Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 17.720
Totale 17.720
Nazione #
IT - Italia 17.720
Totale 17.720
Città #
Genova 12.550
Genoa 1.831
Vado Ligure 1.728
Rapallo 1.565
Bordighera 46
Totale 17.720
Nome #
A Television Channel Real-Time Detector using Smartphones 173
An ns-3 based simulative and emulative platform 172
Smart and Robust Speaker Recognition for Context-Aware In-Vehicle Applications 158
Performance evaluation of Application Layer Joint Coding solutions for video transmissions between Mobile Devices over the Internet of Things 152
Contact Graph Routing in DTN Space Networks: Overview, Enhancements and Performance 150
A smartphone-centric platform for remote health monitoring of heart failure 147
A numerical study concerning brain stroke detection by microwave imaging systems 140
Analytical Expression and Performance Evaluation of TCP Packet Loss Probability over Geostationary Satellite 139
Cooperative Application Layer Joint Coding and Rate Allocation Techniques for Video Transmissions over Satellite Channels through Smartphones 139
Brain stroke microwave imaging by means of a Newton-conjugate-gradient method in Lp Banach Spaces 138
ICT Applications in Green and Renewable Energy Sector 137
Asset tracking solution with BLE and smartphones: An energy/position accuracy trade-off 133
Application of EMFs at microwave frequencies for brain stroke detection: Preliminary results 133
Performance Comparison of Network Selection Algorithms in the Framework of the 802.21 Standard 133
Brain stroke imaging by means of microwave tomography: Quantitative inversion procedure, configuration set up, and preliminary experimental results 132
QoS-Constrained MOP-Based Bandwidth Allocation over Space Networks 130
A new asset tracking architecture integrating RFID, Bluetooth Low Energy tags and ad hoc smartphone applications 130
A survey of architectures and scenarios in satellite-based wireless sensor networks: System design aspects 129
The Interplanetary Network Node: Architecture and Preliminary Performance Evaluation 128
Attributes Definitions and Measurement Methods for MADM based Sink Selection Controls in Satellite Sensor Networks 127
Multi-Attribute Decision Making Routing Strategy for Interplanetary Communications 126
Smartphone-based User Activity Recognition Method for Health Remote Monitoring Applications 125
Ultrasounds-based Context Sensing Method and Applications over the Internet of Things 125
Dynamic Multi-Attribute Network Selection Algorithm for Vertical Handover Procedures over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 124
Context awareness over transient clouds 124
Outdoor Places of Interest Recognition Using WiFi Fingerprints 124
Application Layer Joint Coding for Image Transmission over Deep Space Channels 121
Smartphone-based Automatic Place Recognition with Wi-Fi Signals for Location-Aware Services 121
Smartphone-centric ambient assisted living platform for patients suffering from co-morbidities monitoring 121
Performance Evaluation of Application Layer Joint Coding for Video Transmission with Smartphones Over Terrestrial / Satellite Emergency Networks 121
A nonlinear iterative inverse scattering procedure in Lp Banach spaces for microwave biomedical imaging 120
SPECTRA: A SPEech proCessing plaTform as smaRtphone Application 119
Towards the Reliable and Efficient Interplanetary Internet: a Survey of Possible Advanced Networking and Communications Solutions 119
Design and Evaluation Guidelines for Bandwidth Allocation Solutions in Satellite Environments 119
Recent Advances in Satellite and Space Communications 119
Distributed Information Retrieval in GRID Environment: a Formal Approach 119
Analytical Analysis of TCP Performance over Geostationary Satellite Channel 119
A trainingless WiFi fingerprint positioning approach over mobile devices 118
A Heuristic Attack Method to PRH-Based Audio Copy Detectors 118
Hybrid Simulated-Emulated Platform (HySEP) 118
Performance Evaluation of Bandwidth Allocation Methods in Geostationary Satellite Channel in the Presence of Internet Traffic 118
Lp-problem based Transmission Rate Allocation with Packet Loss and Power Metrics over Satellite Networks 117
Speaker Count Application for Smartphone Platforms 116
Comparison of situation awareness algorithms for remote health monitoring with smartphones 116
Data mining algorithms for communication networks control: Concepts, survey and guidelines 116
Smart probabilistic fingerprinting for WiFi-based indoor positioning with mobile devices 115
Brain stroke detection by microwave imaging systems: Preliminary two-dimensional numerical simulations 114
Speaker Recognition Exploiting D2D Communications Paradigm: Performance Evaluation of Multiple Observations Approaches 114
Efficient Satellite-Based Sensor Networks for Information Retrieval 113
Power Saving Bandwidth Allocation over GEO Satellite Networks 113
Interplanetary Networks: Architectural Analysis, Technical Challenges and Solutions Overview 113
Mars to Earth Communications through Orbiters: DTN Performance Analysis 113
Smartphones Apps Implementing a Heuristic Joint Coding for Video Transmissions over Mobile Networks 112
Gender-driven Emotion Recognition through Speech Signals for Ambient Intelligence Applications 112
Performance Comparison of two Resource Allocation Strategies in Satellite Environment 111
QoS-Constrained MOP-based Bandwidth Allocation over Space Networks 110
Congestion Aware Routing Strategies for DTN-based Interplanetary Networks 110
Multi Attribute Based Algorithm for Reliable Satellite-based Sensor Networks 110
Enabling smartphone-centric platforms for in-home rehabilitation: A comparison among movement recognition approaches 110
Comparative Performance Evaluation for Information Distribution Methods in Satellite-based Sensor Networks 109
Trainingless fingerprinting-based indoor positioning algorithms with smartphones using electromagnetic propagation models 109
Hybrid Simulated-Emulated Platform for Heterogeneous Access Networks Performance Investigations 109
Context-awareness over transient cloud in D2D networks: Energy performance analysis and evaluation 109
Blind detection: Advanced techniques for WiFi-based drone surveillance 106
Fast Multiattribute Network Selection Technique for Vertical Handover in Heterogeneous Emergency Communication Systems 106
Personal Satellite Services 105
Hybrid Simulated-Emulated Platform for Heterogeneous Access Networks Performance Investigations 104
Multimedia Content Delivery for Emerging 5G-Satellite Networks 104
Performance Enhanced Proxy Solutions for Satellite Networks: State of the Art, Protocol Stack and Possible Interfaces 103
Performance Study of Bandwidth Allocation Techniques for QoS-Constrained Satellite Networks 103
Analysis of the TCP round trip time over asymmetric DVB-RCS systems 103
Joint Coding and Multicast Subgrouping over Satellite-eMBMS Networks 103
Design and Implementation of Smartphone Applications for Speaker Count and Gender Recognition 102
Bandwidth Allocation in Geostationary Satellite Faded Channels for Internet Traffic 102
Opportunistic Detection Methods for Emotion Aware Smartphone Applications 101
Capacity Bound of MOP-based Allocation with Packet Loss and Power Metrics in Satellite Communications Systems 101
Combined Congestion Control and Link Selection Strategies for Delay Tolerant Interplanetary Networks 101
Combined Congestion Control and Link Selection Strategies for Delay Tolerant Interplanetary Networks 101
Exploiting context-aware capabilities over the internet of things for industry 4.0 applications 101
Study and Performance Evaluation of Bandwidth Controls over High Altitude Platforms 100
Multi Attribute Sink Selection Techniques in Satellite Sensor Networks: Study and Performance Evaluation 100
GPS/HPS- and Wi-Fi Fingerprint- based Location Recognition for Check-In Applications over Smartphones in Cloud-based LBSs 100
Energy Efficient WiFi-based Fingerprinting for Indoor Positioning with Smartphones 100
Microwave data inversion in hemorrhagic brain stroke imaging: A Newton-conjugate-gradient based approach in Lp Banach spaces 100
Mobile smart helmet for brain stroke early detection through neural network-based signals analysis 100
A Smart2 Gaussian process approach for indoor localization with RSSI fingerprints 100
The concept of fairness: Definitions and use in bandwidth allocation applied to satellite environment 100
Asset tracking architecture with Bluetooth Low Energy tags and ad hoc smartphone applications 99
Hemorrhagic brain stroke detection by using microwaves: Preliminary two-dimensional reconstructions 99
An imaging technique for brain stroke monitoring at microwaves 99
Packet Loss and Delay Combined Optimization for Satellite Channel Bandwidth Allocation Controls 97
Personal Satellite Services 97
Scanning the World 96
Comparison Among Resource Allocation Methods with Packet Loss and Power Metrics in Geostationary Satellite Scenarios 96
Bandwidth allocation strategies for TCP/IP traffic over high altitude platform: A multi-objective programming approach 95
Performance analysis of smart audio pre-processing for noise-robust text-independent speaker recognition 95
Fast audio fingerprint comparison for real-time TV-channel recognition applications 94
Transmission Rate Allocation over Satellite Networks with Quality of Experience - Based Performance Metrics 94
Satellite communications supporting internet of remote things 94
Information Distribution Techniques in Sensor Networks via Satellite 93
Totale 11.523
Categoria #
all - tutte 57.991
article - articoli 19.827
book - libri 557
conference - conferenze 29.171
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 3.098
patent - brevetti 618
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.720
Totale 115.982

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.988 0 0 0 0 0 0 717 315 463 816 502 175
2020/20211.304 106 136 101 97 88 121 60 119 103 150 138 85
2021/20222.320 72 121 241 228 75 183 174 543 119 213 101 250
2022/20231.922 196 159 57 178 231 321 9 158 359 15 215 24
2023/20241.329 48 164 19 131 123 283 69 69 67 84 80 192
2024/20251.970 187 291 156 170 687 456 23 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 18.217