The article examines the terrible events that, in the month of August of the year 2014, affected the people of the Yazidis, an ancient ethnic-religious minority allocated by thousands of years in the northern regions of Iraq. The persecution carried out by terrorist militias of the group known as the Islamic State causes the extermination of those who are not prone to convert to Islam. Women are enslaved and subjected to continuous rapes and heinous violence. In approximating a reality long remained ignored and marginal within the international political debate, the article considers characters and ruinous effects of (pseudo-)religious fanaticism, spread in recent years not only in the Middle East. In opposition to the forms of destruction and self-destruction inherent in any terrorism fueled by dogmatic and fundamentalist conceptions of the human being and the world, a transcultural vision of civil society is proposed, to safeguard identity and autonomy of each culture.
L’articolo prende in esame i drammatici fatti accaduti a partire dal mese di agosto dell’anno 2014 al popolo degli Yazidi, un’antica minoranza etnico-religiosa presente da migliaia di anni nelle regioni settentrionali dell’Iraq. La persecuzione attuata dalle milizie terroristiche del gruppo conosciuto come Stato Islamico provoca lo sterminio di quanti non sono disposti a convertirsi alla religione islamica. Le donne, ridotte in schiavitù, sono vittime di stupri ripetuti e violenze inaudite. Nell’approssimare una realtà rimasta a lungo ignorata e marginale all’interno del dibattito politico internazionale, il contributo intende considerare i caratteri e gli effetti esiziali del fanatismo (pseudo-)religioso diffusosi negli ultimi anni non soltanto in Medioriente. In opposizione alle forme di distruzione e autodistruzione proprie di ogni terrorismo alimentato da concezioni dogmatiche e integraliste dell’uomo e del mondo, si popone una visione transculturale della convivenza civile, posta a salvaguardia dell’identità e dell’autonomia di ciascuna cultura.
Yazidi: il massacro di un popolo. La pedagogia di fronte ai silenzi della storia
The article examines the terrible events that, in the month of August of the year 2014, affected the people of the Yazidis, an ancient ethnic-religious minority allocated by thousands of years in the northern regions of Iraq. The persecution carried out by terrorist militias of the group known as the Islamic State causes the extermination of those who are not prone to convert to Islam. Women are enslaved and subjected to continuous rapes and heinous violence. In approximating a reality long remained ignored and marginal within the international political debate, the article considers characters and ruinous effects of (pseudo-)religious fanaticism, spread in recent years not only in the Middle East. In opposition to the forms of destruction and self-destruction inherent in any terrorism fueled by dogmatic and fundamentalist conceptions of the human being and the world, a transcultural vision of civil society is proposed, to safeguard identity and autonomy of each culture.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.