During the 17th century an intense debate about the naval rearmament of the Republic of Genoa developed in its leading class. The proponents of this political line were hoping for a return to the maritime power held in the past centuries, through the institution of new armaments capable of restoring the Republic's position among the main naval forces of the Mediterranean Sea, in open opposition to Spain and the oligarchs mostly bound to it. Although it did not lead to any actual results, also owing to the ostility of major powers such as Spain and France towards any rearmament plan, this debate, partly begun in the second half of the 16th century, still had its impact on the Genoese politic of the 17th century. In this site are retraced some of the main milestones of the political struggle between the proponents of the return to the sea and their opponents, and are also presented some sixteenth-century literary works by the poet Paolo Foglietta and some extracts from Il genio ligure risvegliato by Gio. Bernardo Veneroso, so as to concretely expose the underlying ideas behind the proposals and attempts of naval rearmament, also paying attention to the sixteenth-century precedents.
Nel corso del Seicento si sviluppò, all’interno del ceto dirigente della Repubblica di Genova, un intenso dibattito a proposito del riarmo navale. In particolare, i fautori di questa linea politica auspicavano il ritorno alla potenza marittima dei secoli passati, con l’istituzione di armamenti in grado di riportare Genova nel novero delle principali potenze navali mediterranee, in aperta opposizione alla Spagna e agli oligarchi ad essa maggiormente legati. Questo dibattito, anticipato per alcuni aspetti già nella seconda metà del Cinquecento, non portò alla fine a risultati concreti, vista anche l’ostilità di grandi potenze come Spagna e Francia nei confronti dei progetti di riarmo, ma segnò comunque, almeno in parte, la politica genovese del XVII secolo. In questa sede si ripercorrono alcune delle tappe principali della battaglia politica tra i fautori del ritorno al mare e i loro avversari e si presentano alcuni testi cinquecenteschi, opera del poeta Paolo Foglietta, e brani tratti da Il genio ligure risvegliato di Gio. Bernardo Veneroso, in modo da esporre concretamente le idee alla base delle proposte e dei tentativi di riarmo navale, con un’attenzione anche per i precedenti del Cinquecento.
Il ritorno al mare. Dibattito politico e letteratura sul riarmo navale a Genova tra il XVI e il XVII secolo
Giorgio Toso
During the 17th century an intense debate about the naval rearmament of the Republic of Genoa developed in its leading class. The proponents of this political line were hoping for a return to the maritime power held in the past centuries, through the institution of new armaments capable of restoring the Republic's position among the main naval forces of the Mediterranean Sea, in open opposition to Spain and the oligarchs mostly bound to it. Although it did not lead to any actual results, also owing to the ostility of major powers such as Spain and France towards any rearmament plan, this debate, partly begun in the second half of the 16th century, still had its impact on the Genoese politic of the 17th century. In this site are retraced some of the main milestones of the political struggle between the proponents of the return to the sea and their opponents, and are also presented some sixteenth-century literary works by the poet Paolo Foglietta and some extracts from Il genio ligure risvegliato by Gio. Bernardo Veneroso, so as to concretely expose the underlying ideas behind the proposals and attempts of naval rearmament, also paying attention to the sixteenth-century precedents.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.