Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.920
Totale 1.920
Nazione #
IT - Italia 1.920
Totale 1.920
Città #
Genova 1.478
Genoa 186
Vado Ligure 184
Rapallo 72
Totale 1.920
Nome #
Early developing syntactic knowledge influences sequential statistical learning in infancy 84
Social Network Limits Language Complexity 82
The bottleneck may be the solution, not the problem 80
Caregiver communication to the child as moderator and mediator of genes for language 76
General cognitive principles for learning structure in time and space 73
Language development and disorders: Possible genes and environment interactions 71
Similar neural correlates for language and sequential learning: Evidence from event-related brain potentials 70
Improved statistical learning abilities in adult bilinguals 69
Technology-Based Tools for English Literacy Intervention: Examining Intervention Grain Size and Individual Differences 69
Toward a new scientific visualization for the language sciences 68
Lexical Categories at the Edge of the Word 66
The secret is in the sound: from unsegmented speech to lexical categories 65
An empirical generative framework for computational modeling of language acquisition 63
Learn locally, act globally: Learning language from variation set cues 62
Implicit learning of non-adjacent dependencies 60
Language experience changes subsequent learning 59
The bilingual brain allows new insights and predictions on human capabilities. Comment on "The Bilingual Brain: Flexibility and Control in the Human Cortex" by Buchweitz and Prat 52
Book review of Mick Randall (2007). Memory, psychology, and second language learning 49
The potential contribution of statistical learning for second language acquisition 49
Is statistical learning trainable? 46
Phonology impacts segmentation in speech processing 45
Parental speech to typical and atypical populations: a study on linguistic partial repetition 43
Hand posture influences on space and language: Crossing the hands affects word order processing 41
Connectionist models of language processing 37
Local statistical learning under cross-situational uncertainty 36
The effects of learning on learning: Plasticity within infant and adult statistical learning 35
Statistical learning bias predicts second-language reading efficiency 35
Human language processing: Connectionist models 33
Generalizable distributional regularities aid fluent language processing: The case of semantic valence tendencies 33
Connectionism 32
Artificial Language Learning 30
Can prediction and retrodiction explain whether frequent multi-word phrases are accessed ’precompiled’ from memory or compositionally constructed on the fly? 30
Acquisition and evolution of quasi-regular languages: two puzzles for the price of one 28
Where do the arrows flow? Reply to Glenberg and Mehta 28
Corpus Based Methods 27
Fluency in native and non-native speakers 27
Perceptual Simulations of Temporal Uses of In and On in First and Second Language Processing 27
The effects of learning on learning: Plasticity within infant and adult statistical learning 25
Language-induced Biases on Human Sequential Learning 24
Extra-linguistic modulation of the English noun-bias: evidence from Malaysian bilingual infants and toddlers 24
ISA meets Lara: an incremental word space model for cognitively plausible simulations of semantic learning 22
Is Linguistic Priming From Multiple Speakers Stronger? 13
Is Syntactic Priming from Multiple Speakers Stronger? 10
Totale 1.998
Categoria #
all - tutte 8.153
article - articoli 5.405
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 1.233
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.515
Totale 16.306

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020772 0 0 0 0 0 103 178 85 118 168 106 14
2020/2021284 28 18 25 13 39 45 4 22 25 38 9 18
2021/2022370 10 24 2 32 8 15 30 97 44 42 18 48
2022/2023138 36 0 1 5 5 3 4 32 22 1 24 5
2023/2024105 7 22 3 6 14 0 1 4 5 6 3 34
2024/2025203 5 47 6 2 117 26 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.998