Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.113
Totale 3.113
Nazione #
IT - Italia 3.113
Totale 3.113
Città #
Genova 2.062
Rapallo 410
Genoa 328
Vado Ligure 306
Bordighera 7
Totale 3.113
Nome #
Mesoscale wind climate analysis: identification of anemological regions and wind regimes 140
Parameterisation of the planetary boundary layer for diagnostic wind models 139
A simple and efficient procedure for the numerical simulation of wind fields in complex terrain 127
A simple procedure to account for non-kinematic effects in a mass-consistent wind model 124
Preliminary estimate of the large-scale wind energy resource with few measurements available: the case of Montenegro 116
Local-law-of-the-wall in complex topography: a confirmation from wind tunnel experiments 112
Local log-law of the wall: numerical evidences and reasons 106
A pilot study of the wind speed along the Rome-Naples HS/HC railway line. Part 1 – Numerical modelling and wind simulations 105
Statistical analysis of extreme wind speeds in the Straits of Messina 100
Evaluation of the offshore wind potential along the Italian coasts. 98
WERMED – An interdisciplinary project for sustainable marine transportations 96
Numerical simulation of high-resolution wind fields along the Rome-Naples HS/HC railway line. 94
The Wind Map of Italy 94
Optimisation of the regional spatial distribution of wind power plants to minimise the variability of wind energy input into power supply systems 93
Optimisation of the spatial distribution of wind power plants over Corsica. 89
Local log-law-of-the-wall in neutrally stratified boundary layer flows 89
Comparison between two diagnostic models of atmospheric flow above complex terrain: the evaluation of the wind potential of La Ventosa 88
Downscaling NWP wind fields by means of a diagnostic mass-consistent model 88
Validation of a method for wind power estimation: the case of Bonifacio 87
Classificazione dei regimi di vento sul bacino del Mediterraneo 86
Large-eddy simulations for the local-log-law-of-the-wall in neutrally-stratified turbulent boundary-layer flows 83
Turbulent diffusion coefficients: some explicit expressions 82
Mitigation of the impact of wind power plants on power supply systems 80
Classification of wind climate regimes over the Mediterranean 76
A procedure for wind power estimation: an application to Bonifacio area 72
Wind analysis along the Rome-Naples HS/HC railway line 72
La nuova galleria del vento presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi di Genova 72
Confronto tra il potenziale eolico di “La Ventosa” calcolato mediante un modello mass-consistent ed un BZ-model lineare 68
Applicazione del filtro di Kalman per la correzione locale della previsione numerica del vento 63
A new methodology to perform the risk analysis of cross wind on high speed lines 63
Numerical simulation of turbulent wind fields at airports in complex terrain 62
The Wind Map of Italy 58
Realizzazione di atlanti eolici a scala nazionale in presenza di scarsità di dati 53
The Italian Wind Atlas 51
The Italian Wind Atlas – status and progress. 50
Simulazione della dispersione delle emissioni di una centrale elettrica 44
Totale 3.120
Categoria #
all - tutte 9.244
article - articoli 3.891
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 5.049
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 304
Totale 18.488

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020467 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 26 50 159 96 30
2020/2021126 5 10 6 7 3 10 6 6 31 6 15 21
2021/2022372 5 34 20 64 4 22 27 84 9 35 25 43
2022/2023473 43 31 7 29 74 83 4 34 78 0 87 3
2023/2024247 7 37 25 27 9 27 11 23 16 8 13 44
2024/2025331 21 50 27 67 97 68 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.120