Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.480
Totale 4.480
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.480
Totale 4.480
Città #
Genova 2.682
Genoa 685
Rapallo 656
Vado Ligure 430
Bordighera 27
Totale 4.480
Nome #
Applicability of a forecasting chain in a different morphological environment in Italy 133
Supervised and Semi-Supervised Classifiers for the Detection of Flood-Prone Areas 133
A dynamic optimization model for solid waste recycling 126
Life Cycle Assessment for eco-design of product-package systems in the food industry€ - The case of legumes 119
A dynamic model for recycling: optimization of solid waste separate collection 117
" An operational flash-flood forecasting chain applied to the test cases of the EU project HYDROPTIMET" 117
Classifiers for the Detection of Flood Prone Areas Using Remote Sensed Elevation Data 116
Investigation on the use of geomorphic approaches for the delineation of flood prone areas 115
University campus waste prevention and reduction: A circular-economy approach 114
A conditional probability approach to spatially distributed flood scenario simulation 110
Accumulation Risk Analysis for the Flooding Hazard 108
null 100
Optimizing forest biomass exploitation for energy supply at a regional level 95
Risk Assessment in an Integrated Water Management Perspective 95
Worst cases identification and spatial severity assessment using a damage database 94
On multivariate flood scenario simulations 93
Flood maps information content for insurance and re-insurance industries 92
Evaluating flood hazard at the catchment scale via machine-learning techniques 91
Un sistema di supporto alle decisioni per la valutazione della sostenibilita insediativa di una centrale a biomassa 88
“LCA and optimization – A combined decision tool for the assessment of the biowaste separate collection in the municipality of Cogoleto, northern Italy”. 87
A method to remove effects of radar beam interaction with the ground in various propagation conditions. impact on data quality 87
Classifiers for the detection of flood prone areas from remote sensed elevation data 86
A simplified dynamical approach to the study of atmospheric events based on data fusion 82
Spatially Distributed Flood Scenarios Simulation 82
Flood hazard assessment via threshold binary classifiers: Case study of the Tanaro river basin 82
Flood event reconstruction by mean of AVI archive and ancillary data 82
Frequency assessment of spatially distributed generations of flood scenarios: an application on Italian territory 81
Modeling the vulnerability of complex territorial systems: an application to hydrological risk 81
Wavelet-based automated localization and classification of peaks in streamflow data seriee 80
Analysis of possible pollution scenarios of risk in Vado Ligure harbour, 79
U-Flood “urban flood” modello di propagazione delle piene in ambiente urbano 78
Una metodologia basata sull’uso di dati satellitari per la stima della popolazione esposta al rischio d’inondazione / A remote-sensing based methodology for the estimation of population in flood prone areas 78
The applicability of a forecasting chain at different morphological environments 75
Insurance applications of flood prone areas identification procedures 75
Waste Management under Emergency Conditions: Life-Cycle Multicriteria Analysis as Decision Support System 74
Illustra il genere. un concorso per vignette sul linguaggio di genere all’Università di Genova 73
Digital terrain model’s resolution influence on flood scenario design 72
Analisi tecniche per le bonifiche di siti inquinati 70
Remote Sensing-Based Methodology for the Quick Update of the Assessment of the Population Exposed to Natural Hazards 69
Analysis of wave heights in Vado Ligure: a comparison using wind data and buoy data 68
Worst cases identification and spatial severity assessment using a damage database 66
Determinazione del rischio idraulico secondo la normativa vigente 64
Flood hazard detection at the catchment scale from remote sensed information 59
Il rischio costiero nel Golfo del Tigullio 56
Estimation of flood risk exposure with cross fertilization between multi-platform remote sensing and census information 56
Frequency assessment of spatially distributed generations of flood scenarios: an application on the Italian territory 55
Application of statistical analysis to estimate the coastal hazard. A case study in Liguria region 51
Vulnerabilità, rischio, resilienza. Principi per nuovi parametri di valutazione del paesaggio 49
A remote-sensing based methodology for the estimation of population in flood prone areas 49
Pedestrian urban Spaces and Health 45
Impact of combined beam blocking and anomalous propagation correction algorithms on radar data quality 38
Gender Equality Plans under Horizon Europe: from difficulties of interpretation to prospects 38
On the identification of flood prone areas from national scale territorial information: the case study of Italy 32
Application of statistical analysis to estimate the costal hazard. A case study in Liguria region 21
Totale 4.548
Categoria #
all - tutte 13.592
article - articoli 6.417
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 5.402
curatela - curatele 211
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.562
Totale 27.184

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020721 0 0 0 0 0 93 126 32 79 204 144 43
2020/2021208 17 9 12 12 10 31 14 19 39 13 24 8
2021/2022566 8 50 36 61 20 25 42 152 29 55 25 63
2022/2023809 57 77 20 82 95 118 17 48 127 24 122 22
2023/2024540 18 43 17 50 37 69 70 37 30 31 10 128
2024/2025466 45 71 45 75 137 93 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.548