Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 23.487
Totale 23.487
Nazione #
IT - Italia 23.487
Totale 23.487
Città #
Genova 16.667
Rapallo 2.730
Genoa 2.341
Vado Ligure 1.710
Bordighera 39
Totale 23.487
Nome #
Airborne asbestos fibres monitoring in tunnel excavation 192
Can rock composition affect sublittoral epibenthic communities? 161
Self-Sustained Combustion Synthesis and Asbestos-Bearing Waste: Scaling Up From Laboratory Towards Pre-Industrial Size Plant 156
Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000: Foglio 213 - 230 "Genova". Con note illustrative 150
Contact metamorphism in Middle Ordovician arc rocks (SW Sardinia, Italy): new paleogeographic contraints 147
Anorogenic volcanism in the Triassic sequences at the boundary of the Moesian plate. 145
Micro-porosity and minero-petrographic features influences on decay: Experimental data from four dimension stones 145
Geochemical investigation of the igneous rocks from the Nurali ophiolite mélange zone, Southern Urals 139
U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of late Palaeozoic volcanism in Sardinia (southern Variscides) 139
Normal faulting and evolution of fluid discharge in a Jurassic seafloor ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal system 135
Ophiolites of the southern Uralides adjacent to the East European continental margin 132
Eclogite relics in the Variscan orogenic belt of Bulgaria (SE Europe) 132
The Staglieno Monumental Cemetery (Genoa, Italy): microenvironment characterization through weathering indicators 132
Crystal-rich mass flow deposits related to the eruption of a sublacustrine silicic cryptodome (Early Permian Collio Basin, Italian Alps). 132
Texture and mineralogy influence on durability: The Macigno sandstone 131
Non-invasive analytical technique to address water uptake on stone surfaces: the implemented Contact Sponge Method (i-CSM) 129
Variability of intact rock mechanical properties for some metamorphic rock types and its implications on the number of test specimens 128
Petrology of pre-Alpine eclogites and amphibolites from the Ligurian Briançonnais basement 127
The Concentration of Asbestos Fibers in Bulk Samples and Its Variation with Grain Size 125
Magma mixing during the 2001 event at Mount Etna (Italy): Effects on the eruptive dynamics. 125
Basaltic magmatism at the Juan de Fuca Ridge, NE Pacific ocean (ODP Leg 168): geological control on chemical zonation 122
Uptake of carbon and sulfur during seafloor serpentinization and the effects of subduction metamorphism in Ligurian peridotites 120
High–Mg potassic rocks in the Balkan segment of the Variscan belt (Bulgaria): implications for the genesis of orogenic lamproite magmas. 119
U-Pb dating and geodynamic implications of post-Variscan magmatism in the Briançonnais Domain (Ligurian Alps, Italy). 119
Hollandite-cryptomelane and braunite in Mn-ores from upper Jurassic meta-arenites and marbles (Internal Briançonnais, Maritime Alps). 118
An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Grain Size and Pore Network on the Durability of Vicenza Stone 117
Multi-analytical approach for asbestos minerals and their non-asbestiform analogues: Inferences from host rock textural constraints 117
Alpine metamorphism of the Western Alps: II. High-P/T and related pre-greenschist metamorphism 116
Rare earth and trace elements in igneous and high-temperature metamorphic minerals of oceanic gabbros (MARK area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge) 115
Nature of the transition zone in the Nurali ophiolite, southern Urals 115
Asbestos fibres release from serpentinites during quarry operations: case studies from eastern ligurian ophiolites 112
Petrogenesis of post – orogenic Lower Permian andesites in southern Europe: insights into the collapse of the Variscan range. 111
The Self-sustained High temperature Synthesis (SHS) technology as novel approach in the management of asbestos waste 111
U–Pb zircon geochronological and petrographic constraints on late to post-collisionalVariscan magmatism and metamorphism in the Ligurian Alps, Italy 110
Assessing surface weathering by revision and implementation of the peeling-test: in situ sampling and integrated analyses 110
U-Pb zircon ages for post-Variscan volcanism in the Ligurian Alps (Northern Italy). 110
Characterization, weathering and protection of sandstones: the case of "Agro d'Ardesia" 110
Alteration patterns of marble and stones from different environment exposures: a systematic approach from buildings and museum collections in Genoa (Italy). 108
Breakdown of asbestos-containing waste by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS). 108
Isothermal-isobaric mineral equilibria in braunite-, rhodonite-, johannsenite, calcite-bearing assemblages from Northern Apennine metacherts (Italy) 108
The role of serpentinites in cycling of carbon and sulfur: Seafloor serpentinization and subduction metamorphism 107
Differences in composition of shallow-water marine benthic communities associated with two ophiolitic rock substrata 107
Mineral composition of Nudibranch spicules 106
Sulfur geochemistry of peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems: Comparing the Ligurian ophiolites with oceanic serpentinites 106
Alpine metamorphism of the Western Alps: I. Middle to high T/P metamorphism 105
Metamorphic evolution of oceanic gabbros: recrystallization from subsolidus to hydrothermal conditions in the MARK area (ODP Leg 153) 105
The pre-orogenic volcano-sedimentary covers of the Western Tethys oceanic basin: a review. 104
Late orogenic magmatism and sedimentation within Late Carboniferous to Early Permian basins in the Balkan terrane (Bulgaria): geodynamic implications. 103
Geological and petrological features of the metamorphic sole from the Mirdita Nappe, Northern Albania 102
Racconti della Terra: a spasso in Liguria tra geologia e storia 102
V-rich Ca-Na clinopyroxenes in eclogitized Fe-gabbros from the Voltri Group (Ligurian Alps, Northern Italy). 102
Methodological Approach to Reconstructing Lost Monuments from Archaeological Findings: The San Francesco di Castelletto Church in Genoa 102
An analytical study of the hammerstones from Monte Loreto (Liguria, Italy). 101
Il Basamento cristallino del Torrente Visone. 100
Rare earth and trace elements in amphiboles of oceanic gabbros (MARK Area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge) at medium- to low-temperature seafloor alteration. 100
Basaltic magmatism at the Juan de Fuca Ridge, NE Pacific Ocean (ODP LEG 168): mode of occurrence and chemical compositions. 100
Calcium oxalate production in the marine sponge Chondrosia reniformis 100
On the conservation of architectural artistic handwork of the “Pietra di Finale” 100
Investigation of mineral carbonation for ex situ carbon dioxide storage 99
A multi-year experience: a plan for the improvement of the quality analytics of 15 Liguria Laboratories for the measure of asbestos fiber concentration in air in Optical Microscopy (MOCF). 99
U/Pb dating in the post- Variscan volcanic successions of the Ligurian Alps (Italy). 98
Cambro-Silurian magmatisms at the northern Gondwana margin (Penninic basement of the Ligurian Alps) 98
Post- and late collisional volcanism in Ligurian Alps, Sardinia and Southalpine: a tool for unravelling the collapse and disruption of Southern Variscides. 97
Organism-quartz interactions in structuring benthic communities: towards a marine bio-mineralogy ? 97
Composition and miscibility gap in Na-Ca clinopyroxenes through high-pressure metamorphism 96
Quartz dissolution by the sponge Chondrosia reniformis (Porifera, Demospongiae) 96
Interactions between aquatic biological systems and silica 95
RE and trace elements behaviour during the subsolidus evolution of MARK area gabbros. 95
U-Pb radiometric dating and geochemistry on Late Carboniferous - Early Permian volcanism in Sardinia (Italy): a key for the geodynamic evolution of south-western Variscides. 95
Fibers innovative burning and reuse by Self-propagating High temperature Synthesis (SHS) 95
Implemented, in-situ, water absoption test by contact sponge. 95
Modelling of plagiogranite genesis and implication for the evolution of the Ligurian-Piedmont ocean basin (Ligurian Alps, Italy) 95
Volcanic product from the early Permian Collio basin (Southern Alps) and their geodynamic implications. 94
Structural and microstructural control on chrysotile distribution in serpentinites from eastern ligurian ophiolites 94
U-Pb zircon dating (LA-ICP-MS) of the felsic Ordovician events in the Variscan Nappes of Sardinia (Italy). 94
Age, distribution, nature, origin, and environmental impact of the Permo-Carboniferous European Northwestern-African magmatic province 94
Asbestos in natural and anthropic ophiolitic environments: a case study of geohazards related to the Northern Apennine ophiolites (Eastern Liguria, Italy) 94
U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of the granulite-amphibolite complex in the Asinara Island (Italy) 94
Tracking the Hirnantian glaciation in the Carnic Alps of Austria. 94
Alteration patterns of marble under different environmental exposures: a systematic approach from the Staglieno Monumental Cemetery and Museum Collections in Genoa (Italy). 93
Unravelling a Permian volcanic succession: paleoenvironments and tectonics in the Valganna area. 93
The gabbroic complex of the western ophiolitic belt, Northern Albania: an example of multilayered sequence in an intermediate-spreading oceanic ridge. 92
Oxides, sulfides, and associated phases in veins and hydrothermally altered peridotitic rocks 92
Do the Ligurian Alps know that the Mediterranean dried out 6 Ma? 92
Rifting and arc-related early Paleozoic volcanism along the North Gondwana margin: geochemical and geological evidence from Sardinia (Italy). 91
Innovative method for the extraction of soluble salts from frescoes paints 91
Synthetic upper Paleozoic correlation charts of selected Italian areas 91
Late variscan intermediate volcanism in the Ligurian Alps. 90
Struttura, composizione mineralogica, minerochimica e chimismo del corallo rosso. Red coral structure, mineral chemistry, mineralogy and chemical composition. 90
Innovative method and apparatus for the deep cleaning of soluble salts from mortars and lithic materials 90
Stratigraphic and petrographic investigations into the Permo - Triassic continental sequences of Nurra (NW Sardinia) 89
Apparatus and method for treating porous materials 89
Hydrothermal contributions to cherts deposition in Northern Apennines: a preliminary report. 88
Geochemistry of garnet metagabbros from the Myndiak ophiolite massif, Southern Urals. 88
K-rich hollandite in Mn-ores from Upper Jurassic blueschist facies metaarenites and marbles, Internal Briançonnais cover Units. 88
U-Pb chronological constraints for the late to post variscan magmatism and metamorphism in the Ligurian Alps (Italy). 88
Innovative, quantitative, in-situ characterization of weathered building materials. 88
Very low T/P Eocene metamorphism in the Inner Briançonnais Domain, Maritime Alps. 87
Totale 10.847
Categoria #
all - tutte 68.550
article - articoli 42.808
book - libri 537
conference - conferenze 16.015
curatela - curatele 420
other - altro 4.870
patent - brevetti 722
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.178
Totale 137.100

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.907 0 0 0 0 0 0 873 185 441 1.229 871 308
2020/20211.144 93 58 65 110 44 148 52 90 161 110 115 98
2021/20223.111 64 285 167 485 87 175 195 757 111 303 77 405
2022/20233.283 329 116 46 292 497 603 7 315 600 35 386 57
2023/20241.417 91 226 24 162 158 268 67 68 96 14 80 163
2024/20252.142 104 367 156 274 567 426 248 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 23.746