Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 504
Totale 504
Nazione #
IT - Italia 504
Totale 504
Città #
Genoa 236
Vado Ligure 235
Rapallo 32
Bordighera 1
Totale 504
Nome #
Updating working memory: memory load matters with aging 28
Long-term memory effects on working memory updating development 28
Content-context binding in verbal working memory updating: on-line and off-line effects 24
How sublexical association strength modulates updating: Cognitive and strategic effects 23
Benessere nei DSA tra stato emotivo positivo e attitudine positiva. 22
How do we update faces? Effects of gaze direction and facial expressions on working memory updating 22
Modulation of working memory updating: Does long-term memory lexical association matter? 21
Binding and content updating in working memory tasks 21
The role of memory updating in shallow native and opaque second language learning 21
Short-term training on working memory updating and metacognition in primary school: The effect on reading comprehension 18
Ruolo della memoria a lungo termine nella prestazione di memoria di lavoro in età evolutiva 18
Binding e aggiornamento dell’informazione in memoria di lavoro. 17
Cultural capital during pandemic emergency: Preliminary data on how pandemic changed adults’ attitude towards reading for pleasure 17
Aggiornare lettere e volti in memoria: Esistono differenze nell’invecchiamento? 16
Letter updating is related to reading fluency but not comprehension 16
Il ruolo dell’ampiezza e profondità del vocabolario nella comprensione del testo narrativo nella dislessia evolutiva. 15
Aggiornamento delle informazioni in memoria di lavoro: quali specifici meccanismi decadono nell’invecchiamento? 15
Redintegration cost in working memory binding updating. 15
Analisi diretta del processo di updating e della sua efficacia: confronto tra updating totale e parziale. 14
Age-related differences in the updating process for socially meaningful material; The case of human faces 14
Middle school children’s well-being is related to their study attitude 14
Working memory updating nella dislessia evolutiva: C’è differenza tra lettere e numeri? 14
Age-related differences in updating emotional faces. 14
Memoria di lavoro, ampiezza e profondità del vocabolario: Quale ruolo nella comprensione del testo? 14
How long-term memory lexical associations may affect working memory updating in children. 13
Pattern di sviluppo dell’updating in memoria di lavoro. 12
Working memory and long term memory: Updating associated words 10
Reading, writing and bilingualism: the impact of pandemic emergency on Italian primary school 8
The role of content-context binding in working memory updating 8
The longitudinal impact of COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: Literacy acquisition in low-SES/high-SES monolingual children, and low-SES bilingual children 7
Working memory updating and reading fluency in children: An inhibitory account 7
Working memory and vocabulary breadth and depth: How they contribute to explain reading comprehension 7
The Italian validation of the Stirling Child Well-being Scale 7
Working memory updating process is related to non-word reading fluency but not comprehension. 6
Totale 526
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.685
article - articoli 1.967
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 1.718
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 7.370

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2022/202361 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 15 0 40 0
2023/2024128 3 19 3 32 16 20 1 4 2 0 5 23
2024/2025337 25 37 21 15 104 41 38 52 4 0 0 0
Totale 526