Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.113
Totale 4.113
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.113
Totale 4.113
Città #
Genova 3.107
Rapallo 394
Vado Ligure 320
Genoa 287
Bordighera 5
Totale 4.113
Nome #
A linear sampling approach to crack detection in microwave imaging 153
A two-step iterative Inexact-Newton method for electromagnetic imaging of dielectric structures from real data 150
Application of an Inexact-Newton method within the second-order Born approximation to buried objects 148
Hybrid Approach to the Inverse Scattering Problem by Using Ant Colony Optimization and No-Sampling Linear Sampling 142
A hybrid approach to 3D microwave imaging by using linear sampling and ACO 131
Short-range image-based method for the inspection of strong scatterers using microwaves 130
A new microwave axial tomograph for the inspection of dielectric materials 130
An Inexact Newton Method for Microwave Reconstruction of Strong Scatterers 130
Integration of linear sampling and Newton-like schemes in inverse scattering 130
Synthesis of metamaterial coatings for cylindrical structures by an Ant-Colony optimization algorithm. 128
Microwave detection of dielectric structures by using a tomographic approach 128
An Inexact-Newton algorithm for tomographic microwave imaging 127
Short-range microwave imaging technique based on an Inexact-Newton method for the nondestructive inspection of dielectric objects 126
Enhanced nonlinear inverse scattering through linear super-resolution techniques 125
Microwave imaging of foreign bodies inside wood trunks 124
Experimental evaluation of a prototype of a microwave imaging system 124
Short-range image-based method for the inspection of strong scatterers using microwaves 121
Application of the No-Sampling Linear Sampling Method to Breast Cancer Detection 121
A fast and efficient microwave method for detecting dielectric and conducting bodies inside complex structures 120
New Results on Electromagnetic Imaging Based on the Inversion of Measured Scattered-Field Data 118
A numerical assessment of the semiconvergence behavior in an inverse-scattering approach to electromagnetic imaging 116
No Sampling Linear Sampling for 3D Inverse Scattering Problems 113
Electromagnetic imaging for non–intrusive evaluation in civil engineering 111
Detection of defects in wood slabs by using a microwave imaging technique 110
A numerical evaluation of an optimal setup for a microwave axial tomograph aimed at the inspection of wood 109
Crack detection in dielectric structures by a linear sampling approach 107
An inverse scattering based hybrid method for the measurement of the complex dielectric permittivities of arbitrarily shaped homogenous targets 106
A regularization approach to microwave imaging under the second-order Born approximation with real data 105
Imaging of unknown targets inside inhomogeneous backgrounds by means of qualitative inverse scattering 103
A Qualitative Approach to Breast Cancer Detection Using Microwaves 82
An inverse scattering approach for noninvasive diagnostics of subsurface discontinuities 81
Applications of No-Sampling Linear Sampling to 3D Inverse Scattering Problems 81
Impact of background noise on dielectric reconstructions obtained by a prototype of microwave axial tomograph 77
A preconditioned iterative scheme with polynomial inverse approximation for a nonlinear functional equation arising in inverse scattering 71
Microwave Imaging for Nondestructive Testing of Dielectric Structures: Numerical Simulations Using an Inexact Newton Technique 67
Un metodo ibrido per la diagnostica di oggetti dielettrici tridimensionali 55
Considerations on the effects of innovative materials in the modeling of time-harmonic electromagnetic boundary value problems 49
Totale 4.149
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.238
article - articoli 3.841
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 8.024
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 373
Totale 24.476

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020655 0 0 0 0 0 0 156 72 90 181 117 39
2020/2021207 13 28 18 12 9 17 9 21 26 24 17 13
2021/2022486 9 20 86 61 10 30 38 102 10 28 29 63
2022/2023463 43 48 1 35 64 75 0 42 92 1 56 6
2023/2024185 7 24 7 36 17 22 13 12 15 2 7 23
2024/2025358 40 48 42 55 94 78 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.149