100018 - Dipartimento di Lingue e culture moderne
"Ostap Bender Meets Turksib: Il’f and Petrov on the Sovietisation of Central Asia"
2024-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
Aleksandra Xvostova, Nikolaj Karamzin, and the Gendering of Toska
2015-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
2024-01-01 Broccias, C.; Baicchi, A.; Dickinson, S.
L’intellighent e il nuovo russo: ascetismo, consumismo e lotta di classe in Aleksandra Marinina.
2010-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature and the Shaping of Lolita
2016-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
Otechestvo, Otchizna, Rodina: Russian 'Translations' of Patrie in the Napoleonic Period
2015-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
Pnin and Pechorin
2010-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
Politics and Idiosyncracies: The Global Parsing of Alexander Pushkin
2019-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
2015-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
Puškin e il sonetto di Shakespeare
2009-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
Representing Moscow in 1812: Sentimentalist Echoes in Accounts of the Napoleonic Occupation
2002-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
Russia’s First ‘Orient’: Catherine in the Crimea, 1787
2006-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
Suicide and Its Spectators: The Death of Aleksandr Radishchev
2007-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
Women’s Travel and Travel Writing in Russia, 1700-1825
2007-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
Yuri Arabov, "Initiation into the Circle of Poets", "Windy" e "Thoughts on Formal Logic"
1992-01-01 Dickinson, Sara; F., Gander
Yuri Arabov, "Windy" e "Initiation into the Circle of Poets"
2000-01-01 Dickinson, Sara; F., Gander
Парадокс женского сексуального желания в Преступлении и наказании: к вопросу о женской груди [The Paradox of Female Sexual Desire in Crime and Punishment: On the Question of the Female Breast]
2023-01-01 Dickinson, Sara
’La scimmia’ di Vladislav Chodasevič come commento sulla Grande Guerra
2015-01-01 Dickinson, Sara