Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 52.496
Totale 52.496
Nazione #
IT - Italia 52.496
Totale 52.496
Città #
Genova 39.689
Rapallo 4.658
Genoa 4.632
Vado Ligure 3.435
Bordighera 82
Totale 52.496
Nome #
(1)H-MR spectroscopy indicates prominent cerebellar dysfunction in benign adult familial myoclonic epilepsy. 419
"Comorbidity" between epilepsy and headache/migraine: the other side of the same coin! 195
A de novo 11p12-p15.4 duplication in a patient with pharmacoresistant epilepsy, mental retardation, and dysmorphisms. 189
Autosomal dominant cortical tremor, myoclonus and epilepsy: many syndromes, one phenotype. 175
6q terminal deletion syndrome associated with a distinctive EEG and clinical pattern: a report of five cases. 175
Whole-genome linkage scan for epilepsy-related photosensitivity: a mega-analysis. 169
A novel SCN2A mutation in family with benign familial infantile seizures. 169
Pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy: An under-recognised cause of intractable seizures. 167
A de novo LGI1 mutation causing idiopathic partial epilepsy with telephone-induced seizures. 166
A pilot open-label trial of zonisamide in Unverricht-Lundborg disease. 164
22-year-old girl with status epilepticus and progressive neurological symptoms. 162
Recurrent hypothermia with hyperhidrosis in two siblings: familial Shapiro syndrome variant. 162
A pilot trial of levetiracetam in eyelid myoclonia with absences (Jeavons syndrome). 161
Idiopathic mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: don't sow the tares with the wheat! 160
Levetiracetam in patients with cortical myoclonus: a clinical and electrophysiological study. 160
A t(4;9)(q34;p22) translocation associated with partial epilepsy, mental retardation, and dysmorphism. 158
End-of-life: still an Italian dilemma. 157
Dramatic response to levetiracetam in post-ischaemic Holmes' tremor. 157
Similar but not identical: clinical implications for molecular studies in monozygotic discordant twins with epilepsy. 157
LGI1 microdeletion in autosomal dominant lateral temporal epilepsy. 156
Temporal lobe epilepsy and anti glutamic acid decarboxylase autoimmunity. 155
Epileptogenesis due to peripheral injury as a cause of focal epilepsy. 155
Suppression of myoclonus in SCA2 by piracetam. 155
A 3-year-old boy with drug-resistant complex partial seizures 154
Health-related quality of life in epilepsy: findings obtained with a new Italian instrument. 154
The genetics of monogenic idiopathic epilepsies and epileptic encephalopathies. 152
Clinical and genetic findings in 26 Italian patients with Lafora disease. 151
Sudden death in Unverricht-Lundborg patients: is serotonin the key? 151
Lumping encephalopathies with inflammation-mediated status epilepticus: is there enough evidence? 151
Functional changes in hypothalamic hamartoma neurons and gelastic epilepsy. 150
Comment to: Diabetic hyperglycemia is associated with the severity of epileptic seizures in adults. 150
Epileptic myoclonus as ciprofloxacin-associated adverse effect. 150
Clinical features of Sturge-Weber syndrome without facial nevus: Five novel cases. 149
From migralepsy to ictal epileptic headache: the story so far. 148
Comment to: overlap cases of eyelid myoclonia with absences and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. 148
Long-term evolution of EEG in Unverricht-Lundborg disease. 147
Long-term follow-up in two siblings with pyridoxine-dependent seizures associated with a novel ALDH7A1 mutation. 146
A new benign adult familial myoclonic epilepsy (BAFME) pedigree suggesting linkage to chromosome 2p11.1-q12.2. 146
Clinical phenotype and molecular characterization of 6q terminal deletion syndrome: Five new cases. 146
De novo mutations in HCN1 cause early infantile epileptic encephalopathy 146
Natural history and long-term evolution in families with autosomal dominant cortical tremor, myoclonus, and epilepsy. 145
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome with late-onset and prominent reflex seizures in trisomy 21 patients. 145
Recurrent rearrangements of chromosome 1q21.1 and variable pediatric phenotypes. 144
Treatment and outcome of children with cerebral cavernomas: a survey on 32 patients. 143
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) in critically ill obstetric patients. 143
Reflex seizures and reflex epilepsies: Old models for understanding mechanisms of epileptogenesis. 143
Posterior cortical atrophy with prominent alexia without agraphia in a Tourette syndrome. 143
The gelastic seizures-hypothalamic hamartoma syndrome: Facts, hypotheses, and perspectives. 143
Autosomal recessive progressive myoclonus epilepsy with ataxia and mental retardation. 143
Low long-term efficacy and tolerability of add-on rufinamide in patients with Dravet syndrome. 142
Clinical and electrophysiological features of epilepsy in Italian patients with CLN8 mutations. 142
Galloway-Mowat syndrome: an early-onset progressive encephalopathy with intractable epilepsy associated to renal impairment. Two novel cases and review of literature. 142
The saga of Eluana Englaro: another tragedy feeding the media. 142
Lateralizing value of the auditory aura in partial seizures. 142
Do regulatory regions matter in FOXG1 duplications? 142
Heterogeneous seizure manifestations in Hypomelanosis of Ito: report of four new cases and review of the literature. 141
Willful modulation of brain activity in disorders of consciousness. 141
Autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) in focal and generalized epilepsy: A study on 233 patients. 141
Analysis of LGI1 promoter sequence, PDYN and GABBR1 polymorphisms in sporadic and familial lateral temporal lobe epilepsy. 141
New terminology for headache/migraine as the sole ictal epileptic manifestation: the downsides. Reply to Cianchetti et al. 141
Epilepsy: old drugs do the trick in childhood absence epilepsy. 140
Dramatic response to levetiracetam in post-ischaemic Holmes' tremor. 140
Comment to: addition of verapamil in the treatment of severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (Iannetti et al.). 139
Cryptic chromosome deletions involving SCN1A in severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy. 139
Early-onset absence epilepsy: SLC2A1 gene analysis and treatment evolution. 139
Commentary to: "Evaluation of serum lipids and carotid artery intima media thickness in epileptic children treated with valproic acid". 138
Impairment of ceramide synthesis causes a novel progressive myoclonus epilepsy 138
A novel KCNQ3 mutation in familial epilepsy with focal seizures and intellectual disability 138
Association of intronic variants of the KCNAB1 gene with lateral temporal epilepsy. 137
De novo loss-of-function mutations in CHD2 cause a fever-sensitive myoclonic epileptic encephalopathy sharing features with Dravet syndrome. 137
Linkage analysis and disease models in benign familial infantile seizures: a study of 16 families. 137
Effectiveness and tolerability of perampanel in children and adolescents with refractory epilepsies—An Italian observational multicenter study 136
No evidence of a role for cystatin B gene in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy 136
Somatic and germline mosaicisms in Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy 135
First long-term experience with the orphan drug rufinamide in children with myoclonic-astatic epilepsy (Doose syndrome). 135
Epileptic seizures can follow high doses of oral vardenafil. 135
Eyelid myoclonia with absences: an overlooked epileptic syndrome? 135
Familial nonkinesigenic paroxysmal dyskinesia and intracranial calcifications: a new syndrome? 135
Inferior olivary nucleus involvement in pediatric neurodegenerative disorders: does it play a role in neuroimaging pattern-recognition approach? 135
Changes in Panayiotopoulos syndrome over time. 134
Non-interventional surveillance study of adverse events in patients with epilepsy. 134
Gabapentin: a Ca2+ channel alpha 2-delta ligand far beyond epilepsy therapy. 134
Migralepsy, hemicrania epileptica, post-ictal headache and "ictal epileptic headache": a proposal for terminology and classification revision. 134
'Autoimmune epilepsy' or exasperated search for the etiology of seizures of unknown origin? 134
Autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase in patients with epilepsy: what is their clinical relevance? 134
AMPA receptor GluA2 subunit defects are a cause of neurodevelopmental disorders 134
A novel loss-of-function LGI1 mutation linked to autosomal dominant lateral temporal epilepsy. 133
Temporal lobe abnormalities on brain MRI in healthy volunteers: a prospective case-control study. 133
Life-threatening status epilepticus following gabapentin administration in a patient with benign adult familial myoclonic epilepsy. 133
'Ictal epileptic headache': Recent concepts for new classifications criteria. 133
A clinical and genetic study of 33 new cases with early-onset absence epilepsy. 133
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) in the parturient with preeclampsia after inadvertent dural puncture. 133
From "migralepsy" to "ictal epileptic headache" concept. 133
A functional polymorphism in the SCN1A gene does not influence antiepileptic drug responsiveness in Italian patients with focal epilepsy. 133
Familial temporal lobe epilepsy with psychic auras associated with a novel LGI1 mutation. 132
Epilepsy: a 'going ape' model for SUDEP? 132
Benign adult familial myoclonic epilepsy (BAFME): evidence of an extended founder haplotype on chromosome 2p11.1-q12.2 in five Italian families. 132
Familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (FMTLE) : a clinical and genetic study of 15 Italian families. 131
Hyperhomocysteinemia in epileptic patients on new antiepileptic drugs. 131
"Ictal epileptic headache": Beyond the epidemiological evidence. 131
Totale 14.826
Categoria #
all - tutte 186.734
article - articoli 184.318
book - libri 154
conference - conferenze 261
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.001
Totale 373.468

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202010.732 0 0 0 0 1.247 1.361 2.349 1.135 1.357 1.799 1.089 395
2020/20217.839 299 289 569 1.962 201 361 374 882 434 1.175 760 533
2021/20226.787 298 281 1.012 439 234 353 338 1.512 381 664 431 844
2022/20235.777 746 257 68 457 876 1.067 40 475 1.159 50 479 103
2023/20243.516 229 477 106 334 262 490 162 148 288 170 282 568
2024/20253.660 327 918 278 614 1.523 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 53.599