Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.185
Totale 1.185
Nazione #
IT - Italia 1.185
Totale 1.185
Città #
Genova 576
Vado Ligure 254
Genoa 217
Rapallo 132
Bordighera 6
Totale 1.185
Nome #
Short tandem repeat analysis of host's hepatocellular carcinoma by laser microdissection confirms the validity of safety procedures in liver transplantation: a forensic case. 151
Cardiac troponins and NT-proBNP in the forensic setting: Overview of sampling site, postmortem interval, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and review of the literature 143
Postmortem IgE determination in coronary artery disease 124
The role of genetic testing in cardiac deaths under suspicion of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Validating a low-cost method and presenting preliminary data of an Italian retrospective study 115
Two fatal cases of high-voltage electrocution during theft of copper wires from the same abandoned warehouse 87
Correlazione tra i risultati delle indagini sierologiche e la diagnosi di morte nei decessi ospedalieri della prima ondata pandemica da SARS-COV 2 70
The Motion of the Italian National Bioethics Committee on Aggressive Treatment towards Children with Limited Life Expectancy 56
The professional training oe residents in legal medicine in clinical risk management state of the art and proposals for the new ministerail training plan 56
Law 24/2017 and the medico-legal role in a self-retention system: Medical malpractice in the ligurian regional policy 52
The difficult balance between ensuring the right of nursing home residents to communication and their safety 47
The collapse of an Italian cemetery into the sea: Forensic approach to human remains identification 38
Philemon and Baucis deaths: A case of two siblings and state of the art 33
A Survey on Undergraduate Medical Students’ Perception of COVID-19 Vaccination 26
Postmortem biochemistry in suspected starvation-induced ketoacidosis 18
Postmortem evaluation of cholesterol, triglyceride, and apolipoprotein levels 17
Otorrhagia in strangulations: An important but often underestimated finding in forensic pathology 17
Postmortem biochemical investigation results in situations of fatal mechanical compression of the neck region 16
Biomarkers of cerebral damage in fatal hypothermia: Preliminary results 16
COVID-19 Pandemic and Equal Access to Vaccines 15
Erratum: The forensic spleen: Morphological, radiological, and toxicological investigations (Forensic Science International (2018) 291 (94–99), (S0379073818305188) (10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.08.012)) 14
Positive bacteriological analyses in individuals with diabetes mellitus: Preliminary results from a forensic study 13
Strengths and shortcomings of medico-legal education in Italy: A national multi-centric survey 13
The medico-legal expert and the restrictions imposed by the lockdown due to the covid-19 pandemic: An opportunity to implement smart working methods? 11
Elevation of NT-proBNP and cardiac troponins in sepsis-related deaths: a forensic perspective 11
The forensic spleen: Morphological, radiological, and toxicological investigations 9
Usefulness of liver function tests in postmortem samples 8
The state of knowledge of young italian medicolegal doctors on the law of provisions for informed consent and advance treatment directives: A multi-centric survey two years after the enactment of law 219 of 2017 8
Vaccination and anaphylaxis: A forensic perspective 7
Totale 1.226
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.156
article - articoli 4.919
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 10.075

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020142 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 19 20 31 21 9
2020/2021113 6 3 7 4 32 8 1 6 5 18 14 9
2021/2022127 11 9 7 14 5 7 3 28 9 8 6 20
2022/2023193 16 22 1 13 23 34 0 8 25 0 32 19
2023/2024169 9 16 3 40 28 30 6 11 4 2 7 13
2024/2025266 48 35 23 26 86 47 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.226