100019 - Dipartimento di chimica e chimica industriale
An Insight into the Use of Polyethersufone Membrane as a Single-Phase Passive Sampler for Emerging Contaminants in Water
2022-01-01 Scapuzzi, C.; Mackeown, H.; Benedetti, B.; Baglietto, M.; Di Carro, M.; Magi, E.
An optimized processing method for polar organic chemical integrative samplers deployed in seawater: Toward a maximization of the analysis accuracy for trace emerging contaminants
2022-01-01 Benedetti, Barbara; Baglietto, Matteo; Mackeown, Henry; Scapuzzi, Chiara; Di Carro, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Applying the Green and Simple Moka-Pot Extraction to detect Performance Enhancing Drugs Via HPLC-MS/MS In Dietary Supplements
2024-01-01 Baglietto, Matteo; Castrignanò, Erika; Benedetti, Barbara; DI CARRO, Marina; Wolff, Kim; Magi, Emanuele
Assessing the potentialities of an easy-to-use sample treatment strategy: Multivariate investigation on “Moka extraction” of typical ingredients from dietary supplements
2024-01-01 Baglietto, Matteo; Benedetti, Barbara; Di Carro, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Assessing the potentialities of an easy-to-use sample treatment strategy: Multivariate investigation on “Moka extraction” of typical ingredients from dietary supplements.
2023-01-01 Baglietto, Matteo; Benedetti, Barbara; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Converting a Moka-Pot into a Green Extraction Tool for the Analysis of Performance Enhancing Drugs via HPLC-MS/MS in Dietary Supplements.
2024-01-01 Baglietto, M.; Benedetti, B.; Castrignanò, E.; Di Carro, M.; Wolff, K.; Magi, Emanuele
Detection of trace emerging contaminants in seawater by POCIS: optimization of the sampler processing to enhance the accuracy of the LC-MS/MS analysis
2022-01-01 Benedetti, Barbara; Baglietto, Matteo; Mackeown, Henry; Scapuzzi, Chiara; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Exploring the potentialities of a starch-based biodegradable polymer in white analytical chemistry: Study on the extraction of emerging contaminants from water samples
2023-01-01 Benedetti, Barbara; Mackeown, Henry; Baglietto, Matteo; Scapuzzi, Chiara; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
I capelli come matrice per l’analisi di composti organici in tracce: una miniera di informazioni incerte
2024-01-01 Baglietto, Matteo; Mackeown, Henry; Benedetti, Barbara; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Increasing chemical coverage, accuracy, and reproducibility of the processing method for polar organic chemical integrative samplers
2025-01-01 Baglietto, Matteo; Mackeown, Henry; Benedetti, Barbara; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Increasing the accuracy and the reproducibility of the processing method for polar organic chemical integrative samplers
2023-01-01 Baglietto, Matteo; Mackeown, Henry; Benedetti, Barbara; Cossu, Beatrice; Scapuzzi, Chiara; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Laboratory and field comparison of three different passive samplers to determine emerging contaminants in seawater
2022-01-01 Scapuzzi, Chiara; Mackeown, Henry; Benedetti, Barbara; Baglietto, Matteo; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Multivariate Optimisation of a HILIC-MS/MS Method to Quantify Both Polar Doping Substances and Legal Ingredients in Dietary Supplements
2022-01-01 Baglietto, Matteo; Benedetti, Barbara; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Passive sampling of emerging contaminants in water at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica)
2023-01-01 Magi, Emanuele; Scapuzzi, Chiara; Benedetti, Barbara; Mackeown, Henry; Baglietto, Matteo; DI CARRO, Marina
Polar licit and illicit ingredients in dietary supplements: chemometric optimization of extraction and HILIC-MS/MS analysis
2024-01-01 Baglietto, Matteo; Benedetti, Barbara; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Polyethersulfone membrane as a single-phase passive sampler for emerging contaminants in water
2022-01-01 Scapuzzi, Chiara; Mackeown, Henry; Benedetti, Barbara; Baglietto, Matteo; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Polyethersulfone membrane as a single-phase passive sampler: Evaluation of the sampling performance for emerging contaminants in water
2023-01-01 Scapuzzi, C.; Mackeown, H.; Benedetti, B.; Baglietto, M.; Di Carro, M.; Magi, E.
Sampling contaminants in the Ligurian Sea using a POCIS-like sampler with a novel polyester membrane
2022-01-01 Mackeown, Henry; Scapuzzi, Chiara; Baglietto, Matteo; Benedetti, Barbara; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
Target analysis of doping substances and tentative identification of unknowns in dietary supplements through HILIC-MS/MS
2023-01-01 Baglietto, Matteo; Benedetti, Barbara; DI CARRO, Marina; Magi, Emanuele
The anthropic impact on Antarctica: a biennial study on emerging contaminants’ occurrence
2024-01-01 Baglietto, Matteo; Mackeown, Henry; Benedetti, Barbara; Scapuzzi, Chiara; Cossu, Beatrice; Di Carro, Marina; Magi, Emanuele