Background Providing high-quality healthcare has become a worldwide priority. One method of evaluating the quality of care provided is the investigation and analysis of nursing care models. In the last decade, the scientific interest on the phenomenon of missed nursing care (defined as any aspect of nursing care considered essential for the patient, but which is totally or partially omitted or postponed) has been largely increased. The interest aroused is mainly due to two reasons: the first is linked to have demonstrated, through rigorous international studies, the association of missed nursing care with the quality and safety of the healthcare delivered; the second reason is linked to ethical aspects of fairness in accessing and receiving healthcare. Most of these studies have been conducted in the field of adult inpatient health care, while little has been studied in the field of pediatric inpatient health care. Therefore, understanding how the quality of care is related to missed nursing care also in the pediatric area could contribute to the improvement of the quality of care provided globally. Objectives The specific objectives of this doctoral project are: 1) to investigate the relationships between missed nursing care in pediatrics and the characteristics of the nursing staff and the work environment; 2) explore in depth the dynamics of nursing decision-making that lead to the prioritization of nursing activities; 3) identify the elements on which it is necessary to intervene to reduce the missed nursing care phenomenon’s prevalence in the context of pediatric care. Methods The methodology is the multiple-method research study, which combines quantitative and qualitative methodologies to address the same phenomenon from different points of view. The quantitative phase (carried out to achieve the first objective of the doctoral project) was a secondary analysis of data derived from the conduct of the nurse survey of the RN4CAST@IT-Ped project. The convenience sampling of the project enrolled pediatric nurses and nurses operating in the pediatric wards of 13 Italian hospitals, to whom a specific questionnaire was submitted. Therefore, descriptive statistical and multiple univariate logistic regressions analyses were conducted, aggregating the cases by clinical area (medical area, surgical area, critical care area). The dependent variables analyzed were 13 missed nursing activities (according to the conceptual model of the Task Undone). In contrast, the independent variables were various aspects of the working environment and the personal and professional characteristics of the nurses enrolled (e.g. job satisfaction, skill-mix, burnout, etc.). The analyses have been adjusted for confounding factors, following what has already been done at the international literature level. The qualitative phase (carried out to achieve the second objective of the doctoral project) is descriptive qualitative research, carried out with the conduct of semi-structured interviews. The sampling was purposive through the recruitment of nurses and pediatric nurses operating in an Italian Pediatric Hospital. A thematic analysis was performed for the data analysis. From the comparative view of the results obtained by the two methodologies, it was possible to achieve the third objective of the doctoral project. Results For the quantitative phase, a total of 2238 compilations of the nurse survey were analyzed. The results, different for each area analyzed, allowed to identify the factors that can increase or decrease the risk of omission of the 13 single nursing activities. In the surgical area, the more nurses declare their intention to leave the job due to job dissatisfaction, the more they risk omitting the execution of some activities (Odds Ratio max=2.332). At the same time, recognized adequacy in staffing and resources of its operating unit appears to be a protective factor against the omission of these activities (Odds Ratio min=0.623). In the medical area, the more nurses declare a poor level of patient safety, the more they risk the omission of some activities (Odds Ratio max=2.305). At the same time, a positive collegial-nurse relationship is a protective factor (Odds Ratio min=0.751). Finally, in the critical care area, the greater depersonalization of nurses leads them to declare a higher number of omitted activities (Odds Ratio max=1,062), while the positive collegial-nurse relationship is, also in this case, a protective factor (Odds Ratio min=0.588). For the qualitative phase of the study, 20 pediatric nurses were enrolled, representing the three clinical areas investigated (medicine, surgery, critical care). The thematic analysis carried out identified four themes, composed of numerous sub-themes, representative of the experience of nursing decision-making during providing care to the pediatric patient: 1) The professional's value system; 2) Logistics, procedures, habits and behaviours; 3) The prioritization process; 4) The role of informal caregivers. The elements that emerged, on which it is necessary to work, to start the reduction of the missed nursing care phenomenon, are for all three areas: the improvement of the work environment; understanding and valorizing the role of the informal caregiver (as well as its inclusion in the care process); the integration of the analysis of the nursing prioritization and decision-making processes in the drafting the operating procedures; the consideration of the professional's value system which is specific to the pediatric area; the analysis of the physical, logistical and structural factors that influence the care delivery; and the increasing of the professional's well-being. Specific for the medical area is the decrease in the workload and the improvement of quality and safety of care. Conclusions In conclusion, it is necessary, in the standardization phases of health care processes and the implementation of projects to improve the quality of care, to take into account some “room for manoeuvre” that contemplate the individual peculiarities of the clinical environments. We must not apply a rigid standardization, which does not take into consideration the specific features of the pediatric setting and the health professionals who work there. Finally, it is absolutely necessary to proceed with the exploratory analyses carried out so far, to define with certainty what are the factors that imply an increased risk of omission of activity in multivariate models, and also explore which factors related to patients impact on the nursing care omitted and how the missed nursing care impact on patient outcomes.
Background Erogare un’assistenza sanitaria di elevata qualità è diventata una priorità a livello mondiale. Un metodo di valutazione della qualità assistenziale erogata è l’investigazione e l’analisi dei modelli di assistenza infermieristica. Nell’ultima decade, ha riscosso grandissimo interesse a livello scientifico il fenomeno delle cure infermieristiche compromesse, definite come qualsiasi aspetto dell’assistenza infermieristica considerato indispensabile per il paziente, ma che viene del tutto o in parte omesso o posticipato. L’interesse suscitato si deve essenzialmente a due motivazioni: la prima è legata all’aver dimostrato, attraverso studi internazionali rigorosi, l’associazione delle cure infermieristiche compromesse con la qualità e la sicurezza dell’assistenza sanitaria erogata; la seconda motivazione, invece, è legata ad aspetti etici di equità di accesso ed erogazione dell’assistenza sanitaria. La maggior parte di questi studi sono stati condotti nell’ambito dell’assistenza sanitaria al paziente adulto, mentre poco è stato studiato nell’ambito dell’assistenza sanitaria al paziente pediatrico. Quindi, comprendere come la qualità assistenziale sia correlata alle cure infermieristiche compromesse anche in ambito pediatrico, potrebbe contribuire al miglioramento della qualità assistenziale erogata a livello globale. Obiettivi Gli obiettivi specifici del presente progetto di dottorato sono: 1) investigare la relazione tra le cure infermieristiche compromesse in pediatria e le caratteristiche dello staff infermieristico e dell’ambiente di lavoro; 2) esplorare in profondità le dinamiche di decision-making infermieristico che portano alla prioritizzazione delle attività infermieristiche; 3) identificare gli elementi su cui è necessario intervenire per ridurre il verificarsi del fenomeno di omissione di attività infermieristiche nell’ambito dell’assistenza pediatrica. Metodi La metodologia utilizzata è quella del multiple-method research study, che accosta metodologie quantitative e qualitative per affrontare da diversi punti di vista uno stesso fenomeno oggetto di studio. La fase quantitativa (svolta ai fini del raggiungimento del primo obiettivo del progetto dottorale) è stata un’analisi secondaria di dati derivati dalla conduzione della survey infermiere del progetto RN4CAST@IT-Ped. Il campionamento del progetto è stato di convenienza e sono stati arruolati infermieri e infermieri pediatrici operanti nelle unità operative di pediatria di 13 Ospedali Italiani, ai quali è stato sottoposto uno specifico questionario. Sono state, quindi, condotte analisi di statistica descrittiva e multiple regressioni logistiche univariate, suddividendo i casi per area clinica di appartenenza (area medica, area chirurgica, area critica). Le variabili dipendenti analizzate corrispondevano a 13 cure infermieristiche compromesse (secondo il modello concettuale delle Task Undone), mentre le variabili indipendenti corrispondevano a vari aspetti dell’ambiente lavorativo e delle caratteristiche personali e professionali degli infermieri arruolati (es. soddisfazione lavorativa, skill-mix, burnout, ecc.). Le analisi sono state aggiustate per fattori confondenti, ricalcando quanto già svolto a livello di letteratura internazionale. La fase qualitativa (svolta per raggiungere il secondo obiettivo del progetto dottorale) è una ricerca qualitativa descrittiva, svolta con la conduzione di interviste semi-strutturate. Il campionamento effettuato è stato a scelta ragionata, attraverso l’arruolamento di infermieri e infermieri pediatrici operanti all’interno di un’Azienda Ospedaliera Pediatrica del territorio italiano. Per l’analisi dei dati è stata svolta un’analisi tematica. Dalla visione comparata dei risultati ottenuti dalle due metodologie è stato possibile raggiungere il terzo obiettivo del progetto dottorale. Risultati Per la fase quantitativa sono state analizzate un totale di 2238 compilazioni della survey infermiere. I risultati, differenti per ogni area analizzata, hanno permesso di identificare i fattori che possono aumentare o diminuire il rischio di omissione delle singole attività infermieristiche. In area chirurgica, tanto più gli infermieri dichiarano di voler abbandonare il proprio posto di lavoro a causa dell’insoddisfazione lavorativa, tanto più rischiano di omettere l’esecuzione di alcune attività (Odds Ratio max=2,332), mentre una riconosciuta adeguatezza nello staffing e nelle risorse della propria unità operativa risulta essere un fattore protettivo dall’omissione di attività (Odds Ratio min=0,623). In area medica, tanto più gli infermieri dichiarano un livello scadente di sicurezza del paziente, tanto più rischiano l’omissione di alcune attività (Odds Ratio max=2,305), mentre una relazione medico-infermieristica positiva è un fattore protettivo (Odds Ratio min=0,751). Infine, in area critica, la maggiore depersonalizzazione degli infermieri li induce a dichiarare un maggior numero di attività omesse (Odds Ratio max=1,062), mentre la relazione medico-infermieristica positiva è, anche in questo caso, un fattore protettivo (Odds Ratio min=0,588). Per la fase qualitativa dello studio sono stati arruolati 20 infermieri pediatrici, rappresentati le tre aree cliniche indagate (medicina, chirurgia, area critica). L’analisi tematica svolta ha permesso di identificare quattro temi, composti da numerosi sotto-temi, rappresentativi dell’esperienza di decision-making infermieristico durante l’assistenza al paziente pediatrico: 1) Il sistema valoriale del professionista; 2) Logistica, procedure, abitudini e comportamenti; 3) Il processo di prioritizzazione; 4) Il ruolo dei caregivers informali. Gli elementi emersi, sui quali è necessario lavorare, per orientarsi alla riduzione del fenomeno delle cure infermieristiche compromesse sono: per tutte e tre le aree il miglioramento dell’ambiente lavorativo; la comprensione e valorizzazione del ruolo del caregiver informale (nonché la sua inclusione nel processo assistenziale); l’inclusione dell’analisi dei processi di prioritizzazione e di decision-making infermieristico nella stesura delle procedure operative; la considerazione del sistema valoriale dei professionisti che è specifico per l’area pediatrica; l’analisi dei fattori fisici, logistici e strutturali che influenzano l’erogazione assistenziale; l’aumento del benessere del professionista per l’area chirurgica e l’area critica; l’aumento del benessere del professionista, la diminuzione del carico di lavoro, il miglioramento di qualità e sicurezza per l’area medica. Conclusioni In conclusione, è necessario, nelle fasi di standardizzazione dei processi assistenziali sanitari e nell’implementazione di progetti di miglioramento della qualità assistenziale, prevedere dei «margini di azione» che tengano in considerazione le singole peculiarità degli ambienti clinici. Non bisogna rivolgersi a una standardizzazione rigida, che non tenga in considerazione le peculiarità specifiche del setting pediatrico e dei professionisti sanitari che vi operano. Infine, è assolutamente necessario procedere con le analisi esplorative fin qui condotte, per definire con certezza quali sono i fattori che implicano un aumentato rischio di omissione di attività nei modelli multivariati, ed esplorare altresì, quali fattori legati ai pazienti impattano sulle cure infermieristiche compromesse e come queste ultime impattino sugli esiti sui pazienti.
Un modello di predittività delle Cure Infermieristiche Compromesse in ambito pediatrico: a multiple method research study
Background Providing high-quality healthcare has become a worldwide priority. One method of evaluating the quality of care provided is the investigation and analysis of nursing care models. In the last decade, the scientific interest on the phenomenon of missed nursing care (defined as any aspect of nursing care considered essential for the patient, but which is totally or partially omitted or postponed) has been largely increased. The interest aroused is mainly due to two reasons: the first is linked to have demonstrated, through rigorous international studies, the association of missed nursing care with the quality and safety of the healthcare delivered; the second reason is linked to ethical aspects of fairness in accessing and receiving healthcare. Most of these studies have been conducted in the field of adult inpatient health care, while little has been studied in the field of pediatric inpatient health care. Therefore, understanding how the quality of care is related to missed nursing care also in the pediatric area could contribute to the improvement of the quality of care provided globally. Objectives The specific objectives of this doctoral project are: 1) to investigate the relationships between missed nursing care in pediatrics and the characteristics of the nursing staff and the work environment; 2) explore in depth the dynamics of nursing decision-making that lead to the prioritization of nursing activities; 3) identify the elements on which it is necessary to intervene to reduce the missed nursing care phenomenon’s prevalence in the context of pediatric care. Methods The methodology is the multiple-method research study, which combines quantitative and qualitative methodologies to address the same phenomenon from different points of view. The quantitative phase (carried out to achieve the first objective of the doctoral project) was a secondary analysis of data derived from the conduct of the nurse survey of the RN4CAST@IT-Ped project. The convenience sampling of the project enrolled pediatric nurses and nurses operating in the pediatric wards of 13 Italian hospitals, to whom a specific questionnaire was submitted. Therefore, descriptive statistical and multiple univariate logistic regressions analyses were conducted, aggregating the cases by clinical area (medical area, surgical area, critical care area). The dependent variables analyzed were 13 missed nursing activities (according to the conceptual model of the Task Undone). In contrast, the independent variables were various aspects of the working environment and the personal and professional characteristics of the nurses enrolled (e.g. job satisfaction, skill-mix, burnout, etc.). The analyses have been adjusted for confounding factors, following what has already been done at the international literature level. The qualitative phase (carried out to achieve the second objective of the doctoral project) is descriptive qualitative research, carried out with the conduct of semi-structured interviews. The sampling was purposive through the recruitment of nurses and pediatric nurses operating in an Italian Pediatric Hospital. A thematic analysis was performed for the data analysis. From the comparative view of the results obtained by the two methodologies, it was possible to achieve the third objective of the doctoral project. Results For the quantitative phase, a total of 2238 compilations of the nurse survey were analyzed. The results, different for each area analyzed, allowed to identify the factors that can increase or decrease the risk of omission of the 13 single nursing activities. In the surgical area, the more nurses declare their intention to leave the job due to job dissatisfaction, the more they risk omitting the execution of some activities (Odds Ratio max=2.332). At the same time, recognized adequacy in staffing and resources of its operating unit appears to be a protective factor against the omission of these activities (Odds Ratio min=0.623). In the medical area, the more nurses declare a poor level of patient safety, the more they risk the omission of some activities (Odds Ratio max=2.305). At the same time, a positive collegial-nurse relationship is a protective factor (Odds Ratio min=0.751). Finally, in the critical care area, the greater depersonalization of nurses leads them to declare a higher number of omitted activities (Odds Ratio max=1,062), while the positive collegial-nurse relationship is, also in this case, a protective factor (Odds Ratio min=0.588). For the qualitative phase of the study, 20 pediatric nurses were enrolled, representing the three clinical areas investigated (medicine, surgery, critical care). The thematic analysis carried out identified four themes, composed of numerous sub-themes, representative of the experience of nursing decision-making during providing care to the pediatric patient: 1) The professional's value system; 2) Logistics, procedures, habits and behaviours; 3) The prioritization process; 4) The role of informal caregivers. The elements that emerged, on which it is necessary to work, to start the reduction of the missed nursing care phenomenon, are for all three areas: the improvement of the work environment; understanding and valorizing the role of the informal caregiver (as well as its inclusion in the care process); the integration of the analysis of the nursing prioritization and decision-making processes in the drafting the operating procedures; the consideration of the professional's value system which is specific to the pediatric area; the analysis of the physical, logistical and structural factors that influence the care delivery; and the increasing of the professional's well-being. Specific for the medical area is the decrease in the workload and the improvement of quality and safety of care. Conclusions In conclusion, it is necessary, in the standardization phases of health care processes and the implementation of projects to improve the quality of care, to take into account some “room for manoeuvre” that contemplate the individual peculiarities of the clinical environments. We must not apply a rigid standardization, which does not take into consideration the specific features of the pediatric setting and the health professionals who work there. Finally, it is absolutely necessary to proceed with the exploratory analyses carried out so far, to define with certainty what are the factors that imply an increased risk of omission of activity in multivariate models, and also explore which factors related to patients impact on the nursing care omitted and how the missed nursing care impact on patient outcomes.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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