Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.771
Totale 4.771
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.771
Totale 4.771
Città #
Genova 3.306
Genoa 529
Vado Ligure 486
Rapallo 446
Bordighera 4
Totale 4.771
Nome #
Dukes, Dogi and Mogógni: Genoa in John Marston’s The Malcontent 146
Merchants, Usurers and Harlots: Genoa in Early Modern English Drama 139
The Anonymous Caesar’s Revenge and John Fletcher and Philip Massinger’s The False One 128
Identifying “the cloak of Genoa” in Ben Jonson’s The New Inn 128
Julius Caesar’s “just cause” in John Fletcher and Philip Massinger’s The False One 126
Re-Writing Julius Caesar as a National Villain in Early Modern English Drama 125
Spinella’s Name in John Ford’s The Lady’s Trial 124
She-Tragedy: Lust, Luxury and Empire in John Fletcher and Philip Massinger’s The False One 121
Leicester’s Men and the Lost Telomo of 1583 121
Introduction: Visions of Rome in Shakespeare 109
Jonson’s Catiline and Machiavelli’s Istorie Fiorentine 105
“Da quando ho conosciuto l’arte, ’sta cella è diventata ’na prigione”: Cesare Deve Morire and the Unsettling Self-(Re-)Fashioning Power of Theatre 104
The False One, by John Fletcher and Philip Massinger, edited by Domenico Lovascio 98
Antony and Cleopatra: A Critical Reader 95
Thomas Kyd, The Householder's Philosophy, ed. Domenico Lovascio 93
Review of Daniel Cadman, Sovereigns and Subjects in Early Modern Neo-Senecan Drama: Republicanism, Stoicism and Authority (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015) 92
Julius Caesar’s “stony heart”: Thomas Kyd’s Cornelia and the Mirror for Magistrates 90
“Of higher state | Than monarch, king or world’s great potentate”: The Name of Caesar in Early Modern English Drama 89
Review of Matthew Steggle, Digital Humanities and the Lost Drama of Early Modern England: Ten Case Studies (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015) 89
With a 'monster's heart': Jonson's Caesar and the Destruction of Roman Liberty 88
Review of Edward Paleit, War, Liberty, and Caesar: Responses to Lucan’s Bellum Ciuile, ca. 1580–1650, (Oxford: OUP, 2013) 87
Niente di marcio nello Stato della Poesia 85
“All our lives upon ones lippes depend”: Caesar as a Tyrant in William Alexander’s Julius Caesar 85
Review of Ralf Hertel, Staging England in the Elizabethan History Play: Performing National Identity (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014) 84
La congiura di Catilina. Testo inglese a fronte 83
Jonson’s Catiline: A Few Unrecorded Borrowings from Felici’s Historia Coniurationis Catilinariae 82
Introduction: Roman Women in Early Modern English Drama 81
John Fletcher's Rome: Questioning the Classics 81
Alison V. Scott, Literature and the Idea of Luxury in Early Modern England (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015) 79
Bawds, Wives, and Foreigners: The Question of Female Agency in the Roman Plays of the Fletcher Canon 79
Review of David McInnis and Mattew Steggle (eds), Lost Plays in Shakespeare’s England (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) 77
Review of Selene Scarsi, Translating Women in Early Modern England: Gender in the Elizabethan Versions of Boiardo, Ariosto and Tasso (Farnham: Ashgate, 2010) 77
Shakespeare: Criticism: (b) Problem Plays 77
The State of the Art 76
Recensione di Maria Del Sapio Garbero (ed.) Rome in Shakespeare’s World (Roma: Storia e Letteratura, 2018) 76
Giulio Cesare, la vipera, l’Inghilterra 75
Julius Caesar, Translatio Imperii and Tyranny in Jasper Fisher’s Fuimus Troes 74
Review of Miryana Dimitrova, Julius Caesar’s Self-Created Image and Its Dramatic Afterlife, London: Bloomsbury, 2018, pp. x, 236, ISBN: 9781474245753, £85 74
Review of Shakespeare’s Romeo e Giulietta (directed by Gigi Proietti) at the Silvano Toti Globe Theatre, Rome, Italy, 21 July 2013 73
Review of Patrick Gray, Shakespeare and the Fall of the Roman Republic: Selfhood, Stoicism and Civil War (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2018) 73
The Roman Civil Wars in the Anonymous Caesar’s Revenge 72
Annus mirabilis 1814-1815 70
Ariosto, Gascoigne e The Taming of the Shrew 69
Introduction. Ancient Rome and English Renaissance Drama 69
Thomas Kyd’s The Householder’s Philosophy and Cristoforo Landino’s Comento sopra la Comedia di Dante 69
"How many lets do hinder virtuous minds": intemperanza ed effeminazione in Caesar’s Revenge 65
Shakespeare: Visions of Rome 63
Roman Women in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries 62
Cesare “distruttore”: furor lucaneo e calcolo machiavellico 61
Margaret Cavendish and Julius Caesar 61
‘‘Questo non è un romanzo storico”: La Settimana Santa di Louis Aragon 60
Introduction 60
Recensione di F. Marucci, Storia della letteratura inglese. Dalle origini al 1625. Tomo II. Shakespeare (Firenze: Le Lettere, 2015) 59
Un nome, mille volti. Giulio Cesare nel teatro inglese della prima età moderna 54
Review of Freyja Cox Jensen, Reading the Roman Republic in Early Modern England (Leiden: Brill, 2012) 51
The Uses of Rome in English Renaissance Drama 48
Occasioni mancate: Ipazia nella letteratura italiana contemporanea 44
Lucanic Words and Machiavellian Deeds: Dreams and Plans of Destruction in Ben Jonson’s Catiline 43
Thierry and Theodoret, by John Fletcher, Philip Massinger and Nathan Field, edited by Domenico Lovascio 43
Storia, mito, logos. Giornate di studi 2009, 2010, 2011. Quaderni di Palazzo Serra 23 42
The State of the Art 41
Review of Curtis Perry, Shakespeare and Senecan Tragedy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020) 35
Review of Yasmin Arshad, Imagining Cleopatra: Performing Gender and Power in Early Modern England (London: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2019) 34
Unveiling Wives: Euripides’ Alcestis and Two Plays in the Fletcher Canon 15
Review of D. Freebury-Jones, Reading Robert Greene: Recovering Shakespeare’s Rival (London: Routledge, 2022) 9
Review of C. Paravano, Massinger’s Italy: Re-Imagining Italian Culture in the Plays of Philip Massinger (London: Routledge, 2023) 9
Review of M. Wagoner, Interruptions in Early Modern English Drama (London: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2022) 8
The Elder Brother, Virgil’s De apibus, and the Chronology of the Plays in the Canon of John Fletcher and His Collaborators, 1617–20 8
The Failure of the Classics in John Fletcher’s The Mad Lover 4
null 1
Totale 5.117
Categoria #
all - tutte 15.561
article - articoli 9.757
book - libri 1.315
conference - conferenze 319
curatela - curatele 1.155
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.015
Totale 31.122

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.119 0 0 0 0 0 126 277 95 173 271 152 25
2020/2021409 44 35 28 20 17 61 12 35 21 47 39 50
2021/2022778 22 53 27 81 31 73 40 178 83 72 25 93
2022/2023571 68 42 14 48 86 109 4 56 100 4 33 7
2023/2024320 22 54 23 19 26 26 35 14 14 11 9 67
2024/2025591 85 88 38 54 221 105 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.117