Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 33.799
Totale 33.799
Nazione #
IT - Italia 33.799
Totale 33.799
Città #
Genova 22.593
Genoa 4.439
Rapallo 3.975
Vado Ligure 2.727
Bordighera 65
Totale 33.799
Nome #
The Lipoleiomyoma of uterus [Il lipoleiomioma dell'utero] 291
Utilizzo di marcatori immunoistochimici di recente acquisizione selettivi per l’endotelio dei vasi linfatici nella diagnosi del linfangioma cistico peritoneale. 237
Analysis of natural killer cells isolated from human decidua: Evidence that 2B4 (CD244) functions as an inhibitory receptor and blocks NK-cell function 186
Absolute shortness of the umbilical cord and hypoplasia of the arcuate nucleus and of the parabrachial/Kölliker-Fuse complex in a case of sudden intrauterine fetal death. 157
Multislice CT enteroclysis in the diagnosis of bowel endometriosis. 156
Il lipoma epatico. 153
Epithelial abnormalities in cystic ovarian endometriosis 152
A Case of Large Uterine Myoma in a 14-Year-Old Girl 146
O-acetylated sialic acid variants in intestinal glandular metaplasia of the urinary tract. 143
Cranial trepanation in two skulls of early medieval Italy. 142
Resveratrol counteracts systemic and local inflammation involved in early abdominal aortic aneurysm development 142
The association between p53 expression, stage and histological features in endometrial cancer 141
Direct relationship between cell density and FDG uptake in asymptomatic aortic aneurysm close to surgical threshold: an in vivo and in vitro study. 141
Uterine sarcomas: A clinicopathologic study 138
Atomic force microscopy: a promising aid in diagnosis of uterine smooth muscle neoplasms 137
Lateral distribution of benign ovarian cysts. 136
General surgery, translational lymphology and lymphatic surgery 136
Frozen section pathology at time of hysterectomy accurately predicts endometrial cancer in patients with preoperative diagnosis of atypical endometrialhyperplasia. 134
Abnormalities of glandular cells on first level cytology: what do they really mean? The Genoa experience 134
Abnormalities of glandular cells on first level cytology: what do really mean? The Genoa Experience 134
Frozen section underestimates the need for surgical staging in endometrial cancer patients. 133
Oxytocin receptors in human adenocarcinomas of the endometrium: presence and biological significance. 133
Sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary in pregnancy: clinical, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging findings. 133
Histochemical study of mucinous ovarian cystomas of intestinal and mixed types: O-acetylated sialomucin content in relation to biologic behavior. 132
CD34+ hematopoietic precursors are present in human decidua and differentiate into natural killer cells upon interaction with stromal cells. 132
Analysis of p53 and c-erbB-2 expression in ovarian endometrioid carcinomas arising in endometriosis. 130
Protective effects of Resveratrol in an experimental model of abdominal aortic aneurysm induction. 130
How complete is full thickness disc resection of bowel endometriotic lesions? A prospective surgical and histological study 129
Placental site trophoblastic tumor with lung metastases as cause of death in a young patient: A case report. 129
The involvement of the interstitial Cajal cells and the enteric nervous system in bowel endometriosis. 128
Lymphedema secondary to breast cancer treatment: possibility of diagnostic and therapeutic prevention 127
Breast cancer with synchronous massive metastasis in the uterine cervix: a case report and review of the literature. 127
Transvaginal ultrasonography combined with water-contrast in the rectum in the diagnosis of rectovaginal endometriosis infiltrating the bowel. 127
Color Doppler sonography of uterine arteriovenous malformation. 127
Decidual vascular patterns in first-trimester abortions. 126
Gestational choriocarcinoma arising in a cornual pregnancy. 126
Defective placental adhesion in voluntary termination of second-trimester pregnancy and risk of recurrence in subsequent pregnancies. 126
Radiological and Histomorphometric Outcomes of Homologous Bone Graft in Postextractive Implant Sites: A 6-Year Retrospective Analysis 126
Spontaneous regression of transplacental metastases from maternal melanoma in a newborn: case report and review of the literature. 125
Vulvar sebaceous hyperplasia associated with lymphedema of external genitalia 125
Uterine sarcoma occurring in a premenopausal patient after uterine arteryembolization: a case report and review of the literature. 125
Pregnancy despite IUD: Adverse effects on pregnancy evolution and fetus 125
Mixed Malignant Mullerian Tumor with neuroendocrine features in an irradiated uterus for cervical carcinoma. A unique associaton? A case study 125
Bowel endometriosis: presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. 125
CDX2 expression in ovarian teratomatous cells with intestinal differentiation. 124
High cellularity and mitotic activity in a primary ovarian fibro-thecomatous tumor of a young patient: a diagnostic and clinical challenge 124
A newly described thoracic vascular malformation in fetuses with Down syndrome. 123
Endometrial response in sequential cyclic therapy assessed with associated hysteroscopy and histology. 122
A new protocol of prevention of secondary lymphedema 121
Mesenchymal stem cells from preterm to term newborns undergo a significant switch from anaerobic glycolysis to the oxidative phosphorylation 121
Complete vaginal obstruction caused by chronic graft-versus-host disease after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: diagnosis and treatment. 121
Mature cystic teratoma of the uterus presenting as an endometrial polyp. 120
Medico-legal considerations on "lotus Birth" in the Italian legislative framework 120
Letrozole and norethisterone acetate in rectovaginal endometriosis. 119
Intra-articular venous malformations of the knee. 119
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) in HIV-Infected Women 119
The incidental finding of abnormal cervical histology in postmenopausal patients. 118
Immunohistochemistry in non-immune hydrops fetalis: a single center experience in 79 fetuses 118
Prognostic value of the Jass histopathologic classification in left colon and rectal cancer: a multivariate analysis. 118
PD-1 is expressed by and regulates human group 3 innate lymphoid cells in human decidua 117
Rectosigmoid endometriosis with unusual presentation at magnetic resonance imaging. 116
Sirenomelia. Pathological features, antenatal ultrasonographic clues, and a review of current embryogenic theories. 116
Loss of sympathetic nerve fibers in intestinal endometriosis. 116
Pleomorphic adenoma of minor salivary gland. 115
A case of bifid rib from the “G.Marro” egyptian osteological collection. 115
Are there lymphatic vessels in the placenta? 112
Vasculitis of the temporal artery in a young woman. 112
Neural tube defect in a 4000-year-old Egyptian infant mummy: a case of meningocele from the museum of anthropology and ethnography of Turin (Italy). 111
Is there a role for microsurgery in the prevention of arm lymphedema secondary to breast cancer treatment? 111
Histologic examination of products of conception at the time of pregnancy termination. 111
The role of embryopathology in the study of first trimester spontaneous miscarriage. 111
Assessment of fetal optic chiasm: an echoanatomic and reproducibility study 111
Ghrelin expression in fetal, infant, and adult human lung. 110
A new approach in histopathological diagnosis of lymphedema: Pathophysiological and therapeutical implications 110
Post-partum hemorrhage and malpractice claims: What can we learn from the findings of placental examination and endometrial curettage? A retrospective analysis of surgical pathology reports 110
Medico-legal investigation in an explicable case of congenital central hypoventilation syndrome due to a rare variant of the PHOX2B gene 109
Giant Hepatic Hemangioma and Placental Chorangiosis: A Unique Case of Stillbirth? 109
Immunohistochemical evidnce of HLA-G expression in extravillous trophoblast invading decidual tissues. 108
Accuracy of intraoperative frozen section in the diagnosis of borderline ovarian tumors 108
Zinner Syndrome: A Diagnostic Challenge. The Aid of Morphology, Embryology, and Immunohistochemistry 108
Nuchal translucency and lymphatic system maldevelopment 107
Il Contributo di Giovanni Battista Morgagni nella Patologia Pediatrica 107
A case of stillbirth: the importance of placental investigation in medico-legal practice. 106
Significance of the smooth muscle cell component in Peutz-Jeghers and juvenile polyps 106
Unexpected histopathological findings in peripheral lymphedema. 105
Clinical difficulties and forensic diagnosis: histopathological pitfalls of villus mesenchymal dysplasia in the third trimester causing foetal death. 105
Squamous cell carcinoma with prominent myxoid stroma. 104
Etiology of nonimmune hydrops fetalis: a systematic review 104
Mixed malignant mullerian tumor with neuroendocrine features in an irradiated uterus for cervical carcinoma. A unique association? A morphological, immunohistochemisty and ultrastructural study 104
Distribution and significance of the smooth muscle component in polyps of the large intestine. 103
Lymphatic microsurgery to treat lymphedema: techniques and indications for better results. 103
Influence of 5-HT4 receptor activation on acetylcholine release in human large intestine with endometriosis 103
Differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of DLA (Dermato–Lymphangio–Adenitis ) 102
Therapeutic and preventive microsurgical procedures for lymphatic disorders (techniques and long term clinical outcome). 102
Role of cell-cell bond for the viability and the function of vascular smooth muscle cells. 102
Morphological aspects of human endometrium during hormone replacement therapy. 102
Morphologic and biologic studies on ten cases of verrucous carcinoma of the vulva supporting the theory of a discrete clinico-pathologic entity. 101
CdX2 expression in ovarian teratomatous cells with intestinal differentiation. 101
Vater - Pacini corpuscle in lymphnodes: a feature in congenital lymphangio-adenodysplasia. 100
Totale 12.467
Categoria #
all - tutte 108.260
article - articoli 85.227
book - libri 1.006
conference - conferenze 12.379
curatela - curatele 200
other - altro 687
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 8.761
Totale 216.520

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.842 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 289 548 1.670 1.032 303
2020/20212.167 98 172 110 81 83 210 314 133 263 249 212 242
2021/20224.854 68 512 202 658 193 295 360 1.189 162 420 176 619
2022/20234.822 531 243 72 447 828 902 24 386 870 37 394 88
2023/20242.243 152 343 53 239 155 356 116 122 191 61 128 327
2024/20254.191 270 616 273 406 882 618 567 559 0 0 0 0
Totale 34.083