Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.564
Totale 2.564
Nazione #
IT - Italia 2.564
Totale 2.564
Città #
Genova 1.824
Rapallo 318
Genoa 219
Vado Ligure 197
Bordighera 6
Totale 2.564
Nome #
Ir TES Electron-Phonon Thermal Conductance and Single Photon Detection 135
Alternative Readout Electronics for Superconducting Transition Edge Sensors 134
The Cryogenic Anticoincidence Detector for ATHENA-XMS 133
Large Area A-thermal Phonon TES Detector Mediated by the quasi-particle Diffusion Signal for Space Application 131
THz Spectroscopy Using Low Temperature Mesoscopic Devices 125
Large area TES spiderweb bolometer for multi-mode cavity microwave detect 118
The TES-based cryogenic anticoincidence detector for IXO: First results from large area prototypes 114
The cryogenic anticoincidence detector for ATHENA-XMS: Preliminary results from the new prototype 112
A Study of the Excess Noise of Ir Transition Edge Sensors in the Frame of Statistical Models 112
Study of Sensitivity Improvement for MARE-1 in Genoa 110
Thermal properties of holmium-implanted gold films 109
The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector for ATHENA: The progress towards the final pixel design 108
Preliminary Results of the MARE Experiment 107
Thermal properties of holmium-implanted gold films for a neutrino mass experiment with cryogenic microcalorimeters 103
Large Area Superconducting TES Spiderweb Bolometer for Multi-mode Cavity Microwave Detect 98
Status of the MARE Experiment 96
Study of Microcalorimeters for Astrophysics Applications 89
Characterization of the superconducting transition of thin Ir films for TES 89
The cryogenic anticoincidence detector project for ATHENA+: An overview up to the present status 88
Spectroscopic Active Galaxies and Clusters Explorer 88
SAGACE : The spectroscopic active galaxies and clusters explorer 87
Correlated avalanches in TES noise power spectra 83
Multi-mode coupled focal planes for high precision measurements of large scale CMB polarization 83
The Status of the MARE Experiment with 187Re and 163Ho Isotopes 80
TES microcalorimeter for IXO: From focal plane to anticoincidence detector 48
Totale 2.580
Categoria #
all - tutte 8.408
article - articoli 5.075
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 1.913
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.420
Totale 16.816

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020522 0 0 0 0 0 96 103 56 63 103 79 22
2020/2021182 25 20 13 15 10 19 7 27 14 20 5 7
2021/2022362 19 24 49 32 11 28 26 76 16 28 22 31
2022/2023368 28 48 4 39 46 80 0 31 55 1 29 7
2023/2024171 11 20 2 27 19 51 6 10 8 1 4 12
2024/2025201 6 31 26 29 54 55 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.580