Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 15.667
Totale 15.667
Nazione #
IT - Italia 15.667
Totale 15.667
Città #
Genova 10.205
Genoa 2.316
Rapallo 1.676
Vado Ligure 1.430
Bordighera 40
Totale 15.667
Nome #
Note Illustrative al Foglio n. 212 "Spigno Monferrato" sc. 1:50000 della Carta Geologica Regionale della Liguria 295
New Interpretation of Lemeglio Coastal Landslide (Liguria, Italy) Based on Field Survey and Integrated Monitoring Activities 250
Sezione 212060 "Monte Acuto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 204
Sezione 212120 "Urbe", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 202
Foglio 212.1 “Tiglieto" Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 189
Geology of the Pontinvrea area (Ligurian Alps, Italy): structural setting of the contact between Montenotte and Voltri units 178
Foglio 212.3 "Sassello", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 175
Sezione 212100 "Sassello", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 162
Geology of the Eastern Ligurian Alps: a review of the tectonic units 155
Foglio 212.2 "Urbe", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 153
Sezione 212090 "Mioglia", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 149
Fluid-controlled deformation in blueschist-facies conditions: plastic vs brittle behaviour in a brecciated mylonite (Voltri Massif, Western Alps, Italy) 144
Sezione 212040 "Lago di Ortiglieto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 143
Late Alpine tectonics in the Ligurian Alps: constraints from the Tertiary Piedmont Basin conglomerates 142
3D Numerical simulations of oblique subduction 139
Sezione 212150 "Monte Beigua", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 138
Stratigraphic vs structural contacts in a late orogenic basin: the case of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin in the Sassello area (Ligurian Alps, Italy). 133
Fault-slip analysis in the metaophiolites of the Voltri Massif: constraints for the tectonic evolution at the Alps/Apennine boundary 130
Intraoceanic subduction of “heterogeneous” oceanic lithosphere in narrow basins: 2D numerical modeling. 130
Double-sided DSGSD: a combined structural, geomorphological, engineering-geological and geophysical approach 129
Different PT paths recorded in a tectonic mélange (Voltri Massif, NW Italy): implications for the exhumation of HP rocks 128
Sezione 212050 "Case Cornareto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 126
The exhumation of high pressure ophiolites (Voltri Massif, Western Alps): Insights from structural and petrologic data on metagabbro bodies 123
Coupling/decoupling at oblique subduction zones: the sediment effect 123
Sezione 212080 "Tiglieto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 121
Foglio 212.4 "Monte Acuto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 120
39Ar/ 40Ar dating of high-pressure rocks from the Ligurian Alps: Evidence for a continuous subduction–exhumation cycle 120
The Dorn gold deposit in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica: Structure, hydrothermal alteration, and implications for the Gondwana Pacific margin 119
Deformation partitioning and heterogeneous metamorphic re-equilibration in subduction tectonic melange: the case study of the Voltri Massif (Western Alps) 118
Sezione 212160 "Lerca", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 118
Sezione 212130 "Giusvalla", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 118
Intermediate-depth brecciation along the subduction plate interface (Monviso eclogite, W. Alps) 114
The Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps): a tectonic serpentinitic melange? Insight from structural and petrologic evidences 111
The Cambrian Ross Orogeny in Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) and New Zealand: A Synthesis 111
Mapping polydeformed HP ophiolites: the new gis-based geological map ”Spigno Monferrato” 212 quadrangle 110
Oblique subduction modelling indicates along-trench tectonic transport of sediments 110
Sezione 212140 "Pontinvrea", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 110
Serpentinite channel and the role of serpentinite buoyancy for exhumation of HP rocks (Voltri Massif, Western Alps) 109
Unravelling polyphase brittle tectonics through multi-software fault-slip analysis: The case of the Voltri Unit, Western Alps (Italy) 109
The Cambrian Ross Orogeny in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) and New Zealand: A synthesis 105
Subduzione alpina ed esumazione di litosfera oceanica: L’esempio dell’Unità Erro-Tobbio delle Alpi Liguri. 103
The puzzling tectonics of the Ligurian knot: a review 103
Hydrogeological Map of Sestri-Voltaggio Zone (Western Alps) 103
Sezione 212070 "Pian Castagna", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 102
Conglomerates of the Tertiary Piemontese Basin: a clue to oligocene tectonics in the Ligurian Alps 101
New geological maps of the area facing the central Ligurian Sea: towards an integration of the structural data onland and at sea 101
Fault-slip analysis and transpressional tectonics: A study of Palaeozoic structures in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica 100
A continuous subduction-exhumation cycle in the Ligurian Alps: new constraints from 39Ar/40Ar dating of alpine high-pressure rocks 99
Transgressive and tectonically-reworked contacts in a late orogenic basin: the case of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin in the Sassello area (Ligurian Alps, Italy) 99
From ductile to brittle behavior in blueschist-facies mylonite: implications for deformation processes in subduction zones 98
Coupling and tectonic erosion of plates at oblique subduction zones: hints from numerical modeling 98
Sezione 212110 "Palo", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 97
Interplate deformation at early-stage oblique subduction: 3-D thermomechanical numerical modeling 97
2D numerical models of intercontinental-intraoceanic subduction settings. 96
Development of tectonic mélanges during subduction and exhumation processes: case-study from the ligurian alps (italy) 95
Exhumation of alpine high-pressure rocks: insights from petrology of eclogite clasts in the Tertiary Piedmontese basin (Ligurian Alps, Italy) 94
The Cambrian Ross Orogeny in Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) and New Zealand: a synthesis 93
2D numerical models of subduction and exhumation processes: case study from the Voltri Massif (Western Alps). 93
Mapping at the contact between oceanic blueschist and eclogite units in the Ligurian Alps: gathering evidence for their tectonic emplacement 93
Geology of the Western Alps-Northern Apennine junction area: a regional review. 92
Oblique subduction and size of the accretionary prism: insight from 3D numerical modeling 91
The HP-rocks of the Ligurian Alps: a case-study for the subduction channel theory 90
Eclogite and blueschist blocks recording different P-T paths in a tectonic mélange (Voltri Massif - NW Italy): implications for the exhumation of HP rocks in accretionary prisms 90
2D Numerical simulations of intraoceanic subduction: the case study of the Ligurian Alps 90
Uplift and exhumation rate of high-pressure metaophiolite units from NW-Alps (Italy): radiometric constraints from the Voltri Group and the Tertiary Piemontese Basin 89
Geology of the Ligurian Alps: the heritage of Luciano Cortesogno and Mario Vanossi 89
Oblique Alpine subduction at the Ligurian transect: evidence from 3D numerical models 89
Conglomerates of the Tertiary Piemontese Basin: a clue to oligocene tectonics in the ligurian alps 89
Geology of the southern Monviso metaophiolite complex (W-Alps, Italy) 89
The subduction-exhumation cycle in the Ligurian Alps: new radiometric constraints from the Voltri Massif and the Tertiary Piemontese Basin 88
Deep seated gravitational slope deformation in an alpine ophiolites massif: the case of “Badia di Tiglieto” (Voltri Massif, northern Italy) 88
The Ross orogeny of the transantarctic mountains: a northern Victoria Land perspective 88
Structure of the Millen Schist Belt (Antarctica): Clues for the tectonics of northern Victoria Land along the paleo-Pacific margin of Gondwana 87
Eclogitic breccia from the Monviso meta-ophiolite complex: field and petrographic evidences of multiple-stage eclogite-facies brecciation 86
Ophiolite mélange zone records exhumation in a fossil subduction channel 86
Tectonics of the northern Victoria Land along the paleo-Pacific margin of Gondwana: structural evidence from the Millen Schist Belt (Antarctica) 85
Exhumation in a fossil subduction channel: an example from the Ligurian Alps 85
New field evidences of transpressional regime at the Alps / Apennine boundary (Voltri Massif, NW Italy) 84
Fault-slip analysis to unravel a polyphase deformation pattern: the case of the NW Voltri Massif, Western Alps (Italy) 84
The "Urbe" 212-2 quadrangle: new geological mapping in the HP polyderformed Voltri Massif (Western Alps) 83
Exhumation in a fossil subduction channel: an example from the Ligurian Alps 83
Exhumation in a fossil subduction channel: a case-study from the Ligurian Alps. 83
Petrologic and geochronologic constraints for the exhumation of Ligurian HP ophiolites: Clues to the subduction channel theory 82
The exhumation of an HP ophiolitic massif (Voltri Massif, Western Alps): insight from 3D numerical models 82
The new Gis-based Geological Map “Spigno Monferrato” 212 Quadrangle: a Starting Point For Further Projects Of Geoheritage Management 80
Subduction channel and exhumation of high pressure ophiolites: structural and petrologic data from the Voltri massif, Western Alps 80
Interplate coupling at oblique subduction zones: influence on upper plate erosion. 79
Deformation styles and late orogenic evolution at the western limit of the HP Voltri Massif (western Alps, Italy) 79
The “Genova” Quadrangle of the 1/50’000 Geological Map of Italy, Carg Project. Alps And Apennines: a Natural laboratory for Structural Geology and Geodynamics 78
Diachronic HP metamorphism in blueschist and eclogite lenses of a tectonic mélange (Voltri Massif, NW Italy): implications for subduction and exhumation 77
Gold bearing veining linked to transcrustal fault zones in the Transantarctic Mountains (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) 77
The Cambrian paleo-Pacific margin of Gondwana: new scenario for the Puzzling Ross Orogeny 77
Field-tested thermodynamic and numerical modeling to investigate exhumation of high-pressure rocks: the case of the Voltri Massif (Western Alps). 77
Geological map of a syntectonic sedimentary succession atop an Eclogite Belt: the Tertiary Piedmont Basin of the Ligurian Alps (Italy). 77
Syntectonic gold-bearing quartz-carbonate vein system and hydrothermal alteration:first case study from the Transantarctic mountains (Antarctica) 75
The subduction - exhumation cycle in the Ligurian Alps: new radiometric constraints from the Voltri Massif and the Tertiary Piemontese Basin 75
Gold-bearing veins in transcrustal fault zone in the Transantarctic Mountains (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) 74
Unraveling polyphase brittle tectonics through fault-slip analysis in the Voltri Massif, Western Alps (Italy) 74
Late orogenic transpressional tectonics in the "Ligurian Knot" 73
First occurrence of syntectonic gold mineralization in transcrustal fault zones of the Transantarctic Mountains (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) 73
Totale 10.925
Categoria #
all - tutte 46.549
article - articoli 26.761
book - libri 936
conference - conferenze 11.460
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 6.642
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 750
Totale 93.098

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.729 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 234 739 465 176
2020/2021765 73 140 66 42 18 75 27 50 90 56 71 57
2021/20222.043 43 163 136 244 118 93 121 515 95 157 74 284
2022/20232.075 241 141 35 233 300 321 23 170 356 30 179 46
2023/20241.293 73 128 52 137 115 241 102 74 54 45 84 188
2024/20252.108 187 267 175 220 428 353 274 204 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.833