Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.799
Totale 6.799
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.799
Totale 6.799
Città #
Genova 4.546
Genoa 843
Rapallo 771
Vado Ligure 623
Bordighera 16
Totale 6.799
Nome #
Temporary anchorage device stability: an evaluation of thread shape factor 154
Work-related traumatic dental injuries: Prevalence, characteristics and risk factors 146
Clinical association between teeth malocclusions, wrong posture and ocular convergence disorders: an epidemiological investigation on primary school children. 145
Orthodontic miniscrews: An experimental campaign on primary stability and bone properties 141
Dental arch response to Haas-type rapid maxillary expansion anchored to deciduous vs permanent molars: A multicentric randomized controlled trial. 141
Internal bone temperature change during guided surgery preparations for dental implants: an in vitro study 140
Efficacy of professional hygiene and prophylaxis on preventing plaque increase in orthodontic patients with multibracket appliances: a systematic review. 137
Immediately Loaded Implants in Rehabilitation of the Maxilla: A Two-Year Randomized Clinical Trial of Guided Surgery versus Standard Procedure 136
Early functional treatment in Class II division 1 subjects with mandibular retrognathia using Fränkel II appliance. A prospectivecontrolled study 131
Early diagnostic evaluation of mandibular symmetry using orthopantomogram 129
Immediate versus delayed loading: comparison of primary stability loss after miniscrew placement in orthodontic patients-a single-centre blinded randomized clinical trial 124
On the stability efficiency of anchorage self-tapping screws: Ex vivo experiments on miniscrew implants used in orthodontics 124
Miniscrew design and bone characteristics: An experimental study of primary stability 122
Possible causal relationships between competitive swimming in growing age and three-dimensional dento-alveolar development. 121
Incidence and distribution of deciduous molar ankylosis, a longitudinal study 120
Block allograft technique vs standard guided bone regeneration: a randomized clinical trial. 120
Clinical and Aesthetic Outcome with Post-Extractive Implants with or without Soft Tissue Augmentation: A 2-Year Randomized Clinical Trial 119
Cephalometric and dental arch changes to Haas-type rapid maxillary expander anchored to deciduous vs permanent molars: a multicenter, randomized controlled trial 119
PUL: a New Functional Appliance for class II growing patients. A prospective controlled study. 116
Three-dimensional tomographic mapping related to primary stability and structural miniscrew characteristics 116
Temporary anchorage device stability: an evaluation of thread shape factor. 114
Biomarkers of Periodontal Tissue Remodeling during Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Mice and Men: Overview and Clinical Relevance 110
Does rapid maxillary expansion influence cranial base angle? A controlled, retrospective clinical trial. 107
Zygomatic implant placement with flapless computer-guided surgery: A Proposed clinical protocol 105
Denture-frame modifications in class III patients treated with rapid palatal expansion and facemask: a prospective controlled study 105
Il cross-bite monolaterale posteriore può provocare asimmetria condilare nei soggetti in crescita? 105
Long term effect on shear bond strenght of two orthodontic adesive systems. 104
From 2D to 3D: Construction of a 3D Parametric Model for Detection of Dental Roots Shape and Position from a Panoramic Radiograph—A Preliminary Report 104
Dental malocclusion and body posture in young subjects: A multiple regression study 102
Denti supplementari: trattamento chirurgico e ortodontico. 99
Sectional porcelain veneers for a maxillary midline diastema closure: a case report. 98
Trends in early childhood caries: an Italian perspective 96
Patients' perspective towards orthodontic treatment: assessment of their expectations. Findings from a questionnaire survey 94
Incidenza di anomalie dentarie in soggetti in età scolare. 93
Thread shape factor: evaluation of three different orthodontic miniscrews stability 92
Tooth loss caused by displaced elastic during simple preprosthetic orthodontic treatment 92
Torque efficiency of a customized lingual appliance 88
Le suture craniche di interesse ortognatodontico. 82
Class II treatment with PUL and fixed appliance: a long term prospective controlled study 81
In vitro determination of the mechanical and chemical properties of a fibre orthodontic retainer 81
Evaluation of the cephalometrics modification of growing Class II Division I patients after treatment with the PUL appliance: a pilot study. 80
La terapia delle parodontopatie 78
Le miniviti per ancoraggio ortodontico. Caratteristiche strutturali ed indicazioni cliniche 78
cap 21 Anomalie di numero degli elementi dentali. cap 21.1 Agenesie 76
Le miniviti per ancoraggio ortodontico 76
Confronto tra differenti sistemi bracket/filo/legatura.Misurazione in vitro dell’attrito su un’intera arcata 75
Torque loss after miniscrew placement: An in-vitro study followed by a clinical trial 74
Do changes in spheno-occipital synchondrosis after rapid maxillary expansion affect the maxillomandibular complex? 72
null 70
Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia: clinicopathological features. 69
A multicenter, prospective, randomized trial of pain and discomfort during maxillary expansion: Leaf expander versus hyrax expander 67
Elastodonzia:alcune considerazioni cliniche 64
null 61
Siti implantari per miniviti: valutazione dello spessore osseo su crani secchi 61
Patients' expectations assessment in orthodontic treatment: findings from a questionnaire survey 60
Three-dimensional superimposition to evaluate impacted canines movement during traction: a case report. 59
L'acido 13-cis-retinoico nel trattamento della leucoplachia orale 57
Efficiency in the correction of Class II division 1 malocclusions with prominent upper incisors and increased overjet: A comparison between two methods 56
Manual orthodontic vs. oscillating-rotating electric toothbrush in orthodontic patients: a randomised clinical trial 54
Herbst appliance anchored to miniscrews in the upper and lower arches vs standard Herbst: A pilot study 52
Upper canine response to rapid maxillary expander anchored to deciduous vs. permanent molars 50
Confronto fra piano mandibolare e piano di costruzione Go-Gn 49
May unilateral posterior cross-bite cause a condylar asymmetry in growing subjects? (Il cross-bite monolaterale posteriore può provocare asimmetria condilare nei soggetti in crescita?) 47
Modificazioni dei parametri cefalometrici lineari indotte da trattamento funzionale in pazienti di II^ classe da retrusione mandibolare 46
Early Treatment in dentatura decidua: casi clinici 46
L’anchilosi dei molari decidui. Revisione della letteratura ed indagine statistico-clinica 43
Palatal changes in crossbite patients treated with rapid maxillary expansion vs untreated ones: A geometric morphometric study 43
Accuracy of direct insertion of TADs in the anterior palate with respect to a 3D-assisted digital insertion virtual planning 40
Non-extraction and multiloop edgewise technique versus orthognathic surgery and fixed appliance in adult class II patients: A cephalometric comparative study 37
Long-term dentoskeletal changes of class II growing patients' treatment with the propulseur universal light appliance. A prospective controlled study 34
Maximum insertion torque loss after miniscrew placement in orthodontic patients: A randomized controlled trial 33
Maxillary dento-skeletal outcomes after orthopedic forward (class III) and backward (class II) traction in growing subjects 32
Orthodontic treatment for posterior crossbites 30
Anterior open-bite and sucking habits in Italian preschool children 28
Three dimensional movement analysis of maxillary impacted canine using TADs: a pilot study 28
Evaluation of palatal bone depth, cortical bone, and mucosa thickness for optimal orthodontic miniscrew placement performed according to the third palatal ruga clinical reference 26
Probabilistic graphical modelling of early childhood caries development 23
Thread Shape Factor of Orthodontic Miniscrews: Evaluation of Three Different Devices 23
Torque efficiency analysis of the 3M INCOGNITO® customized lingual appliance 13
Skeletal and dental changes after maxillary expansion with a bone-borne appliance in young and late adolescent patients 11
Totale 6.987
Categoria #
all - tutte 23.525
article - articoli 19.323
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 3.409
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 329
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 464
Totale 47.050

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020774 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 111 326 194 66
2020/2021466 35 39 21 25 37 45 18 42 55 76 44 29
2021/20221.046 40 77 67 182 64 70 40 219 57 82 25 123
2022/2023937 92 64 13 101 116 159 6 91 137 8 134 16
2023/2024406 39 60 5 53 22 37 40 19 20 26 14 71
2024/2025930 69 109 60 70 208 179 110 125 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.987