Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 905
Totale 905
Nazione #
IT - Italia 905
Totale 905
Città #
Genoa 298
Vado Ligure 296
Rapallo 206
Genova 96
Bordighera 9
Totale 905
Nome #
null 44
Fairness of CEO Compensation. A multi‑faceted and multi‑cultural framework to structure executive pay” by M.A. Eklund (Springer, 2019) 44
Financial ratios, corporate governance and bank-firm information: A Bayesian approach to predict SMEs’ default 41
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Family Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of TMT Identity-based and Knowledge-based Faultlines 40
null 39
null 36
Finance for Social Innovation in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries 30
Family ownership concentration and firm internationalization: integrating principal-principal and socioemotional wealth perspectives 29
Finance in family business studies: A systematic literature review 28
Family Firms as Prominent Investment Organizations of Social Finance: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Family Foundations 28
Il contesto culturale negli studi empirici su natura familiare e performance economico-finanziarie 28
Does One Size Fit All? A Configurational Approach to Board Effectiveness in Limiting the Excess Cash 26
Beyond banks’ capitalization: What affects the credit lines? 25
La corporate governance nelle piccole e medie imprese. Quali configurazioni per la creazione di valore? 25
Cultural variables as conceptual moderators in family involvement-performance relationship: a meta-analytic regression analysis 25
Sustainability and investor behaviour 25
Board Diversity in family firms. An analysis on performance 24
Estimating family firms’ survival probability: the role of corporate governance beyond financial ratios 24
Environment Social Governance tra passato e futuro: un’analisi bibliometrica della letteratura 24
Assetti proprietari e modelli di governance nel Sistema Moda Italia. Un’analisi sulle performance 23
Family and non-family firms' financial structure. The effects of financial crisis 22
Does family involvement foster or hinder firm performance? The missing role of family-based branding strategies 22
Il controllo della reddittività e della sostenibilità finanziaria: indicatori per la misurazione 22
I Sistemi di alert per le imprese del settore Moda: Un’analisi preliminare nel nuovo contesto normativo 22
Does FinTech credit affect firms’ cost of capital and capital structure? 20
Imprese familiari e performance: una meta-analisi degli studi empirici 20
Il piano industriale per l’analisi di fattibilità e sostenibilità di un progetto innovativo 18
Development Impact Bonds to overcome investors-services providers agency problems: Insights from a case study analysis 18
The conceptualization of environmental, social and governance risks in portfolio studies A systematic literature review 17
Il family brand nella comunicazione online. Un focus sul settore vino 17
How do ‘family affairs’ affect firm’s stock price? An application on an exploratory case study 16
Predictive Maintenance as a Driver for Corporate Sustainability: Evidence from a Public-Private Co-Financed R&D Project 16
La Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale nel settore finanziario: nuovi modelli di business per le Banche 4.0 16
How does corporate governance affect bank performance? The mediating role of risk governance 14
Women on board of directors and firm performance: the moderating role of female ownership. Empirical evidence from the Italian wine industry 13
Profiles of female leadership. The results of the She Business project 13
The use of positive language in equity crowdfunding pitches and fundraising success: the moderating role of punctuation 11
Women on bank boards and risk-taking: A cross-countries analysis on the moderating role of masculinity 10
Legami inter-organizzativi, innovazione e creazione di valore per le PMI. Il ruolo delle Associazioni Imprenditoriali 9
Nuove modalità di dialogo banca-impresa: il ruolo dei family asset 9
Le determinanti bank-specific e firm-specific dell’offerta di credito 9
How financial literacy moderates the relationship between qualitative business information and the success of an equity crowdfunding campaign: Evidence from Mediterranean and Gulf Cooperation Council countries 6
May board committees reduce the probability of financial distress? A survival analysis on Italian listed companies 3
How to attract professional investors in developing countries? An evidence-based structure for development impact bonds 1
Totale 971
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.322
article - articoli 5.385
book - libri 286
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.651
Totale 14.644

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/2022148 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 9 17 44
2022/2023264 37 47 0 9 36 31 4 11 56 2 21 10
2023/2024241 8 29 6 36 22 34 30 10 10 5 8 43
2024/2025318 8 55 7 23 134 91 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 971