100014 - Dipartimento di Scienze della formazione
A population level analysis of the gender gap in mathematics: Results on over 13 million children using the INVALSI dataset
2020-01-01 Giofrè, David.; Cornoldi, Cesare; Martini, Angela; Toffalini, Enrico
Attentional WM is not necessarily specifically related with fluid intelligence: the case of smart children with ADHD symptoms
2013-01-01 Cornoldi, Cesare; Giofre', David; Calgaro, Giovanni; Stupiggia, Chiara
Forward and backward digit span difficulties in children with specific learning disorder
2016-01-01 Giofre', David; Stoppa, Ernesto; Ferioli, Paolo; Pezzuti, Lina; Cornoldi, Cesare
Gender Differences in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children in a Large Group of Italian Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
2023-01-01 Giofrè, David; Toffalini, Enrico; Esposito, Lorenzo; Cornoldi, Cesare
Il MOQ-T: Un questionario per gli insegnanti di facile utilizzo per la rilevazione dei sintomi del disturbo della coordinazione motoria
2015-01-01 Giofre', David; Barbato, Laura; Cornoldi, Cesare; Schoemaker, Marina M.
Imaginative representations of two- and three-dimensional matrices in children with nonverbal learning disabilities
2011-01-01 Cornoldi, C; Ficili, P; Giofre', D; Mammarella, I. C.; Mirandola, C
Intuitive geometry and visuospatial working memory in children showing symptoms of nonverbal learning disabilities
2013-01-01 Mammarella, Irene C.; Giofre', David; Ferrara, Rosanna; Cornoldi, Cesare
The relationship among geometry, working memory, and intelligence in children
2014-01-01 Giofre', David; Mammarella, IRENE CRISTINA; Cornoldi, Cesare
Visuospatial working memory in children with autism: The effect of a semantic global organization
2014-01-01 Mammarella, Irene C.; Giofre', David; Caviola, Sara; Cornoldi, Cesare; Hamilton, Colin