Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.857
Totale 5.857
Nazione #
IT - Italia 5.857
Totale 5.857
Città #
Genova 3.935
Rapallo 659
Genoa 636
Vado Ligure 600
Bordighera 27
Totale 5.857
Nome #
The role of rentiers in the stabilization processes of the Twenties 142
Suffrage extension, social identity, and redistribution: the case of the Second Reform Act 134
Regional integration and growth in developing nations 132
Diversification, diversity and systemic risk in European banking 129
The role of Rentiers in the stabilization processes of the Twenties 128
Can financial supervision enhance central bank's independence? 125
Conflict inflation and delayed stabilization 125
Reserve accumulation and exchange rate policy in China: the authoritarian elite's aim of political survival 124
Gross imbalances, liquidity shortage and the role of the Federal Reserve 123
Economic growth and income inequality 120
Public spending structure, minimal state and economic growth in France (1870-2010) 117
Resource rents and populism in resource-dependent economies 116
Euro vs Dollar: an improbable threat 113
The role of the Federal Reserve as an international lender of last resort during the 2007-2008 financial crisis 110
How and when exercising financial supervision can enhance central bank's independence 108
How Japan remained on the Gold Standard despite unsustainable external debt 105
Estimation of reduced form inflation equations for most OECD countries 102
Fiscal capacity and the risk of sovereign debt after the Glorious Revolution: a reinterpretation of the North-Weingast hypothesis 102
The Great Inflation in Italy 101
Testing for Trade-Induced, Investment-led Growth, 97
An alternative view of delayed stabilization 97
Credit supply and the rise in sovereign debt risk in the Eurozone 97
null 97
The interwar international monetary disorder: an international political economy approach 94
Central banks as political players 92
Gli effetti della sostituzione di depositi con depositi 91
Rule of law and balance of power sustain US dollar preeminence 90
Trade induced I-led growth 89
Testing for trade-induced Investment-led growth 86
Customs union and economic growth 85
Testing for a common OECD Phillips curve. OECD Economics Department working paper n. 219 84
Growth and european integration: an empirical assessment 83
Interest group pressures, independence of central banks and supervision functions 83
L'evoluzione del sistema monetario internazionale: il ruolo della domanda di innovazioni e della produzione di fiducia 83
Le ragioni finanziarie della crisi delle banche meridionali. Indicazioni per la politica di vigilanza 82
L’attribuzione della vigilanza bancaria alla BCE: un approccio di political economy 81
Growth and European Integration: Towards an Empirical Assessment. CEPR Discussion Paper n. 1393 80
Are Trading Blocs Building or Stumbling Blocks? New Evidence 79
Trade liberalization, investment and growht 78
Testing for Investment-led Growth. NBER Working Paper n. 5416 77
Domanda e offerta di inflazione in Italia: il caso della "Grande inflazione" degli anni '70 74
Il ruolo delle relazioni internazionali nel fallimento del gold exchange standard 74
Bretton Woods and the legalization of international monetary affairs 73
An index of bank liquidity creation: an application to the banking system of the Eurozone and the liquidity policy of the ECB during the Eurocrisis 71
Building trust in the international monetary system: the different cases of commodity money and fiat money 70
La tardiva adesione del Giappone al Gold Standard: il ruolo della minaccia esterna 67
I problemi finanziari delle piccole e medie imprese nell'età dell'euro 65
Suffrage extension, government size and national identity in Europe before WWI 65
The political economy of hyperinflation in Venezuela 65
Contro il mainstream. Perchè e come le funzioni di vigilanza possono rafforzare l'indipendenza di una banca centrale. 63
Gli effetti della sostituzione di "depositi con depositi" nella crisi degli anni Trenta in Italia 62
Crisi dell'euro, fabbisogno di liquidità delle banche e politica della liquidità della BCE 61
Can swap lines arrangements help solve the Triffin dilemma? How? 60
La disinflazione italiana degli anni Novanta: un'interpretazione di political economy 59
The Italian Popular Banks and their behavour after the recent financial crisis 56
Suffragio universale e potere del parlamento 56
Il contestuale verificarsi di crisi di cambio e di crisi bancarie: il caso del Messico (1994) e dei Paesi del Sud Est asiatico 55
Meccanismi e canali di trasmissione della politica monetaria nell'UME 55
Il ruolo dei rentier nella stabilizzazione degli anni Venti 54
Reconsidering the modernization hypothesis: The role of diversified production and interest-group competition 50
La rivoluzione gloriosa: riforma costituzionale e distribuzione del reddito 47
Expectations in an Open Economy Hyperinflation: Evidence from Germany, 1921-23 47
Indipendenza delle banche centrali e coordinamento tra politica monetaria e politica fiscale 44
null 44
Fondamenti teorici della Corporate governance e comportamento delle Banche Popolari 42
Income, democracy and output growth volatility revisited 40
Suffrage extension and redistribution: the role of national identity, interest group conflict and corporativism 40
Governor Baffi's view on the Italian great inflation 39
La Grande Inflazione in Italia: il ruolo dei gruppi di interesse 38
Was a sudden stop at the origin of German hyperinflation? 37
Why the money multiplier has remained persistently so low in the post-crisis United States? 36
Why was the ECB's reaction to COVID-19 crisis faster than after the 2008 financial crash? 34
Legislative production and public spending in France 31
Democracy, extension of suffrage, and redistribution in nineteenth-century Europe, 31
Il sistema bancario tra crisi economica e riregolamentazione, presentazione 24
The Cagan's Model, its Developments, and the Patinkin Effect 16
null 16
Tourism and Growth: Some Issues 15
L'inflazione italiana, le sue cause e i suoi rimedi 10
An Economic Historiography of Germany, 1918-1931 7
Media fabrication of corruption and the quality of the political class: The case of Italy 6
The myth of federal reserve de facto independence 4
Totale 5.984
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.818
article - articoli 12.366
book - libri 713
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 2.383
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.356
Totale 35.636

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020904 0 0 0 0 0 0 204 65 104 265 176 90
2020/2021402 45 61 27 24 19 40 20 27 46 34 39 20
2021/2022792 20 51 44 96 36 57 32 201 46 84 28 97
2022/2023813 87 48 16 128 97 157 4 55 149 8 50 14
2023/2024427 43 61 10 39 36 51 17 34 29 12 48 47
2024/2025719 14 99 112 43 229 129 93 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.984