Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.769
Totale 5.769
Nazione #
IT - Italia 5.769
Totale 5.769
Città #
Genova 3.717
Genoa 780
Rapallo 689
Vado Ligure 563
Bordighera 20
Totale 5.769
Nome #
"Competition, vertical relationship and countervailing power in the UK airport industry" 180
Human Capital, Employment Protection and Growth in Europe” 153
“The impact of port throughput on local employment: Evidence from a panel of European regions” 152
"And Yet They Co-Move! Public Capital and Productivity in the OECD: a Panel Cointegration analysis with Cross-Section Dependence" 149
The Appropriateness of the Poolability Assumption for Multiproduct Technologies: Evidence from the English Water and Sewerage Utilities 145
To bid or not to bid: That is the question: Public procurement, project complexity and corruption 140
R&D, innovation and knowledge spillovers: A reappraisal of Bottazzi and Peri (2007) in the presence of cross sectional dependence. 139
Sunk Capital, Unions and the Hold-Up Problem: Theory and Evidence from Cross-Country Sectoral Data 139
Port infrastructures and trade: Empirical evidence from Brazil 139
Firm dynamics and employment protection: Evidence from sectoral data 139
An Assessment on the Cost Structure of the UK Airport Industry: Ownership Outcomes and Long Run Cost Economies 133
Scale and (Quasi) Scope Economies in Airport Technology. An Application to UK Airports 133
The impact of port throughput on local employment: Evidence from a panel of European regions 128
"Labour Market Deregulation and Wage Dispersion. Does Product Market Competition Matter? The Case of the EU Electricity Industry" 127
The Introduction of the Euro and Economic Growth: some Panel Data Evidence 126
And yet they co-move! Public Capital and Productivity in OECD. 124
Low-cost carriers and airports’ performance: empirical evidence from a panel of UK airports. 121
The Cost Structure of UK Airports 117
Efficiency and Productivity Growth in a Sample of Italian Container Terminal 116
Did the EU Airport Charges Directive lead to lower aeronautical charges? Empirical evidence from a diff-in-diff research design 111
The Cost Structure of the Airport Industry: Methodological Issues and Empirical Evidence 107
Scale Economies, Technology and Technical Change in the Water Industry: Evidence from the English Water Only Sector 106
Economic role of transport infrastructure 105
Price Cap Regulation and the Ratchet Effect: A Generalised Index Approach 104
null 103
Sunk Capital, Unions and the Hold-Up Problem: Theory and Evidence from Sectoral Data 102
Roads to Innovation: Evidence from Italy 99
Ports and regional development: A spatial analysis on a panel of European regions 98
Efficiency incentives for a regulated monopoly: Some lessons from the English and Welsh water industry 97
“Reliability of Point Efficiency Estimates in Regulatory Applications. Evidence from the English and Welsh Water Industry” 96
Economie di scala e di densità nel settore idrico: Ulteriore evidenza empirica per l’Inghilterra. 95
The Economics of the Water Industry: Technology, Ownership and Efficiency 93
Type of Employers and Fertility of Working Women: Does Working in the Public Sector or in a Large Private Firm Matter? 92
"Ownership Relative Efficiency in the Water Industry: a Survey of the International Empirical Evidence" 91
Low Cost Carriers and Airport Performance: Empirical Evidence for a Panel of UK Airports 88
Concorrenza e Regolazione nel Settore Aeroportuale in Europa 88
The Italian Productivity Decline: Evidence from Regional Data 85
Ports and Regional Development: a European Perspective 82
Labour market deregulation and wage dispersion: Does product market competition matter? The case of the EU electricity industry 77
The productive effect of transport infrstructure: does road transport liberalization matter? 77
“How Basic Is (Patented) University Research? The Case of GM Crops” 72
La yardstick competition nel settore idrico: una applicazione econometrica ed alcune riflessioni sul caso inglese 71
Le gare come strumento di liberalizzazione nel settore dei servizi pubblici locali: le condizioni per una efficiente applicabilità 66
"Introduzione della Concorrenza nei Servizi Pubblici Locali: Gare, Yardstick Competition e Concorrenza attraverso il Mercato Azionario" 62
Modalità di affidamento dei lavori pubblici. Un’analisi empirica su dati Italiani. 62
Metodologie di introduzione della concorrenza nei servizi pubblici locali: gare, yardstick competition, e concorrenza attraverso il mercato azionario 60
L’andamento della produttività in Liguria negli ultimi trenta anni. Un confronto con le altre regioni del Nord Italia. 58
A Model of Unions, Two-Tier Bargaining and Capital Investment 58
“La Governance del Settore Idrico Italiano e le Recenti Riforme dei Servizi Pubblici Locali: Molto Rumore Per Nulla? 57
Una nota sul Servizio idrico italiano dopo i referendum del giugno 2011 57
Inefficiency in the English and Welsh Water Industry: An Heterosckedastic Stochastic Cost Frontier Approach 56
Alcune riflessioni sulla pratica regolatoria, con riferimento ad alcuni settori dell’industria dei trasporti 51
Economie di integrazione verticale ed economie di scopo nel settore idrico e fognario: alcune considerazioni alla luce dell’evidenza empirica internazionale. 50
“La Performance dell’Industria Idrica Inglese. Un’ analisi critica a 15 anni dalla Privatizzazione” 47
Il Mercato del lavoro. Economia della Sardegna. 27° Rapporto 2020 45
On the emergence of cooperative industrial and labor relations 43
Inefficienza allocativa, sindacato e contrattazione decentrata: il caso italiano 41
null 39
Roads to growth: The Brazilian way 38
Economie di Integrazione Verticale ed Economia di Scopo nel Settore Idrico e Fognario: Alcune Considerazioni alla Luce dell'Evidenza Empirica Internazionale 35
null 34
Erratum: The appropriateness of the poolability assumption for multiproduct technologies: Evidence from the English water and sewerage utilities (International Journal of Production Economics (2011) 130 (112-117)) 25
null 25
On the emergence of cooperative industrial and labour relations 12
Institutions matter: the impact of the covid‐19 pandemic on the political trust of young Europeans 2
High-Speed Railways and Firms Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment 2
Governments’ late payments and firms’ survival: Evidence from the european union 2
Family Management and Historical Origins: The Italian Experience 1
Employment protection and firm-provided training in dual labour markets 1
Totale 5.879
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.960
article - articoli 13.600
book - libri 589
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 2.505
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.266
Totale 35.920

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020915 0 0 0 0 0 0 267 80 121 231 154 62
2020/2021375 19 35 30 19 21 23 31 28 39 62 42 26
2021/2022744 14 40 65 75 39 52 57 168 47 63 30 94
2022/2023881 77 69 5 116 99 142 8 78 127 22 95 43
2023/2024473 37 53 20 63 18 58 47 29 37 11 43 57
2024/2025730 94 76 76 82 200 122 80 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.879