Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.465
Totale 3.465
Nazione #
IT - Italia 3.465
Totale 3.465
Città #
Genova 2.267
Genoa 439
Rapallo 388
Vado Ligure 368
Bordighera 3
Totale 3.465
Nome #
“Thinking and Feeling in Russian Women’s Travel Writing during the Long Eighteenth Century: The Case of Varvara Bakunina” 161
The Russian Tour of Europe Before Fonvizin: Travel Writing as Literary Endeavor in Eighteenth-Century Russia 125
Women’s Travel and Travel Writing in Russia, 1700-1825 120
Aleksandra Xvostova, Nikolaj Karamzin, and the Gendering of Toska 119
Breaking Ground: Travel and National Culture in Russia from Peter I to the Era of Pushkin 116
The Edge of Empire or the Center of the Self: Endpoints and Itineraries in Nineteenth-Century Russian Travel 113
Imagining Space and the Self: Russian Travel Writing and Its Narrators, 1762-1825 111
Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature and the Shaping of Lolita 109
Melancholic Identities, Toska and Reflective Nostalgia. Case Studies from Russian and Russian-Jewish Culture 106
Recensione del libro: "Cyprian Norwid: Poet-Thinker-Craftsman", a cura di Bolesław Mazur e George Gömöri (London, Orbis, 1988). 100
Pnin and Pechorin 97
Russia’s First "Orient": Catherine in the Crimea, 1787 95
Otechestvo, Otchizna, Rodina: Russian 'Translations' of Patrie in the Napoleonic Period 95
Four Writers and a Waterfall: Questions of Genre in Russian Travel Writing about Western Europe, 1791-1825 94
Suicide and Its Spectators: The Death of Aleksandr Radishchev 91
Preface 85
Recensione del libro: G. V. Ibneeva, "Putešestvija Ekateriny II: Opyt 'osvoenija' imperskogo prostranstva" (Kazan’, Kazanskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 2006). 84
Yuri Arabov, "On the Removal of Troops from Afghanistan" 84
Puškin e il sonetto di Shakespeare 84
Yuri Arabov, "Thoughts on Formal Logic" 82
Recensione del libro: Douglas Smith, "The Pearl: A True Tale of Forbidden Love in Catherine the Great’s Russia" (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2008) 81
Yuri Arabov, "Initiation into the Circle of Poets", "Windy" e "Thoughts on Formal Logic" 81
"His Soul Is Marching On": Norwid and the Story of John Brown 80
Recensione del libro: Margarita D. Marinova, "Transnational Russian-American Travel Writing", Routledge Research in Travel Writing (London: Routledge, 2011). 78
Representing Moscow in 1812: Sentimentalist Echoes in Accounts of the Napoleonic Occupation 75
Norwid dziś? Aktualność ‘Do obywatela Johna Browna’ 74
Yuri Arabov, "Windy" e "Initiation into the Circle of Poets" 73
Recensione del libro: Kristen Ghodsee, "The Red Riviera: Gender, Tourism and Postsocialism on the Black Sea" (Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2006) 73
Recensione del libro: E. L. Rumanovskaja, "Dva putešestvija v Ierusalim v 1830-1831 i 1861 godach" (Moskva, Indrik, 2006). 70
Russia’s First ‘Orient’: Catherine in the Crimea, 1787 69
Norwid a dzieje Johna Browna 64
Giallo Rosa Slavo 64
“Norwid w cieniu Waszyngtona” 62
L’intellighent e il nuovo russo: ascetismo, consumismo e lotta di classe in Aleksandra Marinina. 58
I. I. Dmitriev i osvoenie russkogo prostranstva. 58
Politics and Idiosyncracies: The Global Parsing of Alexander Pushkin 58
’La scimmia’ di Vladislav Chodasevič come commento sulla Grande Guerra 54
The Enchantment of an Earlier Black Sea, 1768-1856 47
Recensione del libro: S. T. Aksakov, "'Notes on Fishing' and Selected Fishing Prose and Poetry", tradotto, introdotto e annotato da Thomas P. Hodge (Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 1997). 43
Ivo Andrić. Omer Pasha Latas: Marshal to the Sultan. Translated by Celia Hawkesworth. Introduction by William T. Vollman (New York: New York Review Books, 2018). 39
The Performance of Maternal Sentiment in the Memoirs and Letters of Ekaterina Dashkova, or How ‘une mère, sagemente tendre’ Became Director of the Academy of Sciences 29
The Colonial Train 27
Julia Titus, Dostoevsky as a Translator of Balzac(Boston, МА: Academic Studies Press, 2022), xxiv + 128 pp. 26
Dalla forma alla società: studi linguistici e culturali 18
Парадокс женского сексуального желания в Преступлении и наказании: к вопросу о женской груди [The Paradox of Female Sexual Desire in Crime and Punishment: On the Question of the Female Breast] 18
"Ostap Bender Meets Turksib: Il’f and Petrov on the Sovietisation of Central Asia" 14
“N. A. Neelova’s Literary Experiment: French Novels and the Elite Woman Writer in Eighteenth-Century Russia" 9
Introduzione 6
Totale 3.519
Categoria #
all - tutte 10.217
article - articoli 4.859
book - libri 589
conference - conferenze 522
curatela - curatele 611
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.636
Totale 20.434

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020535 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 23 44 185 129 43
2020/2021220 11 16 6 6 36 50 5 12 26 11 23 18
2021/2022434 10 37 19 68 16 26 24 105 18 51 5 55
2022/2023482 49 40 5 38 75 84 1 31 69 4 77 9
2023/2024286 6 34 15 47 34 71 11 12 10 5 8 33
2024/2025445 113 60 27 33 138 74 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.519