Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.222
Totale 3.222
Nazione #
IT - Italia 3.222
Totale 3.222
Città #
Genova 2.168
Rapallo 445
Genoa 366
Vado Ligure 232
Bordighera 11
Totale 3.222
Nome #
Improving the accuracy of tipping-bucket rain records using disaggregation techniques 144
Correlation patterns and information flows in rainfall fields 142
The impact of tipping-bucket raingauge measurement errors on design rainfall for urban-scale applications 139
Rainfall intermittency and the sampling error of tipping-bucket rain gauges 134
A laboratory intercomparison of distributed storm water treatment devices 133
Design rainfall and accuracy of rain intensity records 110
Improving the Accuracy of Rain Intensity Records by Disaggregation Techniques 105
A stochastic approach to the analysis of intermittency in high resolution rain signals 101
L'errore sistematico meccanico dei pluviometri a vaschette basculanti: ricostruzione e correzione delle serie storiche 100
A Few Stochastic properties of rainfall intermittency in space and time 97
Linear And Non-Linear Information Flows In Space-Time Rainfall 96
Binary signal characteristics as a tool for the interpretation of the intermittent structure of rainfall in space and time 96
Independent component analysis: an application to the study of rainfall field in space and time 93
An automatic device for dynamic calibration of tipping bucket rain gauges 92
An experimental catchment for first flush flows in the town of Genova 92
The role of uncertainty and accuracy of measured data in the assessment of climatological patterns from rainfall time series 91
Linear and non-linear information flows in rainfall fields 87
Correction techniques for tipping-bucket rain gauges and their influence on the accuracy of rain intensity measurements 86
Dealing with uncertainty in rainfall gauges calibration: the QM-RIM metrological validation 85
Information measures and the intermittent behavior of rainfall patterns in time and space 80
Non invasive defense structures in the urban environment: a case study 80
Climatological patterns from rainfall time series: the role of uncertainty and accuracy of measured data 78
On the properties of stochastic intermittency in rainfall processes 75
Affidabilità dell’informazione pluviometrica nella stima delle piogge di progetto dei sistemi di drenaggio urbano 74
Patterns and prediction in rainfall field: an information theory approach 73
The key role of intermittency in rainfall disaggregation schemes 73
The influence of rainfall intensity measurement errors on the climatological interpretation of historic rain series 72
Real time control and management of the urban drainage system of the town of Genova 70
Sull’efficienza dei sistemi distribuiti per il trattamento delle acque meteoriche in caditoia 68
Intermittenza e flussi d'informazione complessi nel processo spazio-temporale di precipitazione 66
Reconstruction of high resolution rain patterns in space and time: a multisensor approach 65
WMO Field Intercomparison of rainfall intensity (RI) gauges at Vigna di Valle (Italy): preparation of the Intercomparison site, innovative data acquisition system and sampling strategy for RI 64
The influence of measurement errors on rainfall disaggregation 64
The influence of intermittency on tipping-bucket rain gauge measurements 61
L’influenza degli errori di misura sull’interpretazione climatologica delle serie storiche: applicazione allo studio delle precipitazioni 56
Totale 3.222
Categoria #
all - tutte 8.764
article - articoli 4.235
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 4.529
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 17.528

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020498 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 36 56 152 122 34
2020/2021112 3 9 14 5 1 15 2 6 18 6 15 18
2021/2022383 4 43 24 39 13 14 33 104 13 33 15 48
2022/2023513 42 48 7 66 75 83 0 37 85 5 62 3
2023/2024287 8 36 4 36 26 112 16 12 6 1 7 23
2024/2025253 14 45 16 46 72 60 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.222