidi grassi degli animali acquatici: uno studio chemiometrico 86
NIR spectroscopy and Class-modelling techniques for the geographical authentication of Ligurian Extra Virgin Olive Oil 86
Cluster Analysis: significance, empty space, clustering tendency, non-uniformity. II– Empty Space Index 85
Strategies for sampling of typical foods. 85
Valutazione delle caratteristiche dell'olio di oliva in funzione dell'annata di produzione mediante metodi di classificazione multivariati 84
Cluster Analysis: significance, empty space, clustering tendency, non-uniformity. I– Statistical tests on the significance of clusters 83
PARVUS - MS-DOS: a package for general pattern recognition 83
Chemometrical analysis of tuscan oils by PARVUS and AUTOCAD as a display output 83
Classifying aroma of two Italian red wines by headspace-mass spectrometry and chemometrics 82
Improvement of slope-bias correction for the intercalibration of different instruments 82
Simplified Non Linear Mapping of chemical data 80
Strumenti chemiometrici per la NIR. Multivariate Range Modeling: basi teoriche e confronto con UNEQ e SIMCA 80
La calibrazione in NIRS: procedimenti di calcolo e di convalida della funzione di calibrazione 79
Combining information from HS-MS, UV-Visible and NIR spectrodcopy in the geographycal origin identification of the Liguria olive oil 79
A new class-modelling method 79
Iterative Predictor Weighting PLS (IPW): A technique for the elimination of useless predictors in regression problems 79
Study of the aging and oxidation processes of vinegar samples from different origins during storage by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy 78
A.P.R.I.: A Program for Reference Intervals 77
Feature Selection by Stepwise Bayesian Analysis 76
Distance and class space in UNEQ modeling technique 75
3-way principal component analysis applied to the evaluation of water quality of underground waters in the area of Siracusa 75
A study of a typical Italian cheese: Grana Padano 75
Combining Information from HS-MS, UV-VISIBLE and NIR Spectroscopy in the geographical origin identification of the Liguria olive oil 75
Metodi di rotazione Varimax 74
Classification and class modeling techniques: problem, sampling, method, evaluation 73
Sampling Design: a case study 72
Principal componenet analysis, ANOVA and MANOVA applied to car emissions 71
Stepwise Orthogonalisation of Predictors in NIR Spectroscopy 71
Analisi dei dati sensoriali multivariati 70
Confidence Intervals for PC Models 70
The number of principal components 68
Analisi dei dati provenienti dal monitoraggio chimico analitico delle acque della laguna veneta: dalla Analisi dei Componenti Principali alla 3-way PCA 68
Adattamento dei metodi di classificazione basati sulle funzioni potenziali a metodi di modellamento 67
Transfer of calibration in NIRS: regression techniques and design 65
Alternative common basis for wavelet compression of NIR spectra and their application to food samples 65
Chemometrical study of a typical cheese 64
Transfer of spectra by means of local correction 64
Totale 10.417
Categoria #
all - tutte 36.282
article - articoli 18.851
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 12.791
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.276
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.364
Totale 72.564

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.357 0 0 0 0 0 285 467 133 248 616 420 188
2020/2021618 31 99 56 36 37 72 34 39 88 52 44 30
2021/20221.643 21 139 183 222 33 65 86 411 40 138 82 223
2022/20231.841 183 124 52 167 316 324 10 155 306 18 121 65
2023/2024726 46 90 23 68 61 94 60 49 36 12 73 114
2024/20251.133 91 193 105 103 395 246 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.575