Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.757
Totale 6.757
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.757
Totale 6.757
Città #
Genova 4.406
Rapallo 918
Vado Ligure 726
Genoa 673
Bordighera 34
Totale 6.757
Nome #
A new species of Coelocarteria (Porifera, Demospongiae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia. 143
The sponge community of a semi-submerged Mediterranean cave 128
Deep sponge communities of the Gulf of St Eufemia (Calabria, southern Tyrrhenian Sea), with description of two new species. 126
A review of the Mediterranean Sea Sponge biogeography with, in appendix, a list of the demosponges hitherto recorded from this sea. 125
Diversity of Porifera in the Mediterranean coralligenous accretions, with description of a new species 117
Posidonia oceanica meadows as sponge spicule traps 117
Changes and stability of a Mediterranean hard bottom benthic community over 25 years 116
Taxonomical and biogeographical notes on the sponges of the Strait of Magellan 110
The sponge community of a subtidal area with hydrothermal vents: Milos Island, Aegean Sea. 109
Role of deep sponge grounds in the Mediterranean Sea: a case study in southern Italy. 107
Lagoon sponges from Carrie Bow Cay (Belize): ecological benefits of selective sediment incorporation 105
Marine lakes of karst islands in Ha Long Bay (Vietnam) 104
Biodiversity of marine sessile epifauna at an Aegean island subject to hydrothermal activity: Milos, eastern Mediterranean Sea. 104
Long-term photographic records from the artificial reefs of Monaco (1980-1985). 102
Porifera from the Argentine Sea: diversity in Patagonian scallop beds 102
The dynamics of a Mediterranean coralligenous sponge assemblage at decennial and millennial temporal scales 101
An approach to the study of the benthic fauna of some marine caves along the Penisola Sorrentina (Naples, Italy). 99
Demosponge diversity from North Sulawesi, with the description of six new species 99
Relationship between sponges and a taxon of obligatory inquilines: the siliquariid molluscs 98
Stability of the sponge assemblage of Mediterranean coralligenous concretions along a millennial time span 97
A method for semiquantitative samplings of the sessile epifauna of the Posidonia oceanica beds. 97
The aquiferous system of two Oceanapia species (Porifera, Demospongiae) studied by corrosion casts. 97
Hydrothermal waters enriched in silica promote the development of a sponge community in North Sulawesi (Indonesia) 96
Have climate changes driven the diversity of a Mediterranean coralligenous sponge assemblage on a millennial timescale? 94
Two new species of Poecilosclerida (Porifera: Demospongiae) from Terra Nova Bay (Antarctic Sea) 92
A first preliminary study of the shallow water sponge fauna from Cyprus Island (Eastern Mediterranean) 92
Ancient and recent sponge assemblages from the Tyrrhenian coralligenous over millennia (Mediterranean Sea) 89
The sponge fauna of the Seno Magdalena and Puyuhuapi Fjord (Chile), with a description of two new species 89
Diversity of the sponge fauna associated with white coral banks from two Sardinian canyons (Mediterranean Sea) 87
Sponge community variations within two semi-submerged caves of the Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean Sea) over a half-century time span 86
Boring sponges from the Ha Long Bay (Tonkin Gulf, Vietnam) 85
Analisi di un popolamento bentonico di falesia del Promontorio di Portofino: dati preliminari. 84
Il genere Aplysina Nardo (Porifera, Demospongiae) nell'area caraibica: note sistematiche ed ecologiche 83
The suspension-feeder communities of a Mediterranean sea cave. 82
Sponge communities of two mediterranean coralligenous banks 82
Symbiotic associations of sponges and macroalgae: the case of Haliclona (Gellius) cymaeformis and Ceratodictyon spongiosum from the Ha Long Bay (Vietnam). 81
Sponges of the marine karst lakes and of the coast of the islands of Ha Long Bay (North Vietnam). 81
Distribution and ecology of epiphytic Porifera in two Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadows of the Ligurian and Thyrrenian Sea 81
Hard bottoms. 78
The marine biota of shallow-water hydrothermal vents at Milos, Aegean Sea. 77
Keratose‐dominated sponge grounds from temperate mesophotic ecosystems (NW Mediterranean Sea) 77
Origin of male gametes from choanocytes in Spongia officinalis (Porifera, Demospongiae). 75
Four new Demosponge species from Baia Terra Nova (Ross Sea, Antarctica) 72
Porifera I. Calcarea, Demospongiae (partim), Hexactinellida, Homoscleromorpha. 70
Prime osservazioni sulle barriere artificiali della riserva sottomarina di Monaco. 70
Valutazione dello stato di alcune praterie di Posidonia del mare ligure sottoposte a diverse condizioni di inquinamento. 67
Biodiversità dell'epifauna sessile in un'isola del Mar Egeo: Milos, Cicladi 67
Comparison of the sponge community of a semisubmerged marine cave of the Ligurian Sea after 54 years 66
Analisi del popolamento superficiale di poriferi in tre stazioni della Riviera Ligure di Levante: confronto con dati storici. 65
Horny Sponge Grounds of the Ligurian Sea 65
A Messinian paleo-sponge community from northwestern Italy 63
Long-term turnover of the sponge fauna in Faro Lake (North-East Sicily, Mediterranean Sea) 63
Las esponjas del Canal del Puyuhuapi (Fiordo Queulat, Patagonia Cilena). 62
Area minima di campionamento per alcune componenti dello zoobenthos fisso di substrato duro. 62
Changes in a Mediterranean coralligenous sponge assemblage at a pluri-millennial temporal scale 60
Estimation par relèvements photographiques de la distribution de spongiaires et bryozoaires dans une grotte sous-marine du Golfe de Naples. 59
Esperienze di studio in immersione dello zoobenthos sessile. 58
Checklist della flora e della fauna dei mari italiani. Porifera. 57
Porifera 57
Aplysina aerophoba (Nardo, 1833) (Porifera, Demospongiae): an unexpected miniaturised growth form from the tidal zone of Mediterranean caves: morphology and DNA barcoding 57
A first preliminary study of the sponge fauna associated to white coral banks from the Alboran Sea 56
A new sponge species of the genus Antho (Demospongiae, Microcionidae) from the Tyrrhenian deep Sea 56
A survey of the shallow water sponge fauna of the Cyprus island (Eastern-Mediterranean) 55
Relationships between Siliquariidae (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda) and sponges 54
Zoobenthos di substrato duro delle isole di Capraia e del Giglio (Arcipelago Toscano). 54
La fauna di spugne del Fiordo Puyuhuapi e del Canale Jacaf (Cile) 54
Secondary Metabolite Composition of the Caribbean Sponge Verongula gigantea 53
L’epoca d’oro dei poriferi nel coralligeno di Porto Cesareo 53
Etude du benthos sur les structures immergées dans la Réserve de Monaco. 52
Ricerche sull'insediamento dello zoobenthos in alcune grotte marine della Penisola Sorrentina. 52
Sponge fauna associated to white coral banks from the Tyrrhenian Sea 52
Distribuzione geografica delle principali specie di spugne presenti nel coralligeno del Mar Mediterrane. 52
Emploi des relèvements photographiques dans l'étude de l'évolution des biocoenoses de substrat dur naturel. 52
Two new species of deep-sea sponges (Porifera, Demospongiae) from submarine canyons of the Sardinian continental margin (western Mediterranean Sea) 51
Ecological distribution of some species of the genus Haliclona Grant, 1836 (Demospongiae, Chalinidae) in the Mediterranean Sea 50
A new species of spongilla (Porifera, demospongiae) from a karst lake in ha long bay (Vietnam) 50
Acanthella danerii sp. nov. (Demospongiae, Bubarida, Dictyonellidae) from Chilean fjords (South Pacific Ocean) 49
Three-dimensional sponge aggregates in the Mediterranean Sea coralligenous accretions 48
Sponge community variation along the Apulian coasts (Otranto Strait) over a pluri-decennial time span. Does water warming drive a sponge diversity increasing in the Mediterranean Sea? 48
Paraleucilla magna Klautau et al., 2004 (Porifera, Calcarea), an alien species extending its range in the Mediterranean Sea 46
La spongofauna associata a sorgenti idrotermali superficiali dell’Isola di Bangka (Indonesia) 46
Sponge assemblages in the mesophotic zone of the Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas 46
La fauna di spugne di Porto Tricase, Canale d’Otranto 46
Premières observations sur la distribution des biocénoses littorales de substrat dur de l'île de Capraia (Archipel Toscan) par deux méthodes de relevé en plongée. 45
Primi lineamenti di bionomia bentica dell'isola Gallinaria (Mar Ligure). 45
Sponges from Tyrrhenian mesophotic habitats 44
Sponge fauna diversity of the coralligenous in the Ligurian Sea (North Mediterranean Sea). 44
ROV survey for sponges around the Italian Seas: A work in progress 43
Taxonomic and environmental related sponge spicule dissolution. 43
The paleo sponge assemblage of the Mediterranean coralligenous. 42
Using siliceous spicules in the Posidonia oceanica “matte” to discover past dynamics of the sponge community 40
Prima segnalazione della specie tropicale Paraleucilla magna Klautau et al., 2004 (Porifera, Calcarea) nel Mar Ligure. 39
New sponge species from seno magdalena, puyuhuapi fjord and jacaf canal (Chile) 31
The Ha Long Bay marine ecosystem. An unprecedented opportunity for evolutionary studies on marine taxa. 24
Palaeoenvironmental significance of sponge spicules in pre-Messinian crisis sediments, Northern Italy 21
Erratum: Two new species of Poecilosclerida (Porifera: Demospongiae) from Terra Nova Bay (Antarctic Sea) (Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (2011) 91:8 (1709) DOI: 10.1017/S0025315409000915) 11
Two new species of poecilosclerida (Porifera: Demospongiae) from terra nova bay (Antarctic Sea) 1
Totale 6.882
Categoria #
all - tutte 22.594
article - articoli 16.746
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 3.553
curatela - curatele 194
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.101
Totale 45.188

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.304 0 0 0 0 0 154 249 72 132 394 244 59
2020/2021420 34 34 24 35 20 41 40 35 41 42 41 33
2021/20221.019 14 71 38 111 48 85 56 263 55 97 46 135
2022/20231.107 123 83 12 100 158 213 3 104 204 7 95 5
2023/2024485 31 65 11 61 32 70 31 36 20 38 32 58
2024/2025763 28 114 77 71 296 177 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.882